Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:28:17


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Regional Environment Conservation Division(Regional Atmosphere Research Section)/Head
Research Subject
Study on reaction processes relevant to trace reactive gas and aerosol species in the atmosphere
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
Atmosheric Chemistry,Aerosol Chemistry
Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5),Secondary Organic Aerosol,Environmental Chamber,Photochemical Oxidant
Brief Description of Research
Not input yet
2018- Head, Regional Atmospheric Research Section, National Institute for Environmental Studies
2014-2016 Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (Invited position)
2009-2010 Visiting scholar, CE-CERT, UC Riverside, USA (Invited position)
2001-2018 Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies
1999-2001 Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies
1996-1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
1996 D.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Membership of Academic Society
The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ),Japan Geoscience Union,Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology (JAAST),Japan Society for Molecular Science,American Association for Aerosol Research,Japanese Society for Atmospheric Environment,The Japan Society of Amospheric Chemistry
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26864 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26882 : Evaluation of molecular tracers for the quantification of anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol
    • 26883 : Exploring new indicators representing the hygroscopicity of atmospheric organic aerosol
    • 26894 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 26925 : A chamber study of production mechanisms for ozone and other air pollutants
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26453 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26473 : A study of multiphase chemistry of hydrogen oxide radicals relevant to tropospheric ozone formation
    • 26474 : None
    • 26475 : None
    • 26476 : Evaluation of molecular tracers for the quantification of anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol
    • 26477 : Exploring new indicators representing the hygroscopicity of atmospheric organic aerosol
    • 26488 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 26636 : Attempt to propose measures for regional air pollution by analyzing variable factors such as photochemical oxidants
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 26010 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26055 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 26061 : A study of multiphase chemistry of hydrogen oxide radicals relevant to tropospheric ozone formation
    • 26062 : None
    • 26063 : None
    • 26170 : Attempt to propose measures for regional air pollution by analyzing variable factors such as photochemical oxidants
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25611 : Structural elucidation of unstable organosulfates originating from a-pinene oxidation using CryoSpray ESI coupled to high resolution ion mobility mass spectrometry (timsTOF)
    • 25633 : A study of multiphase chemistry of hydrogen oxide radicals relevant to tropospheric ozone formation
    • 25634 : None
    • 25635 : None
    • 25652 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 25660 : Elucidation on regional and meteorological factors of photochemical oxidants and PM2.5 pollution
    • 25713 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25715 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25120 : Long-Term Monitoring for the Regional Air Quality
    • 25146 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 25169 : Studies on the formation mechanisms of low-volatile compounds in secondary organic aerosols
    • 25188 : New development on oxidant and aerosol studies employing new measurement methods for detailed HOx cycle analysis
    • 25193 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 25210 : Structural elucidation of unstable organosulfates originating from a-pinene oxidation using CryoSpray ESI coupled to high resolution ion mobility mass spectrometry (timsTOF)
    • 25237 : Model, field, and laboratory studies on source apportionment of anthropogenic and biogenic organic aerosol
    • 25434 : Elucidation on regional and meteorological factors of photochemical oxidants and PM2.5 pollution
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24726 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 24752 : Long-Term Monitoring for the Regional Air Quality
    • 24787 : New development on oxidant and aerosol studies employing new measurement methods for detailed HOx cycle analysis
    • 24788 : Study of formation and aging processes of biogenic secondary organic aerosol using real-time analysis method.
    • 24808 : Elucidation on regional and meteorological factors of photochemical oxidants and PM2.5 pollution
    • 24832 : Source apportionment of various toxicities by atmospheric organic aerosols
    • 24923 : Model, field, and laboratory studies on source apportionment of anthropogenic and biogenic organic aerosol
    • 24942 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 24948 : Studies on the formation mechanisms of low-volatile compounds in secondary organic aerosols
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24309 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 24322 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24379 : Elucidation of sources and mechanisms of organic nitrogen aerosol formation from plant terpenes
    • 24380 : New development on oxidant and aerosol studies employing new measurement methods for detailed HOx cycle analysis
    • 24381 : Study of formation and aging processes of biogenic secondary organic aerosol using real-time analysis method.
    • 24383 : Model, Field, and Laboratory Studies on Source Apportionment of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Organic Aerosol
    • 24386 : Source apportionment of various toxicities by atmospheric organic aerosols
    • 24456 : Studies on the formation mechanisms of low-volatile compounds in secondary organic aerosols
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23819 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23884 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 23891 : Study of formation and aging processes of biogenic secondary organic aerosol using real-time analysis method.
    • 23892 : Elucidation of sources and mechanisms of organic nitrogen aerosol formation from plant terpenes
    • 23893 : New development on oxidant and aerosol studies employing new measurement methods for detailed HOx cycle analysis
    • 23929 : Atmospheric behavior and toxicity study of particulate matters from un-regulated burning
    • 23950 : Development of measurement method of semi volatile primary aerosols by isothermal dilution at combustion sources
    • 24009 : Source apportionment of various toxicities by atmospheric organic aerosols
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23414 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23420 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23477 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 23499 : Development of measurement method of semi volatile primary aerosols by isothermal dilution at combustion sources
    • 23500 : Elucidation of sources and mechanisms of organic nitrogen aerosol formation from plant terpenes
    • 23507 : Atmospheric behavior and toxicity study of particulate matters from un-regulated burning
    • 23705 : New development on oxidant and aerosol studies employing new measurement methods for detailed HOx cycle analysis
    • 23709 : Improvement of a simulation model and emission data and evaluation of the aerosol volatilization characteristic for the improvement of the accuracy of PM2.5 forecast
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23004 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 23035 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 23058 : Study of reaction processes relevant to secondary organic aerosol formation
    • 23059 : Study on unknown VOCs related to photochemical oxidant formation
    • 23061 : Study of aqueous-phase chemistry of particulate organic nitrates formed from the photooxidation of viogenic volatile organic compounds
    • 23070 : Study of particulate matter emissions from direct injection gasoline passenger cars and latest diesel car and their atmospheric impact
    • 23071 : Development of measurement method of semi volatile primary aerosols by isothermal dilution at combustion sources
    • 23184 : Improvement of a simulation model and emission data and evaluation of the aerosol volatilization characteristic for the improvement of the accuracy of PM2.5 forecast
    • 23312 : Atmospheric behavior and toxicity study of particulate matters from un-regulated burning
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22592 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 22623 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 22635 : Study of particulate matter emissions from direct injection gasoline passenger cars and latest diesel car and their atmospheric impact
    • 22662 : A study of PM in urban atmosphere for reduction of PM and evaluation of toxicity and health impact of PM based on chemical compositions
    • 22690 : Study on unknown VOCs related to photochemical oxidant formation
    • 22692 : Study of reaction processes relevant to secondary organic aerosol formation
    • 22694 : Study of aqueous-phase chemistry of particulate organic nitrates formed from the photooxidation of viogenic volatile organic compounds
    • 22865 : Improvement of a simulation model and emission data and evaluation of the aerosol volatilization characteristic for the improvement of the accuracy of PM2.5 forecast
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22176 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 22207 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 22221 : Study on unknown VOCs related to photochemical oxidant formation
    • 22222 : Study of aqueous-phase chemistry of particulate organic nitrates formed from the photooxidation of viogenic volatile organic compounds
    • 22223 : Study of reaction processes relevant to secondary organic aerosol formation
    • 22254 : A study of PM in urban atmosphere for reduction of PM and evaluation of toxicity and health impact of PM based on chemical compositions
    • 22463 : Study of particulate matter emissions from direct injection gasoline passenger cars and latest diesel car and their atmospheric impact
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21747 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 21778 : Long term observatio of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 21816 : Improvements for the evaluation method of the origins of transboundary air pollution by single particle analysis
    • 21822 : A study of PM in urban atmosphere for reduction of PM and evaluation of toxicity and health impact of PM based on chemical compositions
    • 21828 : Study of reaction processes relevant to secondary organic aerosol formation
    • 21829 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21305 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 21336 : Long term observatio of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 21376 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 21377 : Laboratory study of aging of secondary organic aerosol formed from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons
    • 21381 : Study of reaction processes relevant to secondary organic aerosol formation
    • 21444 : Environmental Behavior and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosols
    • 21445 : Improvements for the evaluation method of the origins of transboundary air pollution by single particle analysis
    • 21495 : Real-time measurement of nitro organic compounds in diesel vehicle exhaust gases by using PTR-TOFMS
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20861 : Composition analysis of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidation of volatile organic compounds
    • 20862 : Laboratory study of aging of secondary organic aerosol formed from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons
    • 20875 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 20877 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20919 : Real-time measurement of nitro organic compounds in diesel vehicle exhaust gases by using PTR-TOFMS
    • 21050 : Environmental Behavior and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosols
    • 21052 : Improvements for the evaluation method of the origins of transboundary air pollution by single particle analysis
    • 21264 : Long term monitoring at CHAAMS and Fukue station to investigate the atmospheric change of emission and chemical compositions in East Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20424 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20607 : Environmental Behavior and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosols
    • 20610 : Composition analysis of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidation of volatile organic compounds
    • 20611 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 20612 : Laboratory study of aging of secondary organic aerosol formed from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons
    • 20766 : Real-time measurement of nitro organic compounds in diesel vehicle exhaust gases by using PTR-TOFMS
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20126 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20158 : Composition analysis of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidations of volatile organic compounds
    • 20384 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10503 : Composition study of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidations of dialkene hydrocarbons including isoprene
    • 10586 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 10613 : Composition analysis of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidations of volatile organic compounds
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10242 : Composition study of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidations of dialkene hydrocarbons including isoprene
    • 10319 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 10345 : Composition analysis of secondary organic aerosol produced during the photooxidations of volatile organic compounds
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9439 : Study on the formation of organic aerosol using aphotochemical reaction chamber
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 9068 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
    • 9104 : Measurements of spatial distribution of aerosols and their characteristics by ground-based and aerial observations
    • 9156 : Study on the formation of organic aerosol using aphotochemical reaction chamber
    • 9228 : Secondary organic aerosol formation from the photooxidation of toluene: Molecular composision study with HPLC-MS method
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8784 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
    • 8890 : Study on the formation of organic aerosol using aphotochemical reaction chamber
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8346 : Study on the formation of photochemical aerosol
    • 8580 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
  • Fiscal Year: 2001
    • 8047 : B-8 Studies on the Impacts on Air Quality by Reactive Atmospheric Trace-Species which Control the Oxidizing Capacity of the Atmosphere and the Sink Processes of Green House Gases
    • 8099 : Study on the formation of photochemical aerosol
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture