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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 600-699)

Ref ID : 600

Nordbring Hertz, B.; Nematophagous fungi: strategies for nematode exploitation and for survival. Microbiol.Sci. 5:108-116, 1988

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Sternberg, P.W.; Control of cell fates within equivalence groups in C. elegans. Trends.Neurosci. 11:259-264, 1988

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King, C.H., Shotts, E.B.,Jr., Wooley, R.E., and Porter, K.G.; Survival of coliforms and bacterial pathogens within protozoa during chlorination. Appl.Environ.Microbiol. 54:3023-3033, 1988

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Coles, G.C., Tritschler, J.P., Giordano, D.J., Laste, N.J., and Schmidt, A.L.; Larval development test for detection of anthelmintic resistant nematodes. Res.Vet.Sci. 45:50-53, 1988

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Orias, E., Larson, D., Hu, Y.F., Yu, G.L., Karttunen, J., Lovlie, A., Haller, B., and Blackburn, E.H.; Replacement of the macronuclear ribosomal RNA genes of a mutant Tetrahymena using electroporation. Gene 70:295-301, 1988

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Wiggins, B.A. and Alexander, M.; Role of protozoa in microbial acclimation for mineralization of organic chemicals in sewage. Can.J.Microbiol. 34:661-666, 1988

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Keshmirian, J. and Nogrady, T.; Histofluorescent labelling of catecholaminergic structures in rotifers (Aschelminthes). II. Males of Brachionus plicatilis and structures from sectioned females. Histochemistry 89:189-192, 1988

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Martindale, D.W. and Taylor, F.M.; Multiple introns in a conjugation- specific gene from Tetrahymena thermophila [published erratum appears in Nucleic.Acids.Res. 1988 Jun 24;16(12):5712]. Nucleic.Acids.Res. 16:2189- 2201, 1988

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Measures, L.N.; The development of Eustrongylides tubifex (Nematoda: Dioctophymatoidea) in oligochaetes. J.Parasitol. 74:294-304, 1988

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Forney, J.D. and Blackburn, E.H.; Developmentally controlled telomere addition in wild-type and mutant paramecia. Mol.Cell Biol. 8:251-258, 1988

Ref ID : 612

Wilhelm Foissner, Anna Czapik, and Krysztof Wiackowski; Infraciliature and silverline system of Sagittaria hyaline nov. spec., Chlamydonella polonica nov. spec., and Spirozona caudata Kahl, 1926 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Arch.Protistenk 124:361-377, 1981

Ref ID : 613

Horst Hemberger and Norbert Wilbert; [A revision of the family Keronidae Dujardin, 1840 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) with a description of the morphogenesis of Kerona polyporum Ehrenberg, 1835]. Arch.Protistenk 125:261-270, 1982

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B.S. Griffiths and S. Caul; Migration of bacterial-feeding nematodes, but not protozoa, to decomposing grass residues. Biol.Fertil.Soils 15:201- 207, 1993

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John W. Carter and Ivan L. Cameron; Toxicity bioassay of heavy metals in water using Tetrahymena pyriformis. Water Research 7:951-961, 1973

Ref ID : 616

Peter L. Starkweather and Penelope E. Kellar; Utilization of cyanobacteria by Brachionus calyciflorus: Anabaena flos-aquae (RC-44-1) as a sole or complementary food source. Hydrobiologia 104:373-377, 1983

Ref ID : 617

Kazutaka Yamada, Yoichi Kamagata, Kazunori Nakamura, Yuhei Inamori, and Isei Nakamura; Selective of food bacteria for the growth of anaerobic ciliate Trimyema compressum. Arch.Microbiol. 161:229-233, 1994

Ref ID : 618

Gregorio Fernandez-Leborans and Mercedes C. Zaldumbide; Chlorella sp. (Chlorophyta) Endosymbiotic of Stentor coeruleus (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Arch.Protistenk 127:193-200, 1983

Ref ID : 619

Martin E. Boraas; Population dynamics of food-limited rotifers in two- stage chemostat culture. Limnol.Oceanogr. 28(3):546-563, 1983

Ref ID : 620

Galina A. Galkovskaya and Inessa F. Mityanina; Morphological structure and functional patterns of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) populations in stratified lakes. Hydrobiologia 186/187:119-128, 1989

Ref ID : 621

John J. Gilbert and Hugh J. Maclsaac; The susceptibility of Keratella cochlearis to interference from small cladocerans. Freshwater Biology 22:333-339, 1989

Ref ID : 622

Kenneth G. Bogdan and John J. Gilbert; Seasonal patterns of feeding by natural populations of Keratella, Polyarthra, and Bosmina: Clearance rates, selectivities, and contributions to community grazing. Limnol.Oceanogr. 27(5):918-934, 1982

Ref ID : 623

Nicole Lair and H. Oulad Ali; Grazing and assimilation rates of natural populations of planktonic rotifers Keratella cochlearis, Keratella quadrata and Kellicottia longispina in a eutrophic lake (Aydat, France). Hydrobiologia 194:119-131, 1990

Ref ID : 624

Carolyn W. Burns and John J. Gilbert; Direct observations of the mechanisms of interference between Daphnia and Keratella cochlearis. Limnol.Oceanogr. 31(4):859-866, 1986

Ref ID : 625

Taylor, W.D. and D.R.S. Lean; Radiotracer experiments on phosphorus uptake and release by limnetic microzooplankton. Can.J.Fish Aquat.Sci. 38:1316- 1321, 1981

Ref ID : 626

Norbert Walz; Individual culture and experimental population dynamics of Keratella cochlearis (Rotatoria). Hydrobiologia 107:35-45, 1983

Ref ID : 627

James E. Vancil; A method for the laboratory culture of the planktonic rotifer Keratella cochlearis (Gosse). Hydrobiologia 107:47-50, 1983

Ref ID : 628

Norbert Walz; Continuous culture of the pelagic rotifers Keratella cochlearis and Brachionus angularis. Arch.Hydrobiol. 98(1):70-92, 1983

Ref ID : 629

Wolfgang Hofmann; On morphological variation in Keratella cochlearis populations from Holstein lakes (Northern Germany). Hydrobiologia 73:255-258, 1980

Ref ID : 630

Rolland S. Fulton; Grazing on filamentous algae by herbivorous zooplankton. Freshwater Biology 20:263-271, 1988

Ref ID : 631

T. Wayne Schultz and Milon Tichy; Structure-toxicity relationships for unsaturated alcohols to Tetrahymena pyriformis: C5 and C6 analogs and primary propargylic alcohols. Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 51:681-688, 1993

Ref ID : 632

Suzanne Bosselmann; Population dynamics of Keratella cochlearis in Lake Esrom. Arch.Hydrobiol. 87(2):152-165, 1979

Ref ID : 633

Carolyn W. Burns and John J. Gilbert; Effects of daphnid size and density on interference between Daphnia and Keratella cochlearis. Limnol.Oceanogr. 31(4):848-858, 1986

Ref ID : 634

Kare Lindstrom and Birger Pejler; Experimental studies on the seasonal variation of the rotifer Keratella cochlearis (Gosse). Hydrobiologia 2/3:191-197, 1975

Ref ID : 635

Peter L. Starkweather and Kenneth G. Bogdan; Detrital feeding in natural zooplankton communities: Discrimination between live and dead algal foods. Hydrobiologia 73:83-85, 1980

Ref ID : 636

Frank V.D. Bosch and J. Ringelberg; Seasonal succession and population dynamics of Keratella cochlearis (Ehrb.) and Kellicottia longispina (Kellicott) in Lake Maarsseveen I (Netherlands). Arch.Hydrobiol. 103(3):273-290, 1985

Ref ID : 637

John J. Gilbert and Kevin L. Kirk; Escape response of the rotifer Keratella: Description, stimulation, fluid dynamics, and ecological significance. Limnol.Oceanogr. 33(6, part 2):1440-1450, 1988

Ref ID : 638

Wolfgang Hofmann; On temporal variation in the rotifer Keratella cochlearis (Gosse): the question of "Lauterborn-cycles". Hydrobiologia 101:247-254, 1983

Ref ID : 639

Suzanne Bosselmann; Production of Keratella cochlearis in Lake Esrom. Arch.Hydrobiol. 87(3):304-313, 1979

Ref ID : 640

Karl Havens and John De Costa; An Experimental analysis of the Acid sensitivity of the common planktonic rotifer Keratella cochlearis. Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 73(4):407-416, 1988

Ref ID : 641

Wilhelm Foissner; [The morphogenesis of Urosoma macrostyla (Wrzesniowski, 1870) (Ciliophora: Oxytrichidae)]. Arch.Protistenk 127:413-428, 1983

Ref ID : 642

Dieter Matthes and Herbert Rebhan; Tokophrya manueli n. sp., a new suctorian found in the Main-Donau-Kanal. Arch.Protistenk 127:383-386, 1983

Ref ID : 643

Horst Schodel; [Three new peritricha on Gammaridae]. Arch.Protistenk 127:115-126, 1983

Ref ID : 644

Hans Find Larsen; Observations on the morphology and ecology of Blepharisma lateritium (Ehrenberg, 1831) Kahl, 1932. Arch.Protistenk 127:65-80, 1983

Ref ID : 645

Norbert Wilbert and David Kahan; Ciliates of Solar Lake on the Red Sea Shore. Arch.Protistenk 124:70-95, 1981

Ref ID : 646

Tom Fenchel; Suspension feeding in ciliated protozoa: Structure and function of feeding organelles. Arch.Protistenk 123:239-260, 1980

Ref ID : 647

Norbet Wilbert and Wilhelm Foissner; [A redescription of Calyptotricha lanuginosum Penard, 1922 (Ciliata, Sucticociliatida)]. Arch.Protistenk 123:12-21, 1980

Ref ID : 648

H. Schmoller, L. Jonas, and J. Ludvik; [Electron microscopical studies on encystment of Vahlkampfia trilaminata n. sp.]. Arch.Protistenk 126:427-444, 1982

Ref ID : 649

Frederick C. Page and Belinda M. Baldock; Polychaos fasciculatum (Penard 1902) (Amoebida): A light- and electron-microscopical study. Arch.Protistenk 123:221-235, 1980

Ref ID : 650

L. Decloitre; The genus Trinema Dujardin, 1841. Arch.Protistenk 124:193- 218, 1981

Ref ID : 651

Rosalba Banchetti, R. Nobili, R. Cetera, and Nicola Ricci; Effects of microtubular inhibitors on cell cycle and conjugation of Oxytricha bifaria. Arch.Protistenk 125:297-307, 1982

Ref ID : 652

Gregorio Fernandez-Leborans and Ana Martin-Gonzalez; The ciliature, infraciliature and fibrilar systems of Lembadion sp. Arch.Protistenk 123:72-78, 1980

Ref ID : 653

Mark Andreas Gnekow; [Observations on the biology and ultrastructure of the moss-dwelling Thecamoeba Nebela tincta (Rhizopoda)]. Arch.Protistenk 124:36-69, 1981

Ref ID : 654

Barbara Surek and Michael Melkonian; The filose amoeba Vampyrellidium perforans nov. sp. (Vampyrellidae, Aconchulinida): Axenic culture, feeding behaviour and host range specifity. Arch.Protistenk 123:166-191, 1980

Ref ID : 655

Anne Fleury, Pilar Delgado, Francine Iftode, and Andre Adoutte; Molecular phylogeny of ciliates: What does it tell us about the evolution of the cytoskeleton and of developmental strategies? Developmental Genetics 13:247-254, 1992

Ref ID : 656

George N. Cox, Meredith Kusch, and Robert S. Edgar; Cuticle of Caenorhabditis elegans: Its isolation and partical characterization. J.Cell Biology 90 July:7-17, 1981

Ref ID : 657

B.J. Finlay, U.G. Berninger, L.J. Stewart, R.M. Hindle, and W. Davison; Some factors controlling the distribution of two pond-dwelling ciliates with algal symbionts (Frontonia vernalis and Euplotes daidaleos). J.Protozool. 34(4):349-356, 1987

Ref ID : 658

Steven L. Mclntlre, Erik Jorgensen, Joshua Kaplan, and H. Robert Horvitz; The GABAergic nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature 364(22):337-341, 1993

Ref ID : 659

V.A. Sopina; The role of the nucleus in the attachment of amoebae to the substratum. Arch.Protistenk 127:81-95, 1983

