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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 613

Horst Hemberger and Norbert Wilbert; [A revision of the family Keronidae Dujardin, 1840 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) with a description of the morphogenesis of Kerona polyporum Ehrenberg, 1835]. Arch.Protistenk 125:261-270, 1982


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Both, infraciliature and morphogenesis of the species Kerona polyporum Ehrenberg, are described by means of Protargol-stained specimen. The six ventral rows of cirri of this species which appear to be uniform, differentiate in the couse of morphogenesis in two different manners: Five of them develop from longitudinal streaks of kinetosomes which are formed by dedifferentiation of yet existing ventral cirri. The first ventral row (= 'Frontaler Cirrenkranz') however differentiates from the same anlage as the undulating membranes. This row of cirri therefore is homologous to the first left frontal cirrus of other genera. The morphogenesis of the genera Paraholosticha Kahl shows a similar pattern to that of Kerona Ehrenberg. Therefore this genera also belongs to the family Keronidae Dujardin. The name Paraholosticha Kahl however is proved to be a junior synonym of Keronopsis Penard. The family and the two genera belonging to it are redefined.