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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 649

Frederick C. Page and Belinda M. Baldock; Polychaos fasciculatum (Penard 1902) (Amoebida): A light- and Electron-microscopical study. Arch.Protistenk 123:221-235, 1980


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Polychaos fasciculatum, isolated from English streams, corresponded to the description by Penard (1902) except in containing bipyramidal crystals. Its nucleolar material, often seen as two or three partietal pieces, was usually found on closer examination to consist of one lobed body. The posterior projections which Penard considered characteristic of this species but which are also found in other species of Polychaos are remnants of pseudopodia; a papillate or villous uroid may also be present. In culture, P. fasciculatum fed on Cochliopodium and possibly bacteria; it is also known to ingest diatoms. Electron-microscopic observations included a filamentous surface coat resembling that of Amoeba proteus, but no internal fibrous lamella of any kind was found in the nucleus, in contrast with findings for other members of the family Amoebidae.