Ref ID : 660

Frederick C. Page; Three Freshwater Species of Mayorella (Amoebida) with a Cuticle. Arch.Protistenk 127:201-221, 1983

Ref ID : 661

J. Vergeiner, H. Laminger, C. Jaitner-Knaden, and H. Bayer; [Population dynamics of terrestrial protozoans (Testaceae, Rhizopoda) in the tyrolian centralaps II. Investigations of disturbed and relatively undisturbed soils in the surrounding of patsch (Tyrol, Austria)]. Arch.Protistenk 126:173-201, 1982

Ref ID : 662

Wilhelm Foissner; [Ecology and taxonomy of the hypotrichida (Protozoa: Ciliophora) of some Austrian soil]. Arch.Protistenk 126:19- 143, 1982

Ref ID : 663

D.N. Saksena and S.P. Sharma; Morphological form variation in a loricate rotifer, Keratella tropica Apstein from a perennial pond, Janaktal, Gwalior, India. Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 71(2):283-288, 1986

Ref ID : 664

Birger Pejler; Variation in the genus Keratella. Hydrobiologia 73:207- 213, 1980

Ref ID : 665

John J. Gilbert and Richard S. Stemberger; Asplanchna-induced polymorphism in the rotifer Keratella slacki. Limnol.Oceanogr. 29(6):1309-1316, 1984

Ref ID : 666

N.D. Yan and W. Geiling; Elevated planktonic rotifer biomass in acidified metal-contaminated lakes near Sudbury, Ontario. Hydrobiologia 120:199- 205, 1985

Ref ID : 667

Suzanne Bosselmann; Population dynamics and production of Keratella hiemalis and K. quadrata in Lake Esrom. Arch.Hydrobiol. 90(4):427-447, 1981

Ref ID : 668

Robert E. Magnien and John J. Gilbert; Diel cycles of reproduction and vertical migration in the rotifer Keratella crassa and their influence on the estimation of population dynamics. Limnol.Oceanogr. 28(5):957- 969, 1983

Ref ID : 669

Richard S. Stemberger and John J. Gilbert; Multiple-species induction of morphological defenses in the rotifer Keratella testuda. Ecology 68(2):370-378, 1987

Ref ID : 670

Austin B.M. Egborge and L. Ogbekene; Cyclomophosis in Keratella tropica (Apstein) of Lake Asejire, Nigeria. Hydrobiologia 135:179-191, 1986

Ref ID : 671

J. Green; Asymmetry and variation Keratella tropica. Hydrobiologia 73:241- 248, 1980

Ref ID : 672

Maria Cristina Marinone and Horacio E. Zagarese; A field and laboratory study on factors affecting polymorphism in the rotifer Keratella tropica. Oecologia (Berlin) 86:372-377, 1991

Ref ID : 673

Richard S. Stemberger; Reproductive costs and hydrodynamic benefits of chemically induced defenses in Keratella testuda. Limnol.Oceanogr. 33(4, part 1):593-606, 1988

Ref ID : 674

Wolfgang Hofmann; On the coexistence of two pelagic Filinia species (Rotatoria) in Lake Plubsee I. Dynamics of abundance and dispersion. Arch.Hydrobiol. 95(1/4):125-137, 1982

Ref ID : 675

Peter Schaber and Andreas Schrimpf; On morphology and ecology of the Filinia-terminalis-longiseta-group (Rotatoria) in Bavarian and Tyrolean. Arch.Hydrobiol. 101(1/2):247-257, 1984

Ref ID : 676

Agnes Ruttner-Kolisko; The abundance and distribution of Filinia terminalis in various types of lakes as related to temperature, oxygen, and food. Hydrobiologia 73:169-175, 1980

Ref ID : 677

Agnes Ruttner-Kolisko; Problems in taxonomy of rotifers, exemplified by the Filinia longiseta-terminalis complex. Hydrobiologia 186/187:291-298, 1989

Ref ID : 678

Volfgang Zoufal; Developmental times of Synchaeta oblonga eggs from the Danube (Austria). Hydrobiologia 186/187:163-165, 1989

Ref ID : 679

Walter Koste; On two planktonic rotifers, Filinia australiensis n. sp. and Filinia hofmanni n. sp. with remarks on the taxonomy of the longiseta-terminalis group. Genus Filinia. Arch.Hydrobiol. 90(2):230-256, 1980

Ref ID : 680

Nicole Lair and Walter Koste; The rotifer fauna and population dynamics of Lake Studer 2 (Kerguelen Archipelago) with description of Filinia terminalis kergueleniensis n. spp. and a new record of Keratella sancta Russel, 1944. Hydrobiologia 108:57-64, 1984

Ref ID : 681

Ramesh D. Gulati, Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin, J. Rooth, and K. Siewertsen; A laboratory study of phosphorus and nitrogen excretion of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana. Hydrobiologia 186/187:347-354, 1989

Ref ID : 682

Ramesh D. Gulati, J. Rooth, and Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin; A laboratory study of feeding and assimilation in Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana. Hydrobiologia 147:289-296, 1987

Ref ID : 683

Elizabeth J. Walsh; Oviposition behavior of the littoral rotifer Euchlanis dilatata. Hydrobiologia 186/187:157-161, 1989

Ref ID : 684

Jan A.E. Stenson; Changes in the relative abundance of Polyarthra vulgaris and P. dolichoptera, following the elimination of fish. Hydrobiologia 104:269-273, 1983

Ref ID : 685

A.P. Saunders-Davies; Horizontal distribution of the plankton rotifers Keratella cochlearis (Bory de St Vincent) and Polyarthra vulgaris (Carlin) in a small eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 186/187:153-156, 1989

Ref ID : 686

John J. Gilbert; The Polyarthra escape from response: Defense against interference from Daphnia. Hydrobiologia 147:235-238, 1987

Ref ID : 687

John J. Gilbert; Escape response of the rotifer Polyarthra: a high-speed cinematographic analysis. Oecologia (Berlin) 66:322-331, 1985

Ref ID : 688

B.K. Sharma; Two new Lecanid rotifers from India. Hydrobiologia 60(2):191- 192, 1978

Ref ID : 689

M.V.S.S.S. Dhanapathi; Rotifers from andhra pradesh, India-III., Family Lecanidae including two new species. Hydrobiologia 48(1):9-16, 1976

Ref ID : 690

M.V.S.S.S. Dhanapathi; A new lecanid rotifer from India. Hydrobiologia 50(2):191-192, 1976

Ref ID : 691

Adachi Rokuro; [Studies on the culture of rotifer Lecane tenuiseta Harring I. culture method and food]. J.Faculty Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie 6(1) December:48-57, 1963

Ref ID : 692

Adachi Rokuro; [Studies on the culture of rotifer, Lecane tenuiseta Harring II. Organic nutrition]. J.Faculty Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie 6(2) December:193-202, 1964

Ref ID : 693

Adachi Rokuro; [Studies on the culture of rotifer, Lecane tenuiseta Harring-III. Environmental factors upon the growth of Lecane]. J.Faculty Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie 6(2) December:203-210, 1964

Ref ID : 694

William D. Hummon and Darlene P. Bevelhymer; Life table demography of the rotifer Lecane tenuiseta under culture conditions, and various age distributions. Hydrobiologia 70:25-28, 1980

Ref ID : 695

Ellsworth C. Dougherty; Cultivation and Nutrition of micrometazoa III. The minute rotifer Lecane inermis (Bryce, 1892) Harring. Anonymous:183-186, 1962

Ref ID : 696

B.K. Sharma; Contributions to the rotifer fauna of West Bengal. part I. Family Lecanidae. Hydrobiologia 57(2):143-153, 1978

Ref ID : 697

Pierre Champ and Roger Pourriot; [Particularites biologiques et ecologiques du rotifere Sinantherina socialis (Linne)]. Hydrobiologia 55(1):55-64, 1977

Ref ID : 698

Pierre Champ and Gif-sur-Yvette; [Population dynamics of a sessile and thermophile rotifer (Sinantherina socialis) in the presence of thermal pollution]. Arch.Hydrobiol. 83(2):213-231, 1978

Ref ID : 699

Robert Lee Wallace and Peter L. Starkweather; Clearance rates of sessile rotifers: in vitro determinations. Hydrobiologia 121:139-144, 1985