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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 685

A.P. Saunders-Davies; Horizontal distribution of the plankton rotifers Keratella cochlearis (Bory de St. Vincent) and Polyarthra vulgaris (Carlin) in a small eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 186/187:153-156, 1989


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The plankton rotifers Keratella cochlearis and Polyarthra vulgaris were sampled at 10 cm below the surface at different distances from two dissimilar shores and in the center of a small eutrophic lake. Light and depth were measured at each sampling point. In each case the numbers of rotifers per liter increased with distance from the shore. There was a significant correlation between the numbers for the two species for the two shores, but none in the center. In the case of one shore there was a strong correlation between rotifer numbers and supra-surface ambient light.