Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:28:16

TAKAMI Akinori

Researcher Name
TAKAMI Akinori
Div (Section) name/title
Regional Environment Conservation Division/Director
Research Subject
Observational study of atmospheric environment in East Asia
Professional Qualification(s)
Chemistry,Chemical Engineering
Environmental Speciality Field
atmospheric chemistry
Brief Description of Research
Air pollution is now borderless due to dramatic economic growth in the East Asian region. This could affect not only East Asia, but also North America and the whole northern hemisphere. Transport of air pollution is considered to cause global climate change as well as being a regional environmental issue. Through the measurement of trace gaseous species and aerosols, Dr. Takami studies their space and time distributions and their chemical transformation during transport, which forms a scientific foundation for tackling the environmental problems in this region.
 In collaboration with many other institutes and universities, NIES has conducted ground-based observation of air pollutants at the Cape Hedo Atmosphere and Aerosol Monitoring Station (CHAAMS) at the northern end of Okinawa Prefecture, where a aerosol mass spectrometer (Q-AMS), TEOM, a carbon monitor and a nitrate monitor were continuously operated.
 Dr. Takami is interested in particle formation, surface (heterogeneous) reaction, and chemical transformation of aerosols from laboratory to atmospheric scale.
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26806 : Co-designing oriented solution for local environmental problems to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26810 : Regional Environment Conservation Division
    • 26814 : Climate Crisis Research Initiative
    • 26836 : Study for sustainable society based on regional collaboration
    • 26837 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 26841 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26864 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26891 : Observational studies to evaluate the spatio-temporal distribution of ultrafine particles(UFP) and epidemiological and toxicological studies to evaluate their acute effects on olfaction and the central nervous system
    • 26892 : Evaluating long-term changes in aerosols and their radiative and climate impacts related to the Arctic climate
    • 26893 : Nationwide environmental epidemiological study quantified the health effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 components
    • 26894 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26404 : Co-designing oriented solution for local environmental problems to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26408 : Climate Crisis Research Initiative
    • 26425 : Study for sustainable society based on regional collaboration
    • 26426 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 26428 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26444 : Regional Environment Conservation Division
    • 26453 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26486 : Evaluating long-term changes in aerosols and their radiative and climate impacts related to the Arctic climate
    • 26487 : Nationwide environmental epidemiological study quantified the health effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 components
    • 26488 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25988 : Co-designing oriented solution for local environmental problems to develop sustainable regional society
    • 25990 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 25992 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26004 : Climate Crisis Research Initiative
    • 26009 : Regional Environment Conservation Division
    • 26010 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26053 : A study for aerosol in north pole regions and for the assessment of radiation related to the global warming
    • 26055 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 26056 : Nationwide environmental epidemiological study quantified the health effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 components
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25502 : Co-designing oriented solution for local environmental problems to develop sustainable regional society
    • 25523 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 25525 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 25541 : Regional Environment Conservation Division
    • 25587 : Climate Crisis Research Initiative
    • 25652 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 25653 : A study for aerosol in north pole regions and for the assessment of radiation related to the global warming
    • 25713 : Regional Environment Conservation Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25715 : Long-term monitoring of atmospheric environment in east Asian region
    • 25747 : Development of GOSAT-2 PM2.5 and BC product validation methodology applicable to an international observation network
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25108 : Regional Environmental Research
    • 25113 : Long-term Monitoring and Database for Global Environmental Research and Supporting for Related Activities
    • 25120 : Long-Term Monitoring for the Regional Air Quality
    • 25127 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 25146 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 25148 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 25192 : A study for aerosol in north pole regions and for the assessment of radiation related to the global warming
    • 25193 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 25295 : Development of GOSAT-2 PM2.5 and BC product validation methodology applicable to an international observation network
    • 25327 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
    • 25411 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24703 : Regional Environmental Research
    • 24726 : A study of Air Pollution Including PM2.5 and its Health and Toxic Effects
    • 24728 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 24745 : Long-term Monitoring and Database for Global Environmental Research and Supporting for Related Activities
    • 24752 : Long-Term Monitoring for the Regional Air Quality
    • 24757 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 24839 : Development of a multimedia model for predicting spatiotemporal distribution of hydrogen peroxide
    • 24940 : A study for acute effects of stroke and mortality caused by PM2.5 and coarse particle
    • 24941 : A study for radiative forces caused by black carbon and dust particle
    • 24942 : Emidemiological studies for chronic cough and particulate matter containing PAHs. 
    • 24975 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
    • 24997 : Development of GOSAT-2 PM2.5 and BC product validation methodology applicable to an international observation network
    • 25019 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24309 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 24311 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 24315 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 24322 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 24340 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 24346 : Regional Environmental Research
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24387 : Development of accurate hourly PM2.5 monitoring instrument
    • 24482 : Development of a Multimedia Model for Predicting Spatiotemporal Distribution of Hydrogen Peroxide
    • 24540 : A Study for Acute Effects of Stroke and Mortality Caused by PM2.5 and Coarse Particle
    • 24541 : A study for radiative forces caused by black carbon and dust particle
    • 24578 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 24600 : Adverse health effects of PM2.5 component on pregnancy woman / fetus
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23817 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23819 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23853 : Regional Environmental Research
    • 23861 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23884 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 23929 : Atmospheric behavior and toxicity study of particulate matters from un-regulated burning
    • 23930 : A Study for Acute Effects of Stroke and Mortality Caused by PM2.5 and Coarse Particle
    • 23931 : A study for radiative forces caused by black carbon and dust particle
    • 23933 : Development of a Multimedia Model for Predicting Spatiotemporal Distribution of Hydrogen Peroxide
    • 23950 : Development of measurement method of semi volatile primary aerosols by isothermal dilution at combustion sources
    • 24004 : Development of accurate hourly PM2.5 monitoring instrument
    • 24009 : Source apportionment of various toxicities by atmospheric organic aerosols
    • 24146 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 24164 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23414 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23420 : A study of air pollution including PM2.5 and its health and toxic effects
    • 23422 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23464 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
    • 23477 : Long-term monitoring for the regional air quality
    • 23499 : Development of measurement method of semi volatile primary aerosols by isothermal dilution at combustion sources
    • 23505 : A study of short-term exposure effect of fine ad coarse particulate matters (PM2.5 and Kosa) on cardiovascular and respiratory disease
    • 23506 : A study for the radiative forcing of black carbon
    • 23507 : Atmospheric behavior and toxicity study of particulate matters from un-regulated burning
    • 23735 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 23762 : Development of accurate hourly PM2.5 monitoring instrument
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23003 : East Asian Environment Research Program
    • 23004 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 23035 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 23066 : A study for the radiative forcing of black carbon
    • 23071 : Development of measurement method of semi volatile primary aerosols by isothermal dilution at combustion sources
    • 23115 : Development of the PM2.5 warning method with the combination of observations and numerical forecasts
    • 23178 : Biological and environmental monitoring for the conservation of mountainous forest ecosystem
    • 23190 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 23219 : A study of short-term exposure effect of fine ad coarse particulate matters (PM2.5 and Kosa) on cardiovascular and respiratory disease
    • 23312 : Atmospheric behavior and toxicity study of particulate matters from un-regulated burning
    • 23320 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
    • 23347 : A feasibility study for the development of an observation network targeting greenhouse gases and related materials and their budget in the Asia-Pacific
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22591 : East Asian Environment Research Program
    • 22592 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 22623 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 22662 : A study of PM in urban atmosphere for reduction of PM and evaluation of toxicity and health impact of PM based on chemical compositions
    • 22664 : An integrated study of aerosol/ cloud/ precipitation system in East Asia using obervation and model simulation
    • 22665 : Development of Seamless Chemical AssimiLation System and its Application for Atmospheric Environmental Materials (Project SALSA)
    • 22666 : A study of short-term exposure effect of fine ad coarse particulate matters (PM2.5 and Kosa) on cardiovascular and respiratory disease
    • 22667 : A study for the radiative forcing of black carbon
    • 22805 : Study on global multimedia fate and bioaccumulation to marine organisms of mercury
    • 22856 : Development of the PM2.5 warning method with the combination of observations and numerical forecasts
    • 22919 : The effect of particles from long-range transported air pollutants on occurrence of cardiovascular disease
    • 22920 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 22950 : Development of evaluation system for multiscale air quality change and analysis of change events
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22176 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 22207 : Long term observation of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 22251 : Development of Seamless Chemical AssimiLation System and its Application for Atmospheric Environmental Materials (Project SALSA)
    • 22252 : Evaluation of the BC reduction plan for the global warming
    • 22253 : An integrated study of aerosol/ cloud/ precipitation system in East Asia using obervation and model simulation
    • 22254 : A study of PM in urban atmosphere for reduction of PM and evaluation of toxicity and health impact of PM based on chemical compositions
    • 22255 : Evaluation of environmental influences induced by the mitigation methods of LLGHG and SLCP
    • 22340 : The effect of particles from long-range transported air pollutants on occurrence of cardiovascular disease
    • 22379 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 22464 : Development of the PM2.5 warning method with the combination of observations and numerical forecasts
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21747 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 21778 : Long term observatio of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 21816 : Improvements for the evaluation method of the origins of transboundary air pollution by single particle analysis
    • 21818 : Development of Seamless Chemical AssimiLation System and its Application for Atmospheric Environmental Materials (Project SALSA)
    • 21819 : Evaluation of the BC reduction plan for the global warming
    • 21820 : A study of the space distribution of number concentration of aeroson in East Asia and its variability
    • 21821 : An integrated study of aerosol/ cloud/ precipitation system in East Asia using obervation and model simulation
    • 21822 : A study of PM in urban atmosphere for reduction of PM and evaluation of toxicity and health impact of PM based on chemical compositions
    • 21829 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 22110 : The effect of particles from long-range transported air pollutants on occurrence of cardiovascular disease
    • 22118 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21305 : Evaluation of multi-scale air pollution by integration of observation and model
    • 21336 : Long term observatio of gas and aerosol at the Cape Hedo and the Fukue station for the regional air quality monitoring
    • 21376 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 21444 : Environmental Behavior and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosols
    • 21445 : Improvements for the evaluation method of the origins of transboundary air pollution by single particle analysis
    • 21447 : Development of Seamless Chemical AssimiLation System and its Application for Atmospheric Environmental Materials (Project SALSA)
    • 21448 : Evaluation of the BC reduction plan for the global warming
    • 21450 : A study of the space distribution of number concentration of aeroson in East Asia and its variability
    • 21451 : An integrated study of aerosol/ cloud/ precipitation system in East Asia using obervation and model simulation
    • 21595 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 21640 : Study on formation mechanism of ozone and secondary particles in Asian megacities
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20875 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 20877 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20991 : Study on formation mechanism of ozone and secondary particles in Asian megacities
    • 21047 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols
    • 21048 : Linkages biochemical cycles between surface ocean and lower atmosphere
    • 21049 : A study of physical and chemical properties of aerosols using an highly advanced method and updating the radiative code for the climate change simulation
    • 21050 : Environmental Behavior and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosols
    • 21052 : Improvements for the evaluation method of the origins of transboundary air pollution by single particle analysis
    • 21182 : Observational and modeling study of the high-ozone episode in northern Kyushu focused on the impact of ozone precursors
    • 21264 : Long term monitoring at CHAAMS and Fukue station to investigate the atmospheric change of emission and chemical compositions in East Asia
    • 21265 : Development of Seamless Chemical AssimiLation System and its Application for Atmospheric Environmental Materials (Project SALSA)
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20424 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20443 : Study on formation mechanism of ozone and secondary particles in Asian megacities
    • 20602 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols
    • 20603 : Linkages biochemical cycles between surface ocean and lower atmosphere
    • 20604 : A study of physical and chemical properties of aerosols using an highly advanced method and updating the radiative code for the climate change simulation
    • 20607 : Environmental Behavior and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosols
    • 20611 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
    • 20675 : Observational and modeling study of the high-ozone episode in northern Kyushu focused on the impact of ozone precursors
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20072 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols
    • 20074 : Linkages biochemical cycles between surface ocean and lower atmosphere
    • 20075 : A study of physical and chemical properties of aerosols using an highly advanced method and updating the radiative code for the climate change simulation
    • 20088 : Forecast and impact analysis of fine particles and photochemical pollutants in urban air environment
    • 20126 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 20270 : Observational and modeling study of the high-ozone episode in northern Kyushu focused on the impact of ozone precursors
    • 20384 : Study on dynamics of potentially harmful PM2.5 particle matters in the upstream region of Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10425 : Studies on the transport and transformation processes of aerosols and their precursors from East Asia
    • 10466 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols
    • 10506 : Effects of organic aerosols on cloud formation processes using the surface tension measurements
    • 10586 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
    • 10633 : Linkages biochemical cycles between surfae ocean and lower atmosphere
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10150 : Studies on the transport and transformation processes of aerosols and their precursors from East Asia
    • 10187 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols
    • 10319 : Development of Evaluation Methods of Atmospheric Environment in Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9403 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 9420 : Measurements of spatial distribution of aerosols and their characteristics by ground-based and aerial observations
    • 9645 : Studies on the transport and transformation processes of aerosols and their precursors from East Asia
    • 9680 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 8963 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols by using an impinging flow method
    • 9038 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 9068 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
    • 9104 : Measurements of spatial distribution of aerosols and their characteristics by ground-based and aerial observations
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8680 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols by using an impinging flow method
    • 8754 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 8784 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
    • 8820 : Measurements of spatial distribution of aerosols and their characteristics by ground-based and aerial observations
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8464 : A study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols by using an impinging flow method
    • 8536 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
    • 8580 : Research on the effects of organic aerosols on regional/global climate
  • Fiscal Year: 2001
    • 8047 : B-8 Studies on the Impacts on Air Quality by Reactive Atmospheric Trace-Species which Control the Oxidizing Capacity of the Atmosphere and the Sink Processes of Green House Gases
    • 8244 : Study of heterogeneous reactions occurring on and/or in aerosols by using an impinging flow method
    • 8297 : International collaborative studies on a wide-area air pollution of continental scale
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Chemical composition of aerosol in East Asia and its radiative impact
    Presenter : Takami A.
