Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:30:12

OHNO Koichi

Researcher Name
OHNO Koichi
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Research Office for Environmental Risk Science)/Head
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26803 : Comprehensive Environmental Risk Research Program
    • 26835 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26403 : Comprehensive Environmental Risk Research Program
    • 26424 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26529 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 26530 : Environmental risk assessment Team
    • 26557 : Development and publication of databases of chemical information
    • 26663 : Survey and study on toxicity test methods for high-order predators by persistent and bioaccumulated chemicals in FY2023
    • 26716 : Development of ecological risk assessment methods for multiple chemicals based on the similarity of activity/structure and exposure profile
    • 26720 : FY2023 Contract work on the development and validation of new ecotoxicity test methods in OECD and the support for GLP inspection activities
    • 26725 : Developing a water quality health assessment system for offshore exploitation sites
    • 26756 : FY2023 Contract research work on the development of new assessment method for ecological risk of pesticides
    • 26768 : Contract study on the ecotoxicity testing for the development of assessment of chemical mixtures in FY2022
    • 26786 : Commission on investigation of health risk assessment methods for hazardous air pollutants
    • 26787 : Implementation of environmental risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure
    • 26788 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 26789 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to aquatic flora and fauna in the human living environment
    • 26790 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to avian species
    • 26791 : Study on a prediction method of ecotoxicity to aquatic life
    • 26792 : Investigation on the water environmental quality standard for conservation of aquatic organisms
    • 26793 : The study for establishing a new fish acute toxicity test concerning animal welfare
    • 26794 : Fundamental study for standardization of ecotoxicity
    • 26795 : Development of novel bioassay technique
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25972 : Comprehensive Environmental Risk Research Program
    • 25977 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26276 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 26277 : Environmental risk assessment Team
    • 26278 : Fundamental study for standardization of ecotoxicity
    • 26279 : Development of novel bioassay technique
    • 26281 : Commission on investigation of health risk assessment methods for hazardous air pollutants
    • 26283 : Implementation of environmental risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure
    • 26284 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 26285 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to aquatic flora and fauna in the human living environment
    • 26286 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to avian species
    • 26288 : Study on a prediction method of ecotoxicity
    • 26321 : Survey and study on toxicity test methods for high-order predators by persistent and bioaccumulated chemicals in FY2022
    • 26337 : Development of ecological risk assessment methods for multiple chemicals based on the similarity of activity/structure and exposure profile
    • 26339 : FY2022 Contract work on the development and validation of new ecotoxicity test methods in OECD and the support for GLP inspection activities
    • 26344 : Development and publication of databases of chemical information
    • 26394 : FY2022 Investigation on the water environmental quality standard for conservation of aquatic organisms
    • 26397 : Contract study on the ecotoxicity testing for the development of assessment of chemical mixtures in FY2022
    • 26398 : FY2022 Contract research work on the development of new assessment method for ecological risk of pesticides
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25501 : Comprehensive environmental risk research program
    • 25521 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 25753 : Development and publication of databases of chemical information
    • 25886 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 25887 : Fundamental study for standardization of ecotoxicity
    • 25888 : Environmental risk assessment Team
    • 25890 : Development of novel bioassay technique
    • 25897 : FY2021 Contract research work on the development of new assessment method for ecological risk of pesticides
    • 25942 : Study on the ecotoxicity testing for the development of assessment of chemical mixtures in FY2021
    • 25948 : Commission on investigation of health risk assessment methods for hazardous air pollutants
    • 25949 : Implementation of environmental risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure in FY2021
    • 25950 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 25959 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to aquatic flora and fauna in the human living environment
    • 25961 : Study on a prediction method of ecotoxicity
    • 25962 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to avian species
    • 25963 : Study on assessment methods of toxicity to higher predators posed by hardly degradable and highly bioaccumulative chemicals
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25124 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 25148 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 25258 : Development and Publication of Databases of Chemical Information
    • 25401 : Study on revision of OECD fish, acute toxicity testing
    • 25407 : The development of new ecological risk assessment method for agricultural chemicals
    • 25421 : Environmental Risk Assessment Task Office
    • 25422 : Commission on investigation of health risk assessment methods for hazardous air pollutants
    • 25423 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 25424 : Implementation of risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure in FY2020
    • 25425 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to aquatic flora and fauna in the human living environment
    • 25426 : Literature survey for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent harm to avian species
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24728 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 24756 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 24840 : Development and Publication of Databases of Chemical Information
    • 24870 : Environmental Risk Assessment Task Office
    • 24897 : Commission on consideration of health risk assessment methods for hazardous air pollutants
    • 24898 : FY2019 study on prediction method of ecotoxicity
    • 24899 : Literature investigation for setting the registration standard of pesticide to prevent hazard to fisheries in FY2019
    • 24900 : Implementation of risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure in FY2019
    • 24901 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals in FY2019
    • 24902 : Study on the assessment method of chronic adverse effect on aquatic flora and fauna posed by pesticides in FY2019
    • 25022 : FY2019 Validation research on the amendment of the OECD fish acute toxicity test guideline
    • 25089 : FY2019 Investigation on Toxicity Testing and Evaluation Methods of Difficult Chemicals
    • 25090 : FY2019 Investigation on the water environmental quality standard for conservation of aquatic organisms
    • 25091 : FY2019 Study on the Development of Assessment Procedure for the Mixture Effects of Chemicals Using Ecotoxicity Testing
    • 25095 : FY2019 Research on the development of novel methods for the assessment of ecological risk of pesticides in aquatic environment
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24311 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 24339 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24366 : Commission on Consideration of Health Risk Assessment Methods for Hazardous Air Pollutants
    • 24484 : Development and publication of databases of chemical information
    • 24536 : FY2018 Study on the Development of Assessment Procedure for the Mixture Effects of Chemicals Using Ecotoxicity Testing
    • 24552 : FY2018 Study on QSAR Technique Regarding Ecotoxicity
    • 24555 : Environmental risk assessment task office
    • 24580 : Literature investigation for setting the standard to reserve registration of pesticide to prevent hazard to fisheries in FY2018
    • 24581 : Implementation of risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure in FY2018
    • 24582 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals in FY2018
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23817 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23860 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 23932 : Development and publication of databases of chemical information
    • 24041 : Environmental risk assessment task office
    • 24097 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals in FY2017
    • 24098 : Implementation of risk assessment in CSCL and investigation on the advanced procedure in FY2017
    • 24099 : Literature investigation for setting the standard to reserve registration of pesticide to prevent hazard to fisheries in FY2017
    • 24183 : FY2017 Study on QSAR Technique Regarding Ecotoxicity
    • 24186 : FY2017 Investigation on Toxcity Testing of Difficult Test Chemicals
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Presenter : Ohno K.
    Title : , Management of radioactivity in drinking-water (2018)
  • Presenter : Ritscher A., Wang Z., Scheringer M., Boucher J.M., Ahrens L., Berger U., