Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:36


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Earth System Division/Director
Research Subject
Terrestrial Monitoring
Dr. Sc.
Professional Qualification(s)
Science,Earth Science,Biology
Environmental Speciality Field
terrestrial ecosystem,carbon cycle,canopy micrometeorology
Eddy covariance method,Net ecosystem CO2 exchange ,Long-term monitoring of carbon and water cycles ,FLUXNET,AsiaFlux,JaLTER
Mar 1993 Dr. Sc., Geophysical Institute, Tohoku University
Apr 1992 Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Japanese Junior Scientists, Tohoku University
Aug 1993 Research Associate, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Apr 1996 Research Scientist, National Institute for Resources and Environment
Oct 1998 Senior Research Scientist, National Institute for Resources and Environment
Apr 2001 Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Apr 2008 Chief, Office for Terrestrial Monitoring, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Apr 2013 Deputy Director, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Apr 2018 present post
Membership of Academic Society
Meteorological Society of Japan,Ecological Society of Japan,Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources (JSHWR) ,American Geophysical Union,Japan Geoscience Union
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26856 : Earth System Domain
    • 26859 : Earth System Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26874 : Satellite Observation Project
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26441 : Earth System Domain
    • 26450 : Earth System Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26459 : Satellite Observation Project
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25965 : Quantitative evaluation of natural and anthropogenic sinks and sources of greenhouse gases at global scale
    • 26005 : Earth System Domain
    • 26006 : Earth System Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26023 : Satellite Observation Project
    • 26149 : GHG budget estimation based on emission inventories, observational data, and biogeochemical models
    • 26351 : Large Ensemble Atmospheric and Environmental Prediction for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25498 : Climate Change and Air Quality Research Program
    • 25506 : Quantitative evaluation of natural and anthropogenic sinks and sources of greenhouse gases at global scale
    • 25538 : Earth System Domain
    • 25556 : Satellite Observation Project
    • 25655 : Earth System Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25677 : GHG budget estimation based on emission inventories, observational data, and biogeochemical models
    • 25855 : Large Ensemble Atmospheric and Environmental Prediction for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25096 : Low-Carbon Research Program
    • 25098 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 25104 : Global Environmental Research
    • 25113 : Long-term Monitoring and Database for Global Environmental Research and Supporting for Related Activities
    • 25122 : Satellite Observation Research Project
    • 25127 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 25128 : Study on Multi-scale Evaluation System for GHG Variation and Mitigation
    • 25140 : Evaluation of Ecosystem Functions and Services and their Sustainable Use
    • 25321 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 25455 : Large Ensemble Atmospheric and Environmental Prediction for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24693 : Low-Carbon Research Program
    • 24695 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24699 : Global Environmental Research
    • 24708 : Study on Multi-scale Evaluation System for GHG Variation and Mitigation
    • 24720 : Evaluation of Ecosystem Functions and Services and their Sustainable Use
    • 24745 : Long-term Monitoring and Database for Global Environmental Research and Supporting for Related Activities
    • 24754 : Satellite Observation Research Project
    • 24757 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 24804 : Development of an integrated observation and analysis system for monitoring greenhouse gas sources and sinks
    • 24888 : Terrestrial Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24291 : Study on multi-scale evaluation system for GHG variation and mitigation
    • 24303 : Evaluation of ecosystem functions and services and their sustainable use
    • 24315 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 24337 : Satellite Observation Research Project
    • 24340 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 24343 : Global Environmental Research
    • 24352 : Low-carbon research program
    • 24354 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24441 : Development of an integrated observation and analysis system for monitoring greenhouse gas sources and sinks
    • 24524 : Development of methodology for species and functional diversity assessment in Southeast Asian tropical forests using by high-resolution 3D monitoring technique
    • 24548 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 24590 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 24595 : Entrustment of Investigations for Information Platform on Adaptation to Climate Change.
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23825 : Evaluation of ecosystem functions and services and their sustainable use
    • 23837 : Study on multi-scale evaluation system for GHG variation and mitigation
    • 23845 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23858 : Satellite Observation Research Project
    • 23861 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23863 : Social Dialogue and Co-production Office
    • 23877 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 23906 : Development of methodology for species and functional diversity assessment in Southeast Asian tropical forests using by high-resolution 3D monitoring technique
    • 24056 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 24062 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 24135 : Development of the regional-scale assessment system of carbon dynamics in Bornean peat ecosystems
    • 24158 : Entrustment of Investigations for Information Platform on Adaptation to Climate Change.
    • 24163 : Development of an integrated observation and analysis system for monitoring greenhouse gas sources and sinks
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23399 : Study on multi-scale evaluation system for GHG variation and mitigation
    • 23408 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23413 : Evaluation of ecosystem functions and services and their sustainable use
    • 23440 : Satellite Observation Research Project
    • 23443 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23470 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 23588 : Development of the regional-scale assessment system of carbon dynamics in Bornean peat ecosystems
    • 23664 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 23666 : Development of methodology for species and functional diversity assessment in Southeast Asian tropical forests using by high-resolution 3D monitoring technique
    • 23678 : Integrated observation and analysis system for early detection of carbon cycle change globally and in Asia-Pacific region
    • 23682 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 23689 : Entrustment of Investigations for Information Platform on Adaptation to Climate Change.
    • 23714 : Study on an advanced estimation of carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems based on sensor-networks and automatic analysing systems
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22992 : Study on characteristics of GHG in the atmosphere and outlook of their future concentration
    • 23026 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 23223 : Integration of biodiversity and ecological data to the environmental information, and development of biodiversity assessment method
    • 23224 : Integrated observation and analysis system for early detection of carbon cycle change globally and in Asia-Pacific region
    • 23225 : Support for coordination core of earth observation activities about global warming
    • 23228 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 23249 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 23251 : Study on an advanced estimation of carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems based on sensor-networks and automatic analysing systems
    • 23252 : Development of the regional-scale assessment system of carbon dynamics in Bornean peat ecosystems
    • 23347 : A feasibility study for the development of an observation network targeting greenhouse gases and related materials and their budget in the Asia-Pacific
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22580 : Study on characteristics of GHG in the atmosphere and outlook of their future concentration
    • 22614 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 22638 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 22668 : Integration of biodiversity and ecological data to the environmental information, and development of biodiversity assessment method
    • 22669 : Support for coordination core of earth observation activities about global warming
    • 22670 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 22671 : Study on an advanced estimation of carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems based on sensor-networks and automatic analysing systems
    • 22675 : Capcity building for Asian terrestrial carbon budget moitoring network
    • 22677 : Promotion of Pasoh observation platform as a flagship site for Asian tropical ecosystems - Studies on impacts of climate change on resilience and vulnerability of biodiversity and ecosystem functions -
    • 22678 : Integrated research on the analysis of the carbon cycle estimation in Asia based on the strategic research roadmap for understanding the carbon cycle variation through model integration and earth observation satellite data.
    • 22682 : Integrated observation and analysis system for early detection of carbon cycle change globally and in Asia-Pacific region
    • 22851 : The potential of carbon sink/source of Japanese Forest soils
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22164 : Study on characteristics of GHG in the atmosphere and outlook of their future concentration
    • 22198 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 22230 : Development of a method for evaluation of ecosystem services aiming at trade-off mitigation between climate change prevention and biodiversity conservation
    • 22282 : Support for coordination core of earth observation activities about global warming
    • 22362 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 22390 : Development of advanced evaluation method for terrestrial CO2 budget by improving nitrogen-cycle processes
    • 22391 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 22392 : Integration of biodiversity and ecological data to the environmental information, and development of biodiversity assessment method
    • 22522 : Study on an advanced estimation of carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems based on sensor-networks and automatic analysing systems
    • 22538 : The potential of carbon sink/source of Japanese Forest soils
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21735 : Study on characteristics of GHG in the atmosphere and outlook of their future concentration
    • 21769 : Long-term Monitoring and database for Global Environmental Research and supporting for related activities
    • 21812 : Support for coordination core of earth observation activities about global warming
    • 21896 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 21909 : Drawing a research road map toward understanding carbon cycle changes by integrating global environment observational data and models
    • 21922 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 21923 : Integration of biodiversity and ecological data to the environmental information, and development of biodiversity assessment method
    • 21924 : Asia GEO Grid Initiative
    • 21925 : Development of advanced evaluation method for terrestrial CO2 budget by improving nitrogen-cycle processes
    • 21930 : Study on an advanced estimation of carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems based on sensor-networks and automatic analysing systems
    • 21936 : Development of a method for evaluation of ecosystem services aiming at trade-off mitigation between climate change prevention and biodiversity conservation
    • 22116 : The potential of carbon sink/source of Japanese Forest soils
    • 22138 : Development of GHG observation by GOSAT and its data analysis
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21284 : Study on characteristics of GHG in the atmosphere and outlook of their future concentration
    • 21327 : Long-term Monitoring and database for Global Environmental Research and supporting for related activities
    • 21360 : Development of a method for evaluation of ecosystem services aiming at trade-off mitigation between climate change prevention and biodiversity conservation
    • 21368 : Development of advanced evaluation method for terrestrial CO2 budget by improving nitrogen-cycle processes
    • 21372 : Long-term Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems and Promoting the Data Networking to Observe Carbon Cycles in Asia
    • 21373 : Asia GEO Grid Initiative
    • 21382 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 21394 : Support for coordination core of earth observation activities about global warming
    • 21404 : Development and maintenance of global environment database
    • 21643 : The potential of carbon sink/source of Japanese Forest soils
    • 21717 : Integration of biodiversity and ecological data to the environmental information, and development of biodiversity assessment method
    • 21724 : Research and Development for measurement technique of CO2 sink and emission by forest area
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 21025 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 21026 : Long-term Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems and Promoting the Data Networking to Observe Carbon Cycles in Asia
    • 21236 : Global environmental database
    • 21267 : Asia GEO Grid Initiative
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20650 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 20651 : Long-term Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems and Promoting the Data Networking to Observe Carbon Cycles in Asia
    • 20736 : Global environmental database
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20160 : Terrestrial Monitoring
    • 20168 : Long-term Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems and Promoting the Data Networking to Observe Carbon Cycles in Asia
    • 20295 : Global environmental database
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture