Global land-use allocation model linked to an integrated assessment model.

Hasegawa, T., Fujimori, S., Ito, A., Takahashi, K., Masui, T.

Information of Paper

 Global land-use allocation model linked to an integrated assessment model.

Authors:Hasegawa, T., Fujimori, S., Ito, A., Takahashi, K., Masui, T.
Information of Journal:Science of Total Environment.

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We developed a global land-use allocation model that can be linked to integrated assessment models (IAMs) with a coarser spatial resolution. Using the model, we performed a downscaling of the IAMs’ regional aggregated land-use projections to obtain a spatial land-use distribution, which could subsequently be used by Earth system models for global environmental assessments of ecosystem services, food security, and climate policies. Here we describe the land-use allocation model, discuss the verification of the downscaling technique, and explain the influences of the downscaling on estimates of land-use carbon emissions. A comparison of the emissions estimated with and without downscaling suggested that the land-use downscaling would help capture the spatial distribution of carbon stock density and regional heterogeneity of carbon emissions caused by cropland and pasture land expansion

Fig Overall framework of the land-use allocation methodology
Fig. Changes in the factions of grid cell area occupied by each land-use category in 2100 from the 2005 level for the baseline scenario.
Fig. Changes in the factions of grid cell area occupied by each land-use category in 2100 from the level of 2005 for the mitigation scenario.