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List of research papers 2024

all research papers in the past

  • Below is a list of peer-reviewed English research articles.

Abe H., Hayashi S., Sakuma A., Yamano H. (2024) Priority sites for coral aquaculture in Kume Island based on numerical simulation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 303, 108797. new arrival updated Jun, 3,2024

Abe H., Yamano H. (2024) Simulated connectivity of crown-of-thorns starfish around Ashizuri-Uwakai National Park (western Japan) based on a high-resolution hydrodynamic modeling. Coral Reefs, 43, 371–390.

Akaji Y., Inoue T., Kohzu A., Taniguchi T., Baba S. (2024) Bruguiera gymnorhiza forms mycorrhizal associations but Rhizophora stylosa does not: A pot experiment using mangrove soil and Rhizophoraceae seedlings. Aquatic Botany, 192, 103748

Aoki, S., Fukasawa K. S. (2024) Kernel density estimation of allele frequency including undetected alleles. PeerJ 12:e17248. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17248

Dai, B., Matsuzaki, S.S., Negishi, J.N., Xia, Z., Alam, M. K., Jiang, Z. (2024) Native fishassemblages in natural lakes across Japan: Endemism deterioration lasting centuries. Diversity and Distributions, 00, e13850.

Goto Y, Weimerskirch H, Fukaya K, Yoda K, Naruoka M, Sato K. (2024) Albatrosses employ orientation and routing strategies similar to yacht racers. PNAS, DOI: 121:e2312851121. new arrival updated Jun. 10, 2024

Hoban, S., da Silva, J.M., Mastretta-Yanes, A., Grueber, C. E., Heuertz,M., Hunter, M. E., Mergeay, J., Paz-Vinas, I.,Fukaya, K., Ishihama, F., Jordan, R., Köppä, V.,Latorre-Cárdenas, M. C., MacDonald, A. J.,Rincon-Parra, V., Sjögren-Gulve, P., Tani, N.,Thurfjell, H., & Laikre, L. (2023). Monitoring statusand trends in genetic diversity for the Conventionon Biological Diversity: an ongoing assessment ofgenetic indicators in nine countries.ConservationLetters,16,e12953

Inoue T., Kohzu A., Akaji Y., Miura S., Baba S. (2024) Diazotrophic nitrogen fixation through aerial roots occurs in Avicennia marina: implications for adaptation of mangrove plant growth to low-nitrogen tidal flats. New Phytologist 241: 1464-1475. 

Matsuba, M., Fukasawa, K., Aoki, S., Akasaka, M., & Ishihama, F. (2024). Scalable phylogenetic Gaussian process models improve the detectability of environmental signals on local extinctions for many Red List species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1–13.

Morii, K., Sakamoto, Y. (2024) Japanese honey bees (Apis cerana japonica) have swarmed more often over the last two decades. The Science of Nature Naturwissenschaften, 111, 14.

Morii, K., Sakamoto, Y. (2024) Off-Season Swarming in the Japanese Honey Bee (Apis Cerana Japonica). Journal of Apicultural Science, 68, 1, 51-55. new arrival updated Jun. 28, 2024

Morii, K., Sakamoto, Y. (2024) The origin of materials deposited by Japanese honey bees at their hive entrances as a defense against giant hornets. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1–3.

Nogales, M., McConkey, K.R., Carlo, T.A., Wotton,D.M, Bellingham, P.J., Traveset, A., González-Castro, A., Heleno, R., Watanabe, K., Ando, H., Rogers, H., Heinen, J.H., Drake, D.R. (2024) A Review on the State of the Art in Frugivory and Seed Dispersal on Islands and the Implications of Global Change. The Botanical Review, DOI: 10.1007/s12229-023-09296-8

Oishi Y., Yoshida N., Oguma H.(2024) Detecting Moving Wildlife Using the Time Difference between Two Thermal Airborne Images. Remote sensing, 16(8):1439. new arrival updated Jun. 28, 2024

Saito R., Nemoto Y., Kondo-Ito N., Kanda K., Takeda T., Beasley J. C., Tamaoki M. (2024) Study on the relationship between the dispersal of wild boar (Sus scrofa) and the associated variability of Cesium-137 concentration in its muscle Post-Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Sci, Total Environ. 917, 170328

Seko, Y., Morii, K., Sakamoto, Y. (2024) Wing-Slapping: A Defensive Behavior by HoneyBees against Ants. Ecology, e4372. 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク new arrival updated Jul. 9, 2024

Suzuki, A., Sakamoto, Y. (2024) Molecular detection of Lotmaria passim in intestine of Japanese honey bees (Apis cerana japonica). Entomological Science, 27, e12571. DOI: 10.1111/ens.12571.

Suzuki-Ohno, Y., Ishihama, F., Yokoyama, J., Inoue, M., Nakashizuka, T., Kawata M. (2024) Estimating bee distributions and their functional range to map important areas for protecting bee species and their functions. Scientific Reports volume, 14, 12842 new arrival updated Jun. 27, 2024

Takahata K, Suetsugu H, Fukaya K, Shirota S. (2024) Bayesian state-space synthetic control method for deforestation baseline estimation for forest carbon credits. Environmental Data Science, 2024;3:e6. doi:10.1017/eds.2024.5

Tsujimoto S, Koide D, Kumagai N, Ikegami M, Nishihiro J. (2024) Exploring the factors influencing the first singing date of a cicada, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata: How will it be affected by climate change? ,Ecological Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/een.13357 new arrival updated Jun. 24, 2024

Végh L, Kato T. (2024) Modified SEIB-DGVM Enables Simulation of Masting in a Temperate Forest. Ecological Modelling, 488,110577.

Yokomizo H, Fukaya K, Lambrinos J. G. , Kawai Y, Takada T. (2024) Interstage flow matrices: population statistic derived from matrix population models. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14303

Yoshikawa, T., Totsu, K., Takeuchi, Y., Kadoya, T., Enoki, T., Fujii, S., Fukamachi, AS., Hirota, M., Hoshizaki, K., Iiyama, N., Ishikawa, Y., Itô, H., Kobayashi, H., Kohyama, TS., Konno, Y., Makita, A., Mori, AS., Nagamatsu, D., Nakashizuka, T., Namikawa, K., Noguchi, M., Sakimoto, M., Ozaki, Y., Seino, T., Sugita, H., Suzuki, J-I., Suzuki, RO., Suzuki, SN., Takahashi, K., Tateno, R., Watanabe, R., Yamashita, T., Yoshida, T., Ishihara, MI., Kenta, T., Nakamura, M., Hiura, T. (2024) Forest monitoring data of 45 plots across the Japanese archipelago during 1980–2021. Ecological Research. DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12457

Last updated Jul. 9, 2024