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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 636

Frank V.D. Bosch and J. Ringelberg; Seasonal succession and population dynamics of Keratella cochlearis (Ehrb.) and Kellicottia longispina (Kellicott) in Lake Maarsseveen I (Netherlands). Arch.Hydrobiol. 103(3):273-290, 1985


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Population density, vertical distribution and egg ratio were estimated for Keratella cochlearis and Kellicottia longispina. Rates of population change, birth and death rates were calculated. Temperature and food are thought to be major factors steering the populations of these rotifers. In spring and autumn birth rates of K. cochlearis seem to depend on temperature. In summer food availability is the major factor. Two 24 hour sampling programs revealed district diel patterns in egg ratios, consisting of maximum values at night and minimum values in the afternoon. If day time ratios are used this leads to serious underestimations of calculated birth rates.