Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:23


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Material Cycles Division(Material Cycles Assessment Research Section)/Chief Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Research on additive chemicals contained in flame-retardant products and recycled plastic products
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
environmental chemistry,analytical chemistry,hazardous chemical substance
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26820 : Chemical management for material flows transition
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26413 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 26577 : Measurement, testing, and evaluation of hazardous and valuable substances in material cycles
    • 26691 : Assessing chemical additives in plastic recycling to enhance chemical management in a circular economy
    • 26692 : Specific homolog mass fractions, unintentional persistent organic pollutant occurrence and dioxin-like activity in technical chlorinated paraffin mixtures currently produced in different countries
    • 26693 : Developing an integrated framework for transitioning to a safe circular plastic economy: a use case study of Japan (CIRPLUS)
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25970 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 26182 : Measurement, testing, and evaluation of hazardous and valuable substances in material cycles
    • 26332 : Specific homolog mass fractions, unintentional persistent organic pollutant occurrence and dioxin-like activity in technical chlorinated paraffin mixtures currently produced in different countries
    • 26379 : Developing an integrated framework for transitioning to a safe circular plastic economy: a use case study of Japan (CIRPLUS)
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25510 : Chemical management for material flows transition
    • 25712 : Promotion of international harmonization of analytical methods for environmentally sound management of plastic wastes containing newly listed POPs
    • 25771 : Measurement, testing, and evaluation of hazardous and valuable substances in material cycles
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25097 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25132 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 25135 : Development of Next Generation Technologies for“3R”
    • 25145 : Research Project on Multi-scale Chemical Dynamics
    • 25301 : Promotion of international harmonization of analytical methods for environmentally sound management of plastic wastes containing newly listed POPs
    • 25335 : Assessment foundation for plastics cycles towards introduction of advanced recycling technologies and integration with the arterial industries
    • 25350 : Research and Development of Fundamental Technologies for Material Recycle and Substance Management
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24694 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24712 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 24715 : Development of Next Generation Technologies for“3R”
    • 24725 : Research Project on Multi-scale Chemical Dynamics
    • 24961 : Assessment foundation for plastics cycles towards introduction of advanced recycling technologies and integration with the arterial industries
    • 24989 : Promotion of international harmonization of analytical methods for environmentally sound management of plastic wastes containing newly listed POPs
    • 25035 : Research and Development of Fundamental Technologies for Material Recycle and Substance Management
    • 25036 : Study on emission behavior of POP-like compounds in biogas production plants and emission control for them
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24295 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 24298 : Development of next generation technologies for“3R”
    • 24308 : Research project on multi-scale chemical dynamics
    • 24353 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24513 : Study on the Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes Containing Newly Listed POPs
    • 24577 : Assessment Foundation for plastics cycles towards introduction of advanced recycling technologies and integration with the arterial industries
    • 24612 : Research and development of fundamental technologies for material recycle and substance management
    • 24613 : Study on emission behavior of POP-like compounds in biogas production plants and emission control for them
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23820 : Research project on multi-scale chemical dynamics
    • 23830 : Development of next generation technologies for“3R”
    • 23833 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23844 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23972 : International survey on the current status of incorporation of regulated flame retardants into recycled plastic products
    • 23973 : System analysis on waste prevention concept and its social application
    • 23974 : Study on the Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes Containing Newly Listed POPs
    • 24011 : Study on emission behavior of POP-like compounds in biogas production plants and emission control for them
    • 24142 : Research and development of fundamental technologies for material recycle and substance management
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23402 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23404 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23407 : Development of next generation technologies for“3R”
    • 23414 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23419 : Research project on multi-scale chemical dynamics
    • 23563 : Study on the Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes Containing Newly Listed POPs
    • 23564 : International survey on the current status of incorporation of regulated flame retardants into recycled plastic products
    • 23565 : System analysis on waste prevention concept and its social application
    • 23610 : Research and development of fundamental technologies for material recycle and substance management
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22996 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 23140 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 23146 : International survey on the current status of incorporation of regulated flame retardants into recycled plastic products
    • 23147 : System analysis on waste prevention concept and its social application
    • 23200 : Study on fundamental technologies required for material cycles and waste treatment
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22584 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22758 : Resource potential from End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) and its system analysis on environmental load
    • 22759 : Indoor source of PBDEs and their potential for chemical transformation under daily usage
    • 22773 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22860 : Study on fundamental technologies required for material cycles and waste treatment
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22168 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22322 : Resource potential from End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) and its system analysis on environmental load
    • 22367 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22423 : Coordinated study on environmental emission, behavior and effect of metals in high-tech products focusing on their lifecycle
    • 22432 : Study on fundamental technologies required for material cycles and waste treatment
    • 22556 : Indoor source of PBDEs and their potential for chemical transformation under daily usage
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21739 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21879 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 22054 : Development, standardization and application of testing methods for the evaluation of recycled products on environmentally sound quality of chemicals
    • 22060 : Coordinated study on environmental emission, behavior and effect of metals in high-tech products focusing on their lifecycle
    • 22066 : Resource potential from End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) and its system analysis on environmental load
    • 22106 : Study on fundamental technologies required for material cycles and waste treatment
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21296 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21477 : Development, standardization and application of testing methods for the evaluation of recycled products on environmentally sound quality of chemicals
    • 21499 : Study on the health risk control of brominated flame retardants in the lifecycle of articles
    • 21500 : International comparison study on waste management and recycle institutions, and integrated system analysis of chemical substance management
    • 21504 : Development and evaluation of treatment technologies and analytical methods for the countermeasures toward legacy wastes and materials with recycling difficulties
    • 21505 : Coordinated study on environmental emission, behavior and effect of metals in high-tech products focusing on their lifecycle
    • 21588 : Study on fundamental technologies required for material cycles and waste treatment
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 21002 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in the product life cycles
    • 21004 : Study on the health risk control of brominated flame retardants in the lifecycle of articles
    • 21005 : International comparison study on waste management and recycle institutions, and integrated system analysis of chemical substance management
    • 21027 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 21146 : Development of comprehensive testing methods of hazardous substances in products, waste, and secondary materials to evaluate environmental impacts
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20548 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20580 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20586 : Study on the health risk control of brominated flame retardants in the lifecycle of articles
    • 20755 : Investigation on pollution status and source identification of fluorinated surfactants
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20006 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20219 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20236 : Indoor behavior of functional additives in textile under daily usage
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10581 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 10673 : Indoor behavior of functional additives in textile under daily usage
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10314 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture