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Director Section

Job title Name Research Subject
Director TAMAOKI Masanori Study of environmental stress responses in higher plants and its application to environmental cleanup
Senior Principal Researcher YAMANO Hiroya Effects of environmental change on coastal ecosystems
[Concurrent post]
Senior Researcher
(Research Collaboration Division)
YAMAGUCHI Haruyo Studies on diversty of algae
Senior Research Associate TADA Mitsuru Kankyo cafe / Development of a Method for Social Dialogue and a Tool for the Communication of Science about the Harmonious Coexistence between Nature and Mankind
Research Associate Bao Sarina Impacts of changes in Marine life due to climate change on ecosystem services and society and adaptation options
Research Associate NAKANISHI Kosuke Integrated assessment of socio-economics and biodiversity and ecosystem services
Expert TOTSU Kumiko Database and disclosure of biodiversity and ecological information
Expert ODAKURA Midori Public relations
Expert ISHIDA Takahide Compliance with the access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing

Deputy Director Section

Job title Name Research Subject
Deputy Director AONO Mitsuko Clarification of the mechanisms in stress responses in plant and development of the methods in stress diagnosis
Expert TSUTSUMI Yoshimi Investigation and research work related to the flow of herbicide resistance genes

Biodiversity Assessment and Projection Section

We will conduct research on biodiversity evaluation and projection, as well as on the development of conservation methods.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head KADOYA Taku Relationships between land-use heterogeneity and spatial distribution of indicator species at global scale
Assessment of species extinction risk integrating spatio-temporal data
Chief Senior Researcher ISHIHAMA Fumiko Conservation genetic study on endangered plants
Spatial ecological study on factors determining distribution and exintinction risk of endangerend plants
Senior Researcher FUKASAWA Keita Connecting data and decision-making in ecosystem management using ecological models
Senior Researcher TAKEUCHI Yayoi Quantitative assessment of spatio-temporal changes and underlying processes in forest ecosystems and biodiversity in Asia
[Concurrent post] Senior Researcher (FRECC affiliation) YOSHIOKA Akira Biodiversity monitoring and evaluation for research on disaster environment
Senior Researcher FUKAYA Keiichi Statistical modeling of ecological community dynamics
Research Associate SHINODA Yushin Global-scale analysis of the effects of intensified agriculture on biodiversity
Research Associate VEGH Lea The effects of climate change on forest ecosystems and biodiversity in Japan.
Research Associate LIU Mengyuan  
Research Associate JOHN Jishaa Assessing the global impact of mining on biodiversity
Research Associate HAYASHI Masato  
Expert KUDO Hiroyuki Data development and spatial information processing for broad-scale assessment of biodiversity
Expert ZHAO Xuequn Development of tools and data processing for broad-scale assessment of biodiversity and impact of climate change
Expert SUMI Maya A liaison of the Collaborative Research Core on Biodiversity
Expert TANNO Yuki Model construction and data processing for broad-scale assessment of biodiversity and impact of climate change
Expert TERAYAMA Kana Development of wildlife monitoring networks
Research Assistant KATAYOSE Ryosuke The effect of lake thermal condition for fish distribution
JSPS Research Associate AOKI Satoshi Development of a genetic diversity measure for non-random samples
JSPS Research Associate KITAZAWA Munehiro Broad-scale and long-term assessment of bird diversity in agricultural landscapes
JSPS Research Associate TAKESHIGE Ryuichi Evaluation of resilience in human-disturbed Bornean tropical rainforests

* "FRECC" stands for Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center.

Ecological Risk Assessment and Control Section

We will conduct research on the assessment of risks threatening biodiversity and ecosystems and on the development of countermeasures.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head GOKA Koichi Ecological risk assessment of invasive alien species
Senior Researcher SAKAMOTO Yoshiko Integrated risk assessment of emerging infectious diseases of bees in Japan
Senior Researcher SAKAMOTO Hironori Study on development of preventive and control methods of invasive alien species
Research Associate SUZUKI Akihiko Detection and transmission risk assessment of pathogen from honeybees
Research Associate SEKO Yugo Assessment of behavioral responses of alien species to insecticide applications
Research Associate MORII Kiyohito Assessment of ecological impacts and possible invasion routes of alien species
Research Associate TAKAI Hiroki Ecological risk assessment and development of control methods for invasive alien species (mainly insects)
Expert HIRATA Takuma  
Expert ITO naoko  

Environmental Stress Mechanisms Section

We will evaluate the effects of environmental stresses, such as climate change/pollutants, on the functions and genes of living organisms, and research the adaptive mechanisms of the organisms.
Job title Name Research Subject
[Concurrent post] Head TAMAOKI Masanori Study of environmental stress responses in higher plants and its application to environmental cleanup
Chief Senior Researcher INOUE Tomomi Ecophysiology of wetland plants
Senior Researcher AKAJI Yasuaki Survival and growth pattern of tree species along environmental gradients
Expert FUJIMURA Tomoko Analysis of plant protein functions

Ecosystem Function Research Section

We will evaluate the structure and function of the ecosystem and research the methods for their conservation.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head MATSUZAKI Shin-Ichiro Freshwater biodiversity monitoring and conservation
Chief Senior Researcher FUKUSHIMA Michio Development of strategic environmental assessment technology and its application to watershed restoration
Chief Senior Researcher KAMEYAMA Satoshi Evaluation of watershed ecosystem services and its application for regional restoration
Senior Researcher YABE Tohru Ecosystem function of tideland and seaweed in shallow water
Influence of dominant phenomena due to invasive alien species on ecosystem function in shallow waters
Senior Researcher ANDO Haruko Adaptive evolution and ecosystem function of birds in island environments
Senior Research Associate UENO Ryuhei Fundamental study on chironomid faunae as indicators of long-term or short-term changes of environments
Expert Xinqiletu Evalution of ecosystem function and ecosystem services in the Satoumi area; the investigation and analysis related to adaptation planning support for climate change
Expert NAKAGAWA Megumi Kasumigaura long-term monitoring
UNEP GEMS / Water national center secretariat
Expert YOSHIBA Megumi Analysis of the long-term lake monitoring samples

Biodiversity Conservation Planning Section

We will conduct research on biodiversity conservation planning based on the evaluation of biodiversity/ecosystem services.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head OGUMA Hiroyuki Remote sensing of alpine line and coastal ecosystems
Chief Senior Researcher YOSHIDA Katsuhiko Theoretical study on ecosystem response to disturbances
Theoretical study on ecosystem evolution
Senior Researcher KUBO Takahiro Promotion of biodiversity conservation through changes in human behaviour
Research Associate ENDO Tomohiko Policy evaluation and integrated research on biodiversity conservation and wildlife management
Junior Research Associate HSU Chia-Hsuan Rsearch on behavioral change towards biodiversity conservation
Research Assistant OKAMOTO Ryotaro Development of ecosystem monitoring systems using machine learning
Research Assistant LIAO Jiajia Research on economic valuation of biodiversity and national parks
Research Assistant ONO Haruka Promotion of biodiversity finance in the private sector

Biodiversity Resource Conservation Office

We will promote research infrastructure related to biological resources and monitoring that will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head ONUMA Manabu Research on reproduction and genetic diversity in endangered species
Chief Senior Researcher TANABE Yuuhiko Algal bloom, algal diversity and its effective utilization, and streamlining of algal culture collection
Researcher KATAYAMA Masafumi Improvement of cell culture and preservation methods, and establishment of bio-resource in wild animals
Researcher NABESHIMA Kei Study on wildlife conservation / Establishment of a comprehensive pathogen detection method from wild animals and elucidation of virome and microbiome in wild animals
Specially appointed researcher KAWACHI Masanobu Research on the diversity of algae concerned with environmental issues and ecological importance, conservation of endangered algae, and culture collection
Expert OTA Shuhei Development of water quality monitoring technology for marine environment using bioassay
Imaging analysis of algae autophagy in stress environment
Expert SUZUKI Shigekatsu Analysis of eukaryotic algae related to environmental research genome and transcriptome
Expert MORI Fumi Cryopreservation of algal strains, and strain management
Expert ISHIMOTO Miwa Culture and preservation of endangered algae, and strain data management
Expert SATO Mayumi Establishment and maintenance of culture strains, and improvement of cultivation and preservation conditions
Expert KAWACHI Mary-Helene Noel Establishment and maintenance of culture strains, and improvement of cultivation and preservation conditions
Expert HONJYO Hisako Infectious diseases derived from wild animals, Parasite examination and specimens, Data management work
Expert TAKAHASHI Yumiko Endangered species genetic resources cryopreservation and data management of samples

Environmental Genomics Office

We will promote research infrastructure related to the acquisition and analysis of genetic information and its application for the evaluation/projection/conservation of biodiversity.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head KONDO Natsuko Biodiversity monitoring and assessment using environmental DNA analysis and genetic indicators
[Concurrent post] Senior Researcher (FRECC affiliation) ISHII Yumiko Studies of the radiocesium transfer in freshwater ecosystem and freshwater fish, Studies of relationship between fish diet and radiocesium transfer by DNA barcording
Senior Researcher NAKAJIMA Nobuyoshi Research on the effects of genetically modified plants on the biodiversity of plant populations
Expert SHINDO Tomomi Collection and maintenance of DNA barcode information and analysis of genetic diversity information
Expert MACHIZAWA Junko Collection and maintenance of DNA barcode information and analysis of genetic diversity information
Expert ITO Hiroshi Detection of biodiversity and analyses of population structure based on genetic variation
Expert NAKAJIMA Momoko Maintenance and management of Environmental Genomics laboratory
Expert FUKAYA Yuki Database and disclosure of biodiversity and ecological information

* "FRECC" stands for Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center.

Lake Biwa Branch Office

It is a joint laboratory under the Regional Environment Conservation Division and the Biodiversity Division and is based in the Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute (Shiga Prefecture). We will conduct research on the lake environment mainly for Lake Biwa.
Job title Name Research Subject
Head MABUCHI Kohji Fish biodiversity, habitat ecology and their conservation
Senior Researcher IKEGAMI Makihiko Ecological risk management and conservation based on biogeography
Senior Researcher SHIMOTORI Koichi Study on environmental evaluation and organic balance of bottom layer of lakes
Researcher SUEYOSHI Masanao Catchment management for resilient freshwater ecosystems
[Concurrent post] Head MATSUZAKI Shin-Ichiro Freshwater biodiversity monitoring and conservation
[Concurrent post] Head KONDO Natsuko Application of environmental DNA to monitoring of biodiversity
DNA barcoding of freshwater organisms
Research on the maintenance of insect diversity in urban parks
[Concurrent post] Senior researcher YAMAGUCHI Haruyo Studies on diversty of algae
Expert NISHIDA Kazuya Investigation and analysis on distribution of aquatic organisms and their habitats for conservation of biodiversity in the Lake Biwa Basin
Expert TAKASHIMA Ayaka Public relations for Lake Biwa Branch Office and development of research support databases
Expert NISHIO Yoshimi Research collaboration, research support, and public relations works at Lake Biwa Branch Office
Research Assistant KADONO Yuta Research support works at Lake Biwa Branch Office

Concurrent post of Divisions

Job title Name Research Subject
Head (Lake Biwa Branch Office) MABUCHI Kohji Fish biodiversity, habitat ecology and their conservation
Deputy Director (CCCA affiliation) NISHIHIRO Jun Monitoring of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems / Ecosystem based climate-change adaptation
Senior Researcher (CCCA affiliation) KUMAGAI Naoki Statistical modeling and inference on changes in the distribution pattern and mechanisms of coastal communities, particularly in macroalgal beds and coral reefs
Senior Researcher (CCCA affiliation) KOIDE Dai Analysis about changes in forest carbon budget according to environmental changes and evaluation of simulation results by process-based models
Researcher (FRECC) IKUSHIMA Shiori Study on environmental pollution by radiocesium excreted by wild mammals / Study on mechanism of antimicrobial resistance spread in wildlife community
Senior Research Coordinator
(Research Collaboration Division)
YAMAGUCHI Haruyo Studies on diversty of algae

* "FRECC" stands for Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center.

* "CCCA" stands for Center for Climate change Adaptation.

Biodiversity Collaborative Research Group

We have been working on biodiversity assessment and policy response based on strengthening the biodiversity observation network in the Biodiversity Division since April 1, 2021.
Job title Name(Affiliation)
Group Leader MURAOKA Hiroyuki
(Center for Environmental and Societal Sustainability, Gifu University)
member KADOYA Taku (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member ISHIHAMA Fumiko (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member FUKASAWA Keita (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member TAKEUCHI Yayoi (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member KONDO Natsuko (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member MATSUZAKI Shin-Ichiro (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member ONUMA Manabu (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member FUKAYA Keiichi (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member YAMANO Hiroya (Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member YOSHIOKA Akira (Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center / Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member NISHIHIRO Jun (Center for Climate change Adaptation / Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member KUMAGAI Naoki (Center for Climate change Adaptation / Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member KOIDE Dai (Center for Climate change Adaptation / Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member IKEGAMI Makihiko (Lake Biwa Branch Office / Biodiversity Division, NIES)
member NODA Hibiki (Earth System Division, NIES)

Collaborative teacher

Staff concurrently serve as faculty members based on the cooperation system between the NIES and the university.
Name University Laboratory / Field Job title
YAMANO Hiroya Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo - Professor
YAMANO Hiroya Department of Policy and Planning Sciences, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba - Professor
AONO Mitsuko Environmental Management Course, School of Integrative and Global Majors, University of Tsukuba Mechanism of stress response in Plants Professor
NISHIHIRO Jun Department of Ecosystem Studies, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/ Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo Laboratory of Conservation Ecology Professor
FUKASAWA Keita Department of Ecosystem Studies, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/ Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo Laboratory of Biodiversity Science Associate professor
MATSUZAKI Shin-Ichiro Department of Ecosystem Studies, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/ Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo Laboratory of Aquatic Conservation Associate professor
NISHIHIRO Jun Graduate School of Science, Toho University Department of Environmental Sciences - Visiting Professor
KAMEYAMA Satoshi Kyoto University Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research Specially Appointed Professor
KAMEYAMA Satoshi Vietnam-Japan University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Climate Change and Development lecturer (JICA expert)
KAMEYAMA Satoshi Department of Bioproduction and Environment Engineering, Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture Laboratory of Regional Environmental Information Studies Lecturer

Researchers in the past

Last updated Dec. 2, 2024