Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:34


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Material Cycles Division(Global Resource Sustainability Research Section)/Chief Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Material circulation design and evaluation for sustainable resource management
PhD (engineering)
Professional Qualification(s)
Engineering,Material Engineering
Environmental Speciality Field
Industrial ecology,Waste management & Recycling,Ecomaterials
Brief Description of Research
- Material flow and stock accounting and lifecycle assessment for sustainable resource management
The demand-and-supply balance of exhaustible resources, including rare and precious metals, has been changing drastically through the influence of factors such as the remarkable progress of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRICs) and resource oligopoly of major metal resource companies. Japan has the world’s highest demand for rare metals, and at the same time, it is a supplier of high-value added materials (electronic materials, steel, etc.) and highly-functional products(electrical and electronic equipment, automobiles, etc.). However, Japan depends on foreign countries for most of its requirements of rare metals. A stable supply of metal resources is the most important issue for further development of the Japanese industry. This study investigates material flows and stocks, primarily of common metals such as iron, aluminum, and copper, and those of rare metals such as manganese, molybdenum, and indium that accompany the element flows of common metals and analyzes the demand-and-supply balance of these metals. The effects of improvements resulting from changes in material and recycling technologies and social structure are quantified.

- Metal resource recyclability for material strategies based on thermodynamic analysis
In Japan, as a resource importing country, strategic resource and waste management are absolutely necessary. The promotion of material recycling is demanded as a middle-term and long-term strategy for securing resource supplies. Material recycling of such metal resources is supported by both ferrous and nonferrous metallurgical industries.In metallurgical process, metal materials are produced using secondary resources (by-products and waste materials) as raw materials, in addition to various ores and natural resources. To make a quantitative argument related to the feasibility of collecting metal resources from secondaryresources, this study presents the following. 1. It identifies the element distribution among the slag phase, gas phase, and metal phase in metallurgical process. 2. It is designed to develop a method to evaluate the metal resource recyclability from secondaryresources based on thermodynamic analysis.

Membership of Academic Society
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan,The Japan Institute of Metals,The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26819 : Material flows transition and social adaptation
    • 26852 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26853 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26906 : Detection of inequalities and disparities in resource use hidden behind global economic growth
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26412 : Material flows transition and social adaptation
    • 26438 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 26439 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26553 : Development of Up-grade Recycling Technology of Aluminum for the Resource Circular Society
    • 26554 : System development of Resource Logistics toward minimizing supply chain risks of mineral resources
    • 26555 : Detection of inequalities and disparities in resource use hidden behind global economic growth
    • 26583 : Development of databases on material cycles and waste management through international cooperation
    • 26595 : Sustainability assessment and future vision of resource use
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25969 : Material flows transition and social adaptation
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25985 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25986 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26078 : Development of global scenario model for effectiveness evaluation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
    • 26079 : System development of Resource Logistics toward minimizing supply chain risks of mineral resources
    • 26080 : Development of Up-grade Recycling Technology of Aluminum for the Resource Circular Society
    • 26178 : Sustainability assessment and future vision of resource use
    • 26327 : Detection of inequalities and disparities in resource use hidden behind global economic growth
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25509 : Material flows transition and social adaptation
    • 25532 : Simultaneous achievement of global decarbonization and sustainability
    • 25533 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25680 : Development of global scenario model for effectiveness evaluation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
    • 25681 : Development of models for material stock and flow analysis toward advanced recycling of scarce alloying elements
    • 25778 : Sustainability assessment and future vision of resource use
    • 25941 : Development of Up-grade Recycling Technology of Aluminum for the Resource Circular Society
    • 25944 : System development of Resource Logistics toward minimizing supply chain risks of mineral resources
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25097 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 25098 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 25114 : Establishment of Informational Research Fundamentals About Resource Circulation and Waste Management
    • 25131 : Designing a Sustainability Strategy for Global Resource Networks from the Consumption-based Perspective
    • 25132 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 25136 : Strategic Conservation Planning Based on Assessment of Social-ecological Interactions
    • 25179 : Development of global scenario model for effectiveness evaluation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
    • 25203 : Study on risks arising from impact of global climate change onto Japan
    • 25266 : Increasing added value with impurities control in steel cycles
    • 25267 : Global change caused by resource consumption: The role influential consumer countries should play
    • 25268 : Development of models for material stock and flow analysis toward advanced recycling of scarce alloying elements
    • 25462 : Sustainability and resource supply risk of artificial intelligence society
    • 25464 : Dynamic Analysis on International Material Cycles and Assessment of Their Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24694 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24695 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24711 : Designing a Sustainability Strategy for Global Resource Networks from the Consumption-based Perspective
    • 24712 : Assessment of Resource efficiency and Environmental Impact in the Cycles of Recyclable Materials and Accompanied Substances
    • 24716 : Strategic Conservation Planning Based on Assessment of Social-ecological Interactions
    • 24746 : Establishment of Informational Research Fundamentals About Resource Circulation and Waste Management
    • 24779 : Evaluation on social value of steel by a new LCA framework
    • 24780 : Increasing added value with impurities control in steel cycles
    • 24781 : Global change caused by resource consumption: The role influential consumer countries should play
    • 24782 : Economic activity and resource extraction: An evaluation of resource logistics focused on total material requirements
    • 24791 : Study on risks arising from impact of global climate change onto Japan
    • 24827 : Dynamic Analysis on International Material Cycles and Assessment of Their Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts
    • 24828 : Sustainability and resource supply risk of artificial intelligence society
    • 25085 : Development of models for material stock and flow analysis toward advanced recycling of scarce alloying elements
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24294 : Designing a sustainability strategy for global resource networks from the consumption-based perspective
    • 24295 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 24299 : Strategic conservation planning based on assessment of social-ecological interactions
    • 24316 : Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 24353 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 24354 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24376 : Study on risks arising from impact of global climate change onto Japan
    • 24378 : Dynamic analysis on international material cycles and assessment of their environmental, economic and social impacts
    • 24410 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
    • 24412 : Evaluation on social value of steel by a new LCA framework
    • 24413 : Increasing added value with Impurities control in steel cycles
    • 24444 : Development of multi-value circulation based on remanufacturing
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23829 : Strategic conservation planning based on assessment of social-ecological interactions
    • 23833 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23834 : Designing a sustainability strategy for global resource networks from the consumption-based perspective
    • 23844 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23845 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23878 : Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23903 : Integrated Hotspot Analysis of Values and Environmental and Resource Stresses Produced in the Supply Chain
    • 23904 : Recycling systems of metals towards sustainable use
    • 23940 : Bottom-up Analysis of Total Material Requirement towards Resource Decoupling
    • 23947 : Priority in environmental policy from the viewpoints of resources and products
    • 23963 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
    • 24019 : Dynamic analysis on international material cycles and assessment of their environmental, economic and social impacts
    • 24175 : Evaluation on social value of steel by a new LCA framework
    • 24197 : Development of multi-value circulation based on remanufacturing
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23402 : Sustainable Material Cycles Research Program
    • 23403 : Designing a sustainability strategy for global resource networks from the consumption-based perspective
    • 23404 : Assessment of resource efficiency and environmental impact in the cycles of recyclable materials and accompanied substances
    • 23408 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23409 : Strategic conservation planning based on assessment of social-ecological interactions
    • 23459 : Dynamic analysis on international material cycles and assessment of their environmental, economic and social impacts
    • 23471 : Establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23543 : Detection of resource consumption and its environmental impacts, and system design to increase resource efficiency through the supply chain
    • 23544 : Global material flow analysis of metals embedded in bilateral trades between 231 countries and regions
    • 23545 : Next-generation Material Stock that Realize the Full Potential of Resources
    • 23546 : Priority in environmental policy from the viewpoints of resources and products
    • 23547 : Recycling systems of metals towards sustainable use
    • 23548 : Bottom-up Analysis of Total Material Requirement towards Resource Decoupling
    • 23549 : Integrated Hotspot Analysis of Values and Environmental and Resource Stresses Produced in the Supply Chain
    • 23669 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
    • 23739 : Development of Models for Resource Use and Waste Management and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Policies towards a Sound Material-cycle Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22996 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22998 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 23027 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 23055 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 23056 : Analytical model development for environmental and resource management based on the consumer
    • 23098 : Resource logistics as a support tool of science and technology policy decision
    • 23099 : Dynamic modeling of world steel cycle towards 2100
    • 23100 : Next-generation Material Stock that Realize the Full Potential of Resources
    • 23101 : Global material flow analysis of metals embedded in bilateral trades between 231 countries and regions
    • 23102 : Detection of resource consumption and its environmental impacts, and system design to increase resource efficiency through the supply chain
    • 23103 : Priority in environmental policy from the viewpoints of resources and products
    • 23104 : Recycling systems of metals towards sustainable use
    • 23105 : Bottom-up Analysis of Total Material Requirement towards Resource Decoupling
    • 23106 : Integrated Hotspot Analysis of Values and Environmental and Resource Stresses Produced in the Supply Chain
    • 23130 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22584 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22586 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 22615 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 22637 : Analytical model development for environmental and resource management based on the consumer
    • 22740 : Detection of resource consumption and its environmental impacts, and system design to increase resource efficiency through the supply chain
    • 22741 : Global material flow analysis of metals embedded in bilateral trades between 231 countries and regions
    • 22742 : Life-cycle system modeling to design environmentally conscious supply chain with robustness and flexibility
    • 22743 : Resource logistics as a support tool of science and technology policy decision
    • 22744 : Dynamic modeling of world steel cycle towards 2100
    • 22747 : Next-generation Material Stock that Realize the Full Potential of Resources
    • 22776 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 22825 : Evaluation of the E-waste/ELV generation and the systems of metals/fluorocarbons collections in Asian countries
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22168 : Appropriate management of materials with hazard and resource potentials in harmony with international material cycles
    • 22170 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 22199 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 22231 : Sustainable resource utilization towards biodiversity conservation: Global supply chain analysis of nickel
    • 22244 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 22346 : Resource logistics as a support tool of science and technology policy decision
    • 22347 : Supply chain
    • 22348 : Dynamic material flow analysis
    • 22353 : Effects of reduce, reuse and recycling (3R) on global supply chains of rare metals associated with the Japanese economy
    • 22355 : Study on reduction of GHG emission associated with increasing resource consumption by economic development
    • 22433 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 22477 : Analytical model development for environmental and resource management based on the consumer's responsibility
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21739 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21741 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 21770 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 21804 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 21858 : A New Approach to Integrate Material Flow Analysis/Material Stock Accounting and Thermodynanmic Analysis
    • 21859 : Rare Metals Recycling System based on local steel and nonferrous metal industries
    • 21860 : Waste Input-Output analysis of the use and dispersion of metal resources
    • 21861 : Material flow analysisi (Phosphoras)
    • 21862 : Supply chain
    • 21870 : Study on reduction of GHG emission associated with increasing resource consumption by economic development
    • 22049 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 22107 : Effects of reduce, reuse and recycling (3R) on global supply chains of rare metals associated with the Japanese economy
    • 22148 : Sustainable resource utilization towards biodiversity conservation: Global supply chain analysis of nickel
    • 22150 : Resource logistics as a support tool of science and technology policy decision
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21296 : Appropriate Management of Materials with Hazard and Resource Potentials in harmony with International Material Cycles
    • 21298 : Establishment of material cycles system by utilizing regional characteristics
    • 21328 : Strategic establishment of informational research fundamentals about resource circulation and waste management
    • 21339 : A New Approach to Integrate Material Flow Analysis/Material Stock Accounting and Thermodynanmic Analysis
    • 21370 : Waste Input-Output analysis of the use and dispersion of metal resources
    • 21371 : Rare Metals Recycling System based on local steel and nonferrous metal industries
    • 21457 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
    • 21459 : Systems approach and policy study on life-cycle resource management
    • 21617 : Establishment of safe and effective recycling system for hazardous products and components
    • 21634 : Material flow analysisi (Phosphoras)
    • 21635 : Study on reduction of GHG emission associated with increasing resource consumption by economic development
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20894 : Rare Metals Recycling System based on local steel and nonferrous metal industries
    • 20898 : A New Approach to Integrate Material Flow Analysis/Material Stock Accounting and Thermodynanmic Analysis
    • 20900 : Waste Input-Output analysis of the use and dispersion of metal resources
    • 20904 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
    • 20909 : Theory and practice for analyzing environmental global supply chains
    • 20940 : Material flow analysisi (Phosphoras)
    • 21002 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in the product life cycles
    • 21027 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 21030 : Development of appropriate management measures for scrap metal export from the perspective of hazardous materials control, fire prevention and material recovery
    • 21100 : Designing and evaluating material cycles systems and policy/management techniques for the near future
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20548 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20552 : Development of appropriate management measures for scrap metal export from the perspective of hazardous materials control, fire prevention and material recovery
    • 20559 : Designing and evaluating material cycles systems and policy/management techniques for the near future
    • 20580 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20598 : Classification of e-waste recycling technology in Asian developing countries
    • 20628 : Theory and practice for analyzing environmental global supply chains
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20006 : Management of hazardous and valuable substances in product life cycles
    • 20021 : Development of Material Stock Account Framework and Its Application: Strategies for Future Waste and Resource Management
    • 20179 : Designing and evaluating material cycles systems and policy/management techniques for the near future
    • 20214 : Material flow and stock accounting of rare metals for sound material cycle
    • 20219 : Establishing appropriate management networks and technology systems to support sound international material cycles
    • 20248 : Theory and practice for analyzing environmental global supply chains
    • 20263 : Appropriate management of scrap metal generated and exported<br>-hazardous materials control, disaster prevention and material recovery-
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10691 : Material flow and stock accounting of rare metals for sound material cycle
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Resource Flows and Stocks in the Global Economy
    Presenter : Nakajima K., Nansai K., Takayanagi W.
    Title : , Big Data Analysis on Global Community Formation and Isolation (2021)
  • Recycling and Dissipation of Metals: Distribution of Elements in the Metal, Slag, and Gas Phases During Metallurgical Processing
    Presenter : Nakajima K., Takeda O., Miki T., Matsubae K., Nagasaka T.
    Title : , Metal Sustainability (2016)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture