Latest Update:2024/11/15 18:35:48

OGUCHI Masahiro

Researcher Name
OGUCHI Masahiro
Div (Section) name/title
Material Cycles Division(Material Cycles and Social Systems Research Section)/Chief Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Integrated system analysis on waste treatment/material-cycles and chemical management
Ph.D. in Engineering
Professional Qualification(s)
Engineering,System Engineering,Chemistry
Environmental Speciality Field
material/substance flow/stock analysis,waste management,chemical management
consumer durables,product lifetimes,EoL generation and stock estimation,chemical substances,environmental emission/release estimation,Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR),WEEE (e-waste)
Brief Description of Research
To promote effective utilization of resource materials and proper management of hazardous substances in waste treatment/disposal and resource circulation, I am conducting analyses of material and chemical substances flow/stock and chemical emission especially focusing on waste treatment/disposal and recycling stages. I am developing methodologies and basic data for such analyses and conducting case studies. My interest includes materials/substances contained in consumer durables such as electric and electronic equipment as well as wastes in more broader sense, i.e. municipal and industrial waste. The analyses are being conducted by means of system analysis approaches, experimental analysis approaches (including field works), and utilization of governmental information such as data from Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system.
I am also working on product lifetime, which is a key parameter in dynamic estimation and analyses of waste generation and the contained materials/chemical substances. I have compiled reported data in Japan and other countries and studied their definitions, estimation approaches, etc. in a systematically manner. I have also been studying the trend of product lifetimes over years and approaches for estimating it. Recently I am trying to investigate the actual and expected product lifetimes by consumers and to analyze the determinants of them quantitatively. This will provide an evidences and factors for the gap between the actual product lifetimes and consumer expectations, which would be a base for making product lifetimes longer towards a circular economy.
Membership of Academic Society
Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management,International Society for Industrial Ecology,Society of Environmetal Science,The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26820 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 26834 : Research project on modeling environmental behavior of all substances of concern
    • 26852 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26853 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 27073 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 27086 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 27095 : Developing an integrated framework for transitioning to a safe circular plastic economy: a use case study of Japan (CIRPLUS)
    • 27096 : Assessing chemical additives in plastic recycling to enhance chemical management in a circular economy
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26413 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 26423 : Research project on modeling environmental behavior of all substances of concern
    • 26438 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26439 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26547 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 26559 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 26691 : Assessing chemical additives in plastic recycling to enhance chemical management in a circular economy
    • 26693 : Developing an integrated framework for transitioning to a safe circular plastic economy: a use case study of Japan (CIRPLUS)
    • 26697 : Waste / resource circulation flow and radioactive material monitoring in difficult-to-return areas
    • 26704 : Appropriate Management Measures of Lithium-Ion Batteries at Recycling and Disposal Processes based on Investigation of Fire Accidents
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25970 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 25976 : Research project on modeling environmental behavior of all substances of concern
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25985 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25986 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26110 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 26120 : Waste / resource circulation flow and radioactive material monitoring in difficult-to-return areas
    • 26197 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 26201 : Integration of sub-themes in S17 through development of risk management system, and development of risk assessment methodology under non-steady state environment by disaster and accidents
    • 26333 : Appropriate Management Measures of Lithium-Ion Batteries at Recycling and Disposal Processes based on Investigation of Fire Accidents
    • 26379 : Developing an integrated framework for transitioning to a safe circular plastic economy: a use case study of Japan (CIRPLUS)
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25510 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 25520 : Research project on modeling environmental behavior of all substances of concern
    • 25532 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25533 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25651 : Appropriate Management Measures of Lithium-Ion Batteries at Recycling and Disposal Processes based on Investigation of Fire Accidents
    • 25693 : Policy and Management Study for Material Cycles and Waste Management
    • 25725 : Studies on the integrated assessment system for sustainable plastic management focusing on the 3R plus concept and the marine plastic litter control
    • 25740 : Waste / resource circulation flow and radioactive material monitoring in difficult-to-return areas
    • 25784 : An approach for management of chemical releases and flows using PRTR data
    • 25940 : Integration of sub-themes in S17 through development of risk management system, and development of risk assessment methodology under non-steady state environment by disaster and accidents
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25097 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 25114 : Establishment of Informational Research Fundamentals About Resource Circulation and Waste Management
    • 25131 : Designing a Sustainability Strategy for Global Resource Networks from the Consumption-based Perspective
    • 25132 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 25133 : Proposal of Transition Paths and Adaptation Measures for a Circular Society
    • 25135 : Development of Next Generation Technologies for“3R”
    • 25152 : Development of Management System for Radioactively Contaminated Off-Site Waste
    • 25334 : An approach for management of chemical releases and flows using PRTR data
    • 25335 : Assessment foundation for plastics cycles towards introduction of advanced recycling technologies and integration with the arterial industries
    • 25337 : Analysis of expected product lifetimes from consumers
    • 25338 : Estimation and quality evaluation of material stock in Japan
    • 25350 : Research and Development of Fundamental Technologies for Material Recycle and Substance Management
    • 25353 : Study on Global Mercury Dynamics and Risk Management of Mercury
    • 25354 : Integration of sub-themes in S17 through development of risk management system, and development of risk assessment methodology under non-steady state environment by disaster and accidents
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24694 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24711 : Designing a Sustainability Strategy for Global Resource Networks from the Consumption-based Perspective
    • 24712 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 24713 : Proposal of Transition Paths and Adaptation Measures for a Circular Society
    • 24715 : Development of Next Generation Technologies for“3R”
    • 24733 : Development of Management System for Radioactively Contaminated Off-Site Waste
    • 24746 : Establishment of Informational Research Fundamentals About Resource Circulation and Waste Management
    • 24961 : Assessment foundation for plastics cycles towards introduction of advanced recycling technologies and integration with the arterial industries
    • 24962 : Estimation and quality evaluation of material stock in Japan
    • 24963 : Analysis of expected product lifetimes from consumers
    • 24965 : An approach for management of chemical releases and flows using PRTR data
    • 24978 : Study on Global Mercury Dynamics and Risk Management of Mercury
    • 24979 : Integration of sub-themes in S17 through development of risk management system, and development of risk assessment methodology under non-steady state environment by disaster and accidents
    • 25035 : Research and Development of Fundamental Technologies for Material Recycle and Substance Management
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24294 : Designing a sustainability strategy for global resource networks from the consumption-based perspective
    • 24295 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 24296 : Proposal of transition paths and adaptation measures for a circular society
    • 24298 : Development of next generation technologies for“3R”
    • 24316 : Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 24325 : Development of Management System for Radioactively Contaminated Off-Site Waste
    • 24353 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24410 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
    • 24556 : Study on global mercury dynamics and risk management of mercury
    • 24573 : New Assessment Indicators and Indicator Framework for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
    • 24575 : Analysis of expected product lifetimes from consumers
    • 24577 : Assessment Foundation for plastics cycles towards introduction of advanced recycling technologies and integration with the arterial industries
    • 24612 : Research and development of fundamental technologies for material recycle and substance management
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23830 : Development of next generation technologies for“3R”
    • 23832 : Proposal of transition paths and adaptation measures for a circular society
    • 23833 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23834 : Designing a sustainability strategy for global resource networks from the consumption-based perspective
    • 23844 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23865 : Development of Management System for Radioactively Contaminated Off-Site Waste
    • 23878 : Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23922 : New Assessment Indicators and Indicator Framework for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
    • 23963 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
    • 23965 : Estimation of substance flows and environmental emissions of chemicals associated with waste incineration
    • 23966 : Estimation and evaluation of material stock in Japan
    • 24142 : Research and development of fundamental technologies for material recycle and substance management
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23402 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23403 : Designing a sustainability strategy for global resource networks from the consumption-based perspective
    • 23404 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23405 : Proposal of transition paths and adaptation measures for a circular society
    • 23407 : Development of next generation technologies for“3R”
    • 23428 : Development of Management System for Radioactively Contaminated Off-Site Waste
    • 23471 : Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23590 : Estimation of substance flows and environmental emissions of chemicals associated with waste incineration
    • 23591 : Estimation and evaluation of material stock in Japan
    • 23669 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
    • 23739 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
    • 23808 : New Assessment Indicators and Indicator Framework for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22996 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22998 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 23027 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23036 : Environmental Recovery Research Program
    • 23038 : Development of management systems for radioactively contaminated off-site wastes
    • 23055 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 23056 : Analytical model development for environmental and resource management based on the consumer
    • 23130 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
    • 23140 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 23145 : Estimation of substance flows and environmental emissions of chemicals associated with waste incineration
    • 23181 : Establishment of management technologies and systems for disaster and radioactively contaminated wastes
    • 23199 : Study on thermal disposal system for solid wastes and modeling analysis
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22584 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22586 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 22615 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 22637 : Analytical model development for environmental and resource management based on the consumer
    • 22647 : Environmental Recovery Research Program
    • 22650 : Development of management systems for radioactively contaminated off-site wastes
    • 22773 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22776 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 22825 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
    • 22847 : Study on thermal disposal system for solid wastes and modeling analysis
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22168 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22170 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 22199 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 22244 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 22353 : Effects of reduce, reuse and recycling (3R) on global supply chains of rare metals associated with the Japanese economy
    • 22367 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22388 : Study on thermal disposal system for solid wastes and modeling analysis
    • 22403 : Function-based material stock and flow analysis of multifunctional products
    • 22405 : Study on appropriate management in cycles of toxic metals
    • 22423 : Coordinated study on environmental emission, behavior and effect of metals in high-tech products focusing on their lifecycle
    • 22433 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 22477 : Analytical model development for environmental and resource management based on the consumer's responsibility
    • 22523 : Study for establishment of appropriate technology and system for disaster and radioactive contaminated waste management and disposal
    • 22526 : Research and study for safe and effective disposal of radioactive contaminated wastes
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21739 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21741 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 21770 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 21779 : Establishment of management technologies and systems for disaster and radioactively contaminated wastes
    • 21804 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 21858 : A New Approach to Integrate Material Flow Analysis/Material Stock Accounting and Thermodynanmic Analysis
    • 21859 : Rare Metals Recycling System based on local steel and nonferrous metal industries
    • 21879 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22048 : Research and study for safe and effective disposal of radioactive contaminated wastes
    • 22049 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 22052 : Study for establishment of appropriate technology and system for disaster and radioactive contaminated waste management and disposal
    • 22060 : Coordinated study on environmental emission, behavior and effect of metals in high-tech products focusing on their lifecycle
    • 22103 : Function-based material stock and flow analysis of multifunctional products
    • 22104 : Study on appropriate management in cycles of toxic metals
    • 22107 : Effects of reduce, reuse and recycling (3R) on global supply chains of rare metals associated with the Japanese economy
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21296 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21298 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 21328 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 21339 : A New Approach to Integrate Material Flow Analysis/Material Stock Accounting and Thermodynanmic Analysis
    • 21371 : Rare Metals Recycling System based on local steel and nonferrous metal industries
    • 21459 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 21475 : Simplified estimation method and cross-national comparison of lifespan distribution of durable goods
    • 21476 : Study on appropriate management in cycles of toxic metals
    • 21504 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 21505 : Coordinated study on environmental emission, behavior and effect of metals in high-tech products focusing on their lifecycle
    • 21617 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 21633 : Research for appropriate disposal/recycling technology and system against disaster waste to support establishiment of a safe, reassurance and sound material cycle society
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20882 : Building database on resource cycling and waste management
    • 20894 : Rare Metals Recycling System based on local steel and nonferrous metal industries
    • 20898 : A New Approach to Integrate Material Flow Analysis/Material Stock Accounting and Thermodynanmic Analysis
    • 20899 : Research on long-term safety management of recovered mercury
    • 20902 : Simplified estimation method and cross-national comparison of lifespan distribution of durable goods
    • 20904 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
    • 21002 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in the product life cycles
    • 21027 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20512 : Research on long-term safety management of recovered mercury
    • 20520 : Building database on resource cycling and waste management
    • 20548 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20580 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20006 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20021 : Development of Material Stock Account Framework and Its Application: Strategies for Future Waste and Resource Management
    • 20219 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture
  • Research Presentation
    Towards identifying chemical substance to be controlled in WEEE plastics
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Inoue T., Tamagaki Y., Imaizumi Y., Koyama Y.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2024+ (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 403
  • Research Presentation
    Ignition and Other Incidents Caused by End-of-Life Lithium-ion-Batteries and Safety Management Measures
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Tomozawa H., Hagiwara T., Hasunuma K., Kobayashi G.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2024+ (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 386
  • Research Presentation
    Identifying the potential presence of chemical substances of very high concern in plastics recycling using the SCIP database
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Inoue T., Tamagaki Y., Imaizumi Y., Koyama Y.
    Name of Society : The 16th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2024) (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Towards a Safe Circular Plastic Economy: Using a Dynamic Probabilistic Material Flow Analysis Approach to Capture Japanese Plastic Flows
    Presenter : Zhang Y., Wang Z., Oguchi M., Yamamoto H., Nowack B.
    Name of Society : The 16th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2024) (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Chlorinated Paraffins entering the Circular Plastic Economy in Japan
    Presenter : Kajiwara N., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 44th International Symposium of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 354
  • Presenter : Kajiwara N., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 278
  • Research Presentation
    Product obsolescence: relationships with product lifetime, product type, and household characteristics
    Presenter : Yamamoto H., Oguchi M., Nishijima D., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Akiyama, H., Kobayashi, G.
    Name of Society : The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Shintomi M., Kano S., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : The 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Oguchi M., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2022 (The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 48
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : ISEE2022 (The 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Formation and distribution of PFOS and other intermediates during biological treatment with activated sludge: Evidence from lab-scale experiments using synthetic wastewater with known precursor N-EtFOSE and actual wastewater
    Presenter : Suzuki Y., Ismail SE., Takazawa M., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 42nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 22) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 392
  • Research Presentation
    Grasping the overview of contaminants of emerging concern in Kiso three-river basin, Japan by target screening without quantification
    Presenter : Ogawa Y., Suzuki Y., Takazawa M., Oguchi M., Kurisu F.
    Name of Society : 42nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 22) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 119
  • Presenter : Watari T., Nansai K., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : International Industrial Ecology Day 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Yamamoto H., Murakami S., Oguchi M., Nishijima D.
    Name of Society : The 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2020) (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Conference Abstracts, 36
  • Presenter : Watari T., Nansai K., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : World Resources Forum 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Small WEEE Recycling in Japan and Challenge after China’s Import Ban
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 372-376
  • Research Presentation
    WEEE plastics flows and the corresponding behavior of brominated flame retardants - A Japanese case before and after China's ban on waste imports
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 333-338
  • Research Presentation
    Quantifying impacts of consumers' expectation of product lifespan on product use duration in the circular economy
    Presenter : Nishijima D., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 557-562
  • Research Presentation
    Attempt on target screening and semi-quantification of Japanese PRTR chemicals in wastewater samples by LC-QToF-MS
    Presenter : Suzuki Y., Takazawa M., Tsushima I., Yamashita H., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 68th annual conference on Mass Spectrometry Japan (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Small WEEE Recycling in Japan - Process Classification and Challenge after China’s Import Ban -
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Flows of plastics and brominated flame retardants in the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2020) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Terazono A., Nishijima D.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference (PLATE2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Final Programme
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Nansai K., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference (PLATE2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Final Programme
  • Research Presentation
    Measurement of material use time as an indicator of efficient utilization of material stock
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Hashimoto S., Hirai M., Daigo I.
    Name of Society : The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    An application of GC-MS AIQS-DB method to volatile organic compounds
    Presenter : Kameya T., Ishihara R., Sato T., Kobayashi T., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019 (WET2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Program and Abstracts, 91
  • Research Presentation
    Refrigerant Fluorocarbon Emissions Projections and Mitigation Costs in Asia by 2050
    Presenter : Hanaoka T., Oguchi M., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 8th International Symposium on Non‐CO2 Greenhouse Gasses (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Urano S., Watanabe Y., Tanikawa N.
    Name of Society : The 5th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Horii Y., Miyake Y., Otsuka H., Tanikawa N., Tokumura M., Urano S., Watanabe Y.
    Name of Society : Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 40th Annual Meeting (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 560
  • Research Presentation
    Inflows of chemical substances to industrial waste incineration and other treatment processes in Japan
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Urano S., Watanabe Y., Tanikawa N.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (CRETE 2018) (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Shigemi Kagawa, Oguchi M., Nansai K.
    Name of Society : SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Nakamoto Y., Kagawa S., Oguchi M., Nansai H.
    Name of Society : 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : EcoBanance 2018 Abstract Book, 111
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Kagawa S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Oguchi M., Kagawa S.
    Name of Society : 25th International Input-Output Conference (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : 25th IIOA Conference in ATLANTIC CITY, USA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND LIST OF AUTHORS, 93
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Lifetime distribution of buildings decided by economic situation at demolition: D-based lifetime distribution
    Presenter : Daigo I., Iwata K., Oguchi M., Goto Y.
    Name of Society : The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Procedia CIRP
  • Research Presentation
    Uncertainty in lifespan estimation and its potential impacts on our social system
    Presenter : Murakami S., Yamamoto H., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Procedia CIRP
  • Research Presentation
    Lifetime analysis of electronic devices in Vietnam
    Presenter : Yamasue E., Cravioto J., Nguyen D.Q., Oguchi M., Daigo I.
    Name of Society : The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Procedia CIRP
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Daigo I.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 7
  • Presenter : Gnanapragasam A., Cooper T., Cole C., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 36
  • Research Presentation
    Consumers' expectations for product lifetimes of consumer durables
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Cooper T., Cole C., Gnanapragasam A.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Future generation of WEEE in developing countries – An estimation model and case studies in Asia
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Fuse M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Modelling and Analysis of In-use Stock of Products and Substitutional and Complementary Goods and Resulting Increased Energy Consumption: Case of Air conditioners, Fans and Houses in Asia.
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Manomaivibool P., Unroj P.
    Name of Society : The Joint 12th ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism section coference and the 5th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Program, 92
  • Research Presentation
    Expected product lifetimes of consumer durables - Do product lifetimes meet consumers
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Cooper T., Cole C., Gnanapragasam A.
    Name of Society : The Joint 12th International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism section Conference and the 5th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Program, 76
  • Research Presentation
    Environmental Impacts of Changes in Product Lifetime and Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of Life-Cycle of Air Conditioner in Japan
    Presenter : Nishijima D., Kagawa S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The International Society for Industrial Ecology joint 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 75
  • Research Presentation
    An analytical method for trace levels of hexavalent chromium in stack gas using ion chromatography
    Presenter : Miyake Y., Tokumura M., Iwazaki Y., Wang Q., Amagai T., Horii T., Otsuka H., Tanikawa N., Kobayashi T., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 5th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (CRETE 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 455-456
  • Research Presentation
    Survey of material recovery by informal e-waste recycling in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P.
    Name of Society : ELECTRONICS GOES GREEN 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Conference Documentation Package
  • Research Presentation
    Present state of treated waste and air pollution control equipment at industrial waste incineration facilities in Japan
    Presenter : Tanikawa N., Sasaki M., Okubo S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th Asia- Pacific Landfill Symposium 2016 (APLAS 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Informal e-waste recycling and its metal recovery in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 132
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Kagawa S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of abstracts, 480-481
  • Research Presentation
    Modeling in-use stocks of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products and fluorocarbons potential in Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industry Ecology (ISIE Conference 2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 208
  • Research Presentation
    Methodologies for estimating actual lifetime distribution of products
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 261-265
  • Research Presentation
    Changing average lifetime of buildings over time analysed on the basis of D-based distribution
    Presenter : Daigo I., Iwata K., Oguchi M., Goto Y.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 89-93
  • Research Presentation
    Lifetime of electronic devices in Vietnam and comparison with Japan
    Presenter : Yamasue E., Duc Huy T., Duc Quang N., Oguchi M., Okumura H., Ishihara K.N.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 411-413
  • Research Presentation
    Material Recovery by Informal E-waste Processing in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros F.C.J.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientific Program, 254-256
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientfic Program, 340-343
  • Research Lecture
    Actual product lifetime in society: Empirical data and estimation methodologies
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Workshop on “Expected, Actual and Optimal Product Lifetimes in future low carbon and resource-saving patterns of production and consumption” (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Material recovery and environmental impact by informal e-waste recy-cling site in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : EcoDesign 2015 (9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : USB Proceedings, 529-536
  • Research Lecture
    Appropriate management of e-waste in Japan and other Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : World Engineering Conference and Conention 2015 (WECC2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 3W Expo 2015 Conference session 2: Electronic waste management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Do Multifunctional Products Contribute to Dematerialization?: A Function-based Stock Estimation of Consumer Durables
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract book
  • Research Presentation
    Battery recycling in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Japan - Collection Rules and Safety Challenges
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R Internaional Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Modeling in-use stocks and lifespan distribution of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products in various countries
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Tasaki T., Kobayashi G., Takagi S.
    Name of Society : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Research Presentation
    Characteristics of observation year based distributions - time-series change of building lifespan in Japan -
    Presenter : Daigo I., Iwata K., Oguchi M., Goto Y.
    Name of Society : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2014 (The 11th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 38
  • Research Lecture
    Small WEEE and battery collection in municipal waste management in Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : The 9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Function-based material stocks of consumer durables in modern society: Did multifunctional products reduce material use?
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (ISIE2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Stock Accounting for Consumer Durables based on Operating Time and Satisfaction and Effects of Longer Use
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Murakami S., Oguchi M., Nakajima K., Kagawa S., Hashimoto S.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (ISIE2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste recycling in Japan and Eastern Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : International Conference and Expo on E-Waste & Used Battery Management (EWM India - 2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Control of hazardous substances and fire accident on mixed metal scrap exported from Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceeding
  • Research Presentation
    Fire Prevention and Export Control of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 17th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2013 Annual Conference of KSWM) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 141-143
  • Research Presentation
    Export Management of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste recycling in Asia: process classification, environmental effect and knowledge sharing
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Ballesteros F.C.J., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2012+ (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Metal composition of WEEE: A review of empirical data and use in material flow analysis
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Research Presentation
    Flows of WEEE and contained metals in municipal solid waste treatment: A regional-level estimation in Japan
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Sakanakura H.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Research Presentation
    Estimation of local stocks and discards of small-size electric and electronic equipment and their content metals to establish an efficient collection system in Japan
    Presenter : Hashimoto S., Oshio M., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Presenter : Higashi H., Oguchi M., Endo K., Mizutani C.
    Name of Society : 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research 2012 (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, PS4-13
  • Research Presentation
    Occurrence of persistent organic pollutants in tsunami sediment left from the Great East Japan earthquake
    Presenter : Takigami H., Oguchi M., Asari M., Yoshioka T., Osako M., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, B1C.103
  • Research Presentation
    E-waste recycling and environmental impact in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2012 (The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Estimation of local stocks and discards of small-size electric and electronic equipment and their content metals to establish efficient collection systems in Japan
    Presenter : Hashimoto S., Oshio M., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2012 (The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    Flow and stock study of radioactive cesium and its impact on waste treatment systems
    Presenter : Mori T., Oguchi M., Osako M., Yamada M.
    Name of Society : The 23rd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 649-650
  • Research Lecture
    E-waste research at NIES
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Oguchi M., Fujimori T. , Yokoo H.
    Name of Society : Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of Workshop for Knowledge Sharing on E-waste in the Philippines (The 8th NIES Workshop on E-waste)
  • Research Presentation
    Characterization and flow analysis of substances contained in e-waste in Japan for better management in future
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 4th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference (CleanUp 2011) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Program and Proceedings of 4th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference (CleanUp 2011), 27-28
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Fuse M.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Sakanakura H., Terazono A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Murakami S., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Hashimoto S.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Research Presentation
    A database and characterization of existing lifespan information of electrical and electronic equipment
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Murakami S., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Hashimoto S.
    Name of Society : 2010 IEEE Int.Symp.Sustainable Syst.Technol.(ISSST) (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Research Presentation
    End-of-life electrical and electronic equipment for business use as secondary metal resources
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Kida A., Okada H.
    Name of Society : ISIE Asia-Pac.Meet./ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Thermodynamic screening of mercury forms for long-term storage of excess mercury
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Kida A.
    Name of Society : 2nd Int.Conf.Hazardous Ind.Waste Manage., CRETE 2010 (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 443-444
  • Research Presentation
    The potential of e-waste as secondary resources-What kind of e-waste should we focus on?
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Kida A., Sakanakura H., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE) (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 331
  • Research Presentation
    Categorization of WEEE as secondary resources: Prospecting and exploration
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Murakami S., Sakanakura H., Kida A.
    Name of Society : 6th NIES Workshop on E-waste (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Kameya T., Tasaki T., Tanikawa N.
    Name of Society : ConAccount 2008 (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Trend and analysis of factors in the generation of waste consumer durables using decomposition method
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 706-708
  • Research Presentation
    Framework of material stock accounts -Toward assessment of material accumulation in the economic sphere
    Presenter : Hashimoto S., Daigo I., Murakami S., Matsubae-Yokoyama K., Fuse M., Nakajima K., Oguchi M., Tanikawa H., Tasaki T., Yamasue E., Umezawa O.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, C-08
  • Research Presentation
    Decomposition analysis of factors in the generation of waste durables(Theme A1)
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Moriguchi Y., OGUCHI Masahiro
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE 2007)(Poster Session) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Life span of commodities(Theme A7)
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, , OGUCHI Masahiro,
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE 2007)(Poster Session) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Two estimation methods for average domestic lifespan of products
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, OGUCHI Masahiro
    Name of Society : 2006 IEEE Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Towards identifying chemical substance to be controlled in WEEE plastics
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Inoue T., Tamagaki Y., Imaizumi Y., Koyama Y.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2024+ (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 403
  • Ignition and Other Incidents Caused by End-of-Life Lithium-ion-Batteries and Safety Management Measures
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Tomozawa H., Hagiwara T., Hasunuma K., Kobayashi G.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2024+ (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 386
  • Identifying the potential presence of chemical substances of very high concern in plastics recycling using the SCIP database
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Inoue T., Tamagaki Y., Imaizumi Y., Koyama Y.
    Name of Society : The 16th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2024) (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Towards a Safe Circular Plastic Economy: Using a Dynamic Probabilistic Material Flow Analysis Approach to Capture Japanese Plastic Flows
    Presenter : Zhang Y., Wang Z., Oguchi M., Yamamoto H., Nowack B.
    Name of Society : The 16th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2024) (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Chlorinated Paraffins entering the Circular Plastic Economy in Japan
    Presenter : Kajiwara N., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 44th International Symposium of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 354
  • Presenter : Kajiwara N., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 278
  • Product obsolescence: relationships with product lifetime, product type, and household characteristics
    Presenter : Yamamoto H., Oguchi M., Nishijima D., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Shintomi M., Kano S., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : The 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Akiyama H., Hagiwara T., Tomozawa H., Oguchi M., Nakayama J.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2022 (The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 48
  • Formation and distribution of PFOS and other intermediates during biological treatment with activated sludge: Evidence from lab-scale experiments using synthetic wastewater with known precursor N-EtFOSE and actual wastewater
    Presenter : Suzuki Y., Ismail SE., Takazawa M., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 42nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 22) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 392
  • Presenter : Watari T., Nansai K., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : International Industrial Ecology Day 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 4th PLATE 2021 Virtual Conference (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Yamamoto H., Murakami S., Oguchi M., Nishijima D.
    Name of Society : The 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2020) (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Conference Abstracts, 36
  • Presenter : Watari T., Nansai K., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : World Resources Forum 2021 (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Small WEEE Recycling in Japan and Challenge after China’s Import Ban
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 372-376
  • WEEE plastics flows and the corresponding behavior of brominated flame retardants - A Japanese case before and after China's ban on waste imports
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 333-338
  • Quantifying impacts of consumers' expectation of product lifespan on product use duration in the circular economy
    Presenter : Nishijima D., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2020+ (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 557-562
  • Attempt on target screening and semi-quantification of Japanese PRTR chemicals in wastewater samples by LC-QToF-MS
    Presenter : Suzuki Y., Takazawa M., Tsushima I., Yamashita H., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 68th annual conference on Mass Spectrometry Japan (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Small WEEE Recycling in Japan - Process Classification and Challenge after China’s Import Ban -
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Flows of plastics and brominated flame retardants in the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Kajiwara N., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2020) (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Nansai K., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference (PLATE2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Final Programme
  • Measurement of material use time as an indicator of efficient utilization of material stock
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Hashimoto S., Hirai M., Daigo I.
    Name of Society : The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Refrigerant Fluorocarbon Emissions Projections and Mitigation Costs in Asia by 2050
    Presenter : Hanaoka T., Oguchi M., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : The 8th International Symposium on Non‐CO2 Greenhouse Gasses (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Urano S., Watanabe Y., Tanikawa N.
    Name of Society : The 5th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs 2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Inflows of chemical substances to industrial waste incineration and other treatment processes in Japan
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Urano S., Watanabe Y., Tanikawa N.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (CRETE 2018) (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Nakamoto Y., Kagawa S., Oguchi M., Nansai H.
    Name of Society : 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : EcoBanance 2018 Abstract Book, 111
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Kagawa S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Oguchi M., Kagawa S.
    Name of Society : 25th International Input-Output Conference (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : 25th IIOA Conference in ATLANTIC CITY, USA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND LIST OF AUTHORS, 93
  • Lifetime distribution of buildings decided by economic situation at demolition: D-based lifetime distribution
    Presenter : Daigo I., Iwata K., Oguchi M., Goto Y.
    Name of Society : The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Procedia CIRP
  • Uncertainty in lifespan estimation and its potential impacts on our social system
    Presenter : Murakami S., Yamamoto H., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Procedia CIRP
  • Lifetime analysis of electronic devices in Vietnam
    Presenter : Yamasue E., Cravioto J., Nguyen D.Q., Oguchi M., Daigo I.
    Name of Society : The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Procedia CIRP
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Daigo I.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 7
  • Presenter : Gnanapragasam A., Cooper T., Cole C., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 36
  • Consumers' expectations for product lifetimes of consumer durables
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Cooper T., Cole C., Gnanapragasam A.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Future generation of WEEE in developing countries – An estimation model and case studies in Asia
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Fuse M.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Expected product lifetimes of consumer durables - Do product lifetimes meet consumers
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Cooper T., Cole C., Gnanapragasam A.
    Name of Society : The Joint 12th International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism section Conference and the 5th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Program, 76
  • Environmental Impacts of Changes in Product Lifetime and Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of Life-Cycle of Air Conditioner in Japan
    Presenter : Nishijima D., Kagawa S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The International Society for Industrial Ecology joint 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 75
  • Survey of material recovery by informal e-waste recycling in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P.
    Name of Society : ELECTRONICS GOES GREEN 2016+ (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Conference Documentation Package
  • Present state of treated waste and air pollution control equipment at industrial waste incineration facilities in Japan
    Presenter : Tanikawa N., Sasaki M., Okubo S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th Asia- Pacific Landfill Symposium 2016 (APLAS 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Informal e-waste recycling and its metal recovery in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 132
  • Methodologies for estimating actual lifetime distribution of products
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 261-265
  • Changing average lifetime of buildings over time analysed on the basis of D-based distribution
    Presenter : Daigo I., Iwata K., Oguchi M., Goto Y.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 89-93
  • Lifetime of electronic devices in Vietnam and comparison with Japan
    Presenter : Yamasue E., Duc Huy T., Duc Quang N., Oguchi M., Okumura H., Ishihara K.N.
    Name of Society : Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference 2015 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 411-413
  • Material Recovery by Informal E-waste Processing in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Kuzuhara S., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros F.C.J.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientific Program, 254-256
  • Material recovery and environmental impact by informal e-waste recy-cling site in the Philippines
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Medina R.P., Ballesteros Jr.F.C.
    Name of Society : EcoDesign 2015 (9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : USB Proceedings, 529-536
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 3W Expo 2015 Conference session 2: Electronic waste management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Do Multifunctional Products Contribute to Dematerialization?: A Function-based Stock Estimation of Consumer Durables
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract book
  • Battery recycling in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Japan - Collection Rules and Safety Challenges
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 1st 3R Internaional Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Modeling in-use stocks and lifespan distribution of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products in various countries
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Tasaki T., Kobayashi G., Takagi S.
    Name of Society : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Characteristics of observation year based distributions - time-series change of building lifespan in Japan -
    Presenter : Daigo I., Iwata K., Oguchi M., Goto Y.
    Name of Society : The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of The Joint 11th International Society For Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and The 4th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Iino S., Mogi S.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance 2014 (The 11th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 38
  • Function-based material stocks of consumer durables in modern society: Did multifunctional products reduce material use?
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (ISIE2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Stock Accounting for Consumer Durables based on Operating Time and Satisfaction and Effects of Longer Use
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Murakami S., Oguchi M., Nakajima K., Kagawa S., Hashimoto S.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (ISIE2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • E-waste recycling in Japan and Eastern Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Yoshida A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : International Conference and Expo on E-Waste & Used Battery Management (EWM India - 2013) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Export Management of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • E-waste recycling in Asia: process classification, environmental effect and knowledge sharing
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Ballesteros F.C.J., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : Electronics Goes Green 2012+ (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Metal composition of WEEE: A review of empirical data and use in material flow analysis
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Estimation of local stocks and discards of small-size electric and electronic equipment and their content metals to establish an efficient collection system in Japan
    Presenter : Hashimoto S., Oshio M., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Occurrence of persistent organic pollutants in tsunami sediment left from the Great East Japan earthquake
    Presenter : Takigami H., Oguchi M., Asari M., Yoshioka T., Osako M., Sakai S.
    Name of Society : 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, B1C.103
  • E-waste recycling and environmental impact in Asia
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Takigami H., Agusa T., Fujimori T.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2012 (The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Estimation of local stocks and discards of small-size electric and electronic equipment and their content metals to establish efficient collection systems in Japan
    Presenter : Hashimoto S., Oshio M., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : EcoBalance2012 (The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance) (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Characterization and flow analysis of substances contained in e-waste in Japan for better management in future
    Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 4th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference (CleanUp 2011) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Program and Proceedings of 4th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference (CleanUp 2011), 27-28
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Fuse M.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Sakanakura H., Terazono A., Takigami H.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • End-of-life electrical and electronic equipment for business use as secondary metal resources
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Kida A., Okada H.
    Name of Society : ISIE Asia-Pac.Meet./ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Categorization of WEEE as secondary resources: Prospecting and exploration
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Murakami S., Sakanakura H., Kida A.
    Name of Society : 6th NIES Workshop on E-waste (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Program
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Kameya T., Tasaki T., Tanikawa N.
    Name of Society : ConAccount 2008 (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Framework of material stock accounts -Toward assessment of material accumulation in the economic sphere
    Presenter : Hashimoto S., Daigo I., Murakami S., Matsubae-Yokoyama K., Fuse M., Nakajima K., Oguchi M., Tanikawa H., Tasaki T., Yamasue E., Umezawa O.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, C-08
  • Decomposition analysis of factors in the generation of waste durables(Theme A1)
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, Moriguchi Y., OGUCHI Masahiro
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE 2007)(Poster Session) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Life span of commodities(Theme A7)
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, , OGUCHI Masahiro,
    Name of Society : 4th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE 2007)(Poster Session) (2007)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Two estimation methods for average domestic lifespan of products
    Presenter : TASAKI Tomohiro, OGUCHI Masahiro
    Name of Society : 2006 IEEE Int.Symp.Electron.Environ. (2006)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Akiyama, H., Kobayashi, G.
    Name of Society : The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Grasping the overview of contaminants of emerging concern in Kiso three-river basin, Japan by target screening without quantification
    Presenter : Ogawa Y., Suzuki Y., Takazawa M., Oguchi M., Kurisu F.
    Name of Society : 42nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (DIOXIN 22) (2022)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 119
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Terazono A., Nishijima D.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference (PLATE2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Final Programme
  • An application of GC-MS AIQS-DB method to volatile organic compounds
    Presenter : Kameya T., Ishihara R., Sato T., Kobayashi T., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019 (WET2019) (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Program and Abstracts, 91
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Horii Y., Miyake Y., Otsuka H., Tanikawa N., Tokumura M., Urano S., Watanabe Y.
    Name of Society : Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 40th Annual Meeting (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract Book, 560
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Shigemi Kagawa, Oguchi M., Nansai K.
    Name of Society : SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Modelling and Analysis of In-use Stock of Products and Substitutional and Complementary Goods and Resulting Increased Energy Consumption: Case of Air conditioners, Fans and Houses in Asia.
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Manomaivibool P., Unroj P.
    Name of Society : The Joint 12th ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism section coference and the 5th ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Program, 92
  • An analytical method for trace levels of hexavalent chromium in stack gas using ion chromatography
    Presenter : Miyake Y., Tokumura M., Iwazaki Y., Wang Q., Amagai T., Horii T., Otsuka H., Tanikawa N., Kobayashi T., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : 5th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (CRETE 2016) (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 455-456
  • Presenter : Nishijima D., Kagawa S., Oguchi M.
    Name of Society : The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
    Presenter : Tasaki T., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Terazono A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of abstracts, 480-481
  • Modeling in-use stocks of consumer durables to forecast generation of end-of-life products and fluorocarbons potential in Asian countries
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Hanaoka T., Santo A.
    Name of Society : 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industry Ecology (ISIE Conference 2015) (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Book of Abstracts, 208
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Hanaoka T., Tasaki T.
    Name of Society : The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Scientfic Program, 340-343
  • Control of hazardous substances and fire accident on mixed metal scrap exported from Japan
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 7th International Society for industrial Ecology Biennial Conference (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceeding
  • Fire Prevention and Export Control of Mixed Metal Scrap
    Presenter : Terazono A., Oguchi M., Yoshida A., Koseki H.
    Name of Society : 17th Korea-Japan Joint International Session (2013 Annual Conference of KSWM) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 141-143
  • Flows of WEEE and contained metals in municipal solid waste treatment: A regional-level estimation in Japan
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Terazono A., Sakanakura H.
    Name of Society : MFA-ConAccount section Conference 2012 (2012)
  • Presenter : Higashi H., Oguchi M., Endo K., Mizutani C.
    Name of Society : 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research 2012 (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, PS4-13
  • Flow and stock study of radioactive cesium and its impact on waste treatment systems
    Presenter : Mori T., Oguchi M., Osako M., Yamada M.
    Name of Society : The 23rd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 649-650
  • Presenter : Oguchi M., Murakami S., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Hashimoto S.
    Name of Society : 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2011 Conference)
  • A database and characterization of existing lifespan information of electrical and electronic equipment
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Murakami S., Tasaki T., Daigo I., Hashimoto S.
    Name of Society : 2010 IEEE Int.Symp.Sustainable Syst.Technol.(ISSST) (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings
  • Thermodynamic screening of mercury forms for long-term storage of excess mercury
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Kida A.
    Name of Society : 2nd Int.Conf.Hazardous Ind.Waste Manage., CRETE 2010 (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 443-444
  • The potential of e-waste as secondary resources-What kind of e-waste should we focus on?
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Kida A., Sakanakura H., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : 5th Int.Conf.Int.Soc.Ind.Ecol.(ISIE) (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 331
  • Trend and analysis of factors in the generation of waste consumer durables using decomposition method
    Presenter : Oguchi M., Tasaki T., Moriguchi Y.
    Name of Society : 8th Int.Conf.EcoBalance (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings, 706-708