    Title : , Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosol (2009)
  • Presenter : Irei S., Akio Shimono, Toshihide Hikida, Koji Kuramoto, Yoshizo Suzuki, Takami A.
    Title : , Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14(1):406-412 (2014)
  • Presenter : Yoshino A., Takami A., Shimizu A., Sato K., Hayakawa K., Tang N., Inomata Y., Seto T., Nakamura H., Hara A., Odajima H.
    Title : , Report Series in Aerosol Science, Abstract Book of the 21th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmopheric Aerosols, (267):328-331 (2023)
  • Analysis of source apportionment and chemical transformation of particles in trans-boundary air pollution using high lateral resolution imaging SIMS
    Presenter : Sakamoto T., Ohishi K., Miura Y., Fujii M., Misawa K., Mayama N., Riese M., Kitatsugu K., Takami A., Irei S., Hatakeyama S., Yoshino A., Murano K., Mukaida T., Bandow H., Sadanaga Y.
  • Field study of PM2.5 and harmful substances to human health in aerosols at upwind areas of Japan
    Presenter : Kaneyasu N., Takami A., Sato K., Matsumi Y. (2013)
  • Field study of PM2.5 and harmful substances to human health in aerosols at upwind areas of Japan
    Presenter : Kaneyasu N., Takami A., Sato K., Matsumi Y. (2012)
  • Field study of PM2.5 and harmful substances to human health in aerosols at upwind areas of Japan-Pollution characteristics of the Northern Kyushu area viewed from PM2.5 year-round data, PAHs, quinones, and single particle analysis-
    Presenter : Kaneyasu N., Takami A., Sato K., Matsumi Y. (2011)
  • Aerial observation of aerosols and gases transported from East Asia in March-April, 2008
    Presenter : Hanaoka S., Hatakeyama S., Watanabe I, Arakaki T., Kawana K., Kondo Y., Sadanaga Y., Bandow H., Kato S., Kajii Y., Sato K., Shimizu A., Takami A.
    Title : , Nucleation and Atomospheric Aerosol, 833-836 (2009)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture
  • Long-term trend of PM chemical composition measured at Fukue Island, Japan
    Presenter : Takami A., Yoshino A.
    Name of Society : 2021 International Meeting on Characterization and Identification of Atmospheric Aerosols (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 10
  • Air Pollution Monitoring in Japan
    Presenter : Takami A.
    Name of Society : 第25回中国大気環境学会年会 (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 10
  • Effect-based Detection of Organic Chemicals in PM2.5 for Their Risk Management
    Presenter : Suzuki G., Michinaka C., Nakajima D., Furuyama A., Ito T., Sato K., Kondo Y., Fujitani Y., Takahashi Y., Yagishita M., Ramasamy S., Takami A., Fushimi A.
    Name of Society : 47th Myanmar Health Research Congress (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 21-25
  • Presenter : Takami A.
    Name of Society : The 24th Chinese Congress of Atmospheric Environment Science and Technology and the 2018 Annual Meeting (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Chemical compositions of aerosol particles measured at the west part of Japan(Okinawa, Nagasaki and Fukuoka) using Aerosyne Q-AMS and ACSMS
    Presenter : Takami A.
    Name of Society : Exploring Collaboration on AMS Reserch over the Northeast Asia (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Aerosol Chemical Composition Measured at the East China Sea Area using an Aerodyne aerosol Mass Spectrometer
    Presenter : Takami A.
    Name of Society : 10th UNU & GIST joint Programme Symposium (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 41-41