Latest Update:2024/08/31 11:05:16


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Japan Environment and Children's Study Programme Office)/Director
Research Subject
Adverse Health effects of environmental factors such as air pollutants
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
eivironmental epidemiology,epidemiology
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26809 : Health and environmental risk research field
    • 26829 : Research project on the health hazard assessment considering the real-life environment and vulnerability
    • 26877 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 26893 : Nationwide environmental epidemiological study quantified the health effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 components
    • 27035 : Research on Environmental Epidemiology
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26420 : Research project on the health hazard assessment considering the real-life environment and vulnerability
    • 26443 : Health and environmental risk research field
    • 26460 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 26487 : Nationwide environmental epidemiological study quantified the health effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 components
    • 26647 : Research on Environmental Epidemiology
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25973 : Research project on the health hazard assessment considering the real-life environment and vulnerability
    • 26008 : Health and environmental risk research field
    • 26024 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 26056 : Nationwide environmental epidemiological study quantified the health effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 components
    • 26290 : Research on Environmental Epidemiology
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25517 : Research on the health hazard assessment considering the real-life environment and vulnerability
    • 25540 : Health and environmental risk research field
    • 25557 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 25800 : Research on Environmental Epidemiology
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25123 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 25127 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 25146 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 25148 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24726 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 24728 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 24755 : Japan Environment and Children's Study
    • 24757 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 24940 : A study for acute effects of stroke and mortality caused by PM2.5 and coarse particle
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24309 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 24311 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 24338 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 24340 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24540 : A Study for Acute Effects of Stroke and Mortality Caused by PM2.5 and Coarse Particle
    • 24600 : Adverse health effects of PM2.5 component on pregnancy woman / fetus
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23817 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23819 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23859 : Japan Environment and Children
    • 23861 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23930 : A Study for Acute Effects of Stroke and Mortality Caused by PM2.5 and Coarse Particle
    • 24040 : Air pollution epidemiology
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23414 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23420 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23422 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23441 : Japan Environment and Children's Study
    • 23505 : A study of short-term exposure effect of fine ad coarse particulate matters (PM2.5 and Kosa) on cardiovascular and respiratory disease
    • 23514 : Air pollution epidemiology
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23029 : Japan Environment and Children’s Study
    • 23122 : Air pollution epidemiology
    • 23219 : A study of short-term exposure effect of fine ad coarse particulate matters (PM2.5 and Kosa) on cardiovascular and respiratory disease
    • 23280 : Japan Environment and Children's Study
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10120 : The model development of exposure assessment for epidemiological studies of traffic-related air pollution
    • 10126 : Association between air pollution and Heatlth-related Qualtiy of Life
    • 10134 : Association between Health-related Quality of Life and recycling behaviour
    • 10208 : Data analysis of an epidemiological study on the health effects of fine particles
    • 10209 : A survey for the promotion of participating in a Study On Respiratory disease and Automobile exhaust in Kanto and Chukyo areas
    • 10266 : Forecast and impact analysis of fine particles and photochemical pollutants in urban air environment
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9348 : Epidemiology and exposure assessment
    • 9600 : Data analysis of an epidemiological study on the health effects of fine particles
    • 9601 : A survey for the promotion of participating in a Study On Respiratory disease and Automobile exhaust in Kanto and Chukyo areas
    • 9621 : The model development of exposure assessment for epidemiological studies of traffic-related air pollution
    • 9628 : Association between air pollution and Heatlth-related Qualtiy of Life
    • 9630 : Association between Health-related Quality of Life and recycling behaviour
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 8984 : Epidemiology and exposure assessment
    • 9230 : Data analysis of an epidemiological study on the health effects of fine particles
    • 9232 : The model construction of exposure assessment for epidemiological studies of traffic-related air pollution
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8701 : Epidemiology and exposure assessment
    • 8855 : Data analysis of an epidemiological study on the health effects of fine particles
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8484 : Epidemiology and exposure assessment
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation