2025-1-9The Nitrogen Inventory based on Municipal Population for Sewage into Sanitation Facilities (NIMPO-SISF) in Japan is released.
2024-12-27Environmental Studies Annual Report 2024 published by the National Institute for Environmental Studies
2024-12-26Highly Cited Researchers 2024 was announced by Clarivate based on Web of Science citation data.
2024-12-12Signing of the Implementing Arrangement to Continue Collaboration on Satellite Data Comparison of Trace Gases among National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ministry of the Environment, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and NASA
2024-11-20Global Research Team Develops Advanced H5N1 Detection Kit to Tackle Avian Flu
2024-11-13The Global Carbon Project (GCP) released the Global Carbon Budget 2024, which summarizes the latest evaluation results of the global CO2 budget.
2024-11-13NIES website will be unavailable on November 16, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM
2024-11-7Estimation of autumn oxygen emissions from the Pacific Ocean from atmospheric observations
2024-11-6NIES and NCDR (Taiwan) concluded a Memorandum of Understanding for Joint Research
2024-10-25The ground-based observation data of ozone, carbon monoxide, and peroxyacyl nitrates at Rishiri Island, Japan are released.
2024-10-25A natural climate change laboratory in Japan reveals the adaptation dynamics of fishers
2024-10-23The impact of the surrounding environment on the exposure of honey bees to pesticides
2024-10-18The ground-based observation data of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at Fukue Island, Rudong, and Mt. Tai are updated with the additional compounds.
2024-9-27NIES will participate in UNFCCC-COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22 in 2024.
2024-9-20The CO2 flux measurement data above the Kiryu Experimental Watershed are released.
2024-9-19Global warming leads to drier and hotter Amazon: reducing uncertainty in future rainforest carbon loss
2024-9-10The Global Carbon Project (GCP) publishes the commentary paper of the Global Methane Budget 2024.
2024-9-6The atmospheric CH4 mixing ratio data observed at the Hateruma and Ochiishi stations are updated with the latest data up to March 2024.
2024-8-30The latest version of the NIES-ML3 product of surface ocean CO2 data is released.
2024-8-23The latest version of atmospheric trace gas data from the CONTRAIL is released.
2024-8-1NIES CRM No.13-a Human Hair, and RMs No.1001 Pine Needles I and No.1002 Pine Needles Ⅱ are now available for ordering.
2024-7-31An Article on Life Cycle Carbon Neutral(LCCN) is released. - Interview with Dr. Fujii at Social Systems Division on “Utilization of Heat and CO2 from Waste incineration by Factories to implement LCCN.”-
2024-7-30The year 2023 version of “ODIAC fossil fuel CO2 emission dataset” (ODIAC2023) is released.
2024-7-23Summary of the 21st Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories in Asia (WGIA21)
2024-7-19Ground-based observation data of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at Fukue Island, Rudong, and Mt. Tai are released.
2024-7-9Wing-slapping: A defensive behavior in which honey bees flick away ant intruders
2024-6-25Trace gas mole fraction data from air samples collected in the stratosphere over Japan are released.
2024-6-12The Global Carbon Project (GCP) publishes the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget 2024
2024-6-5CGER Report “National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Document of JAPAN 2024” is now available.
2024-5-31The column-averaged methane data based on ship and aircraft observations over the Western Pacific Ocean are released.
2024-5-29Comprehensive Environmental Risk Research Program website in English has been renewed.
2024-5-2The shipborne observation data of black carbon, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the Arctic atmosphere are released.
2024-4-12Japan’s National Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals in Fiscal Year 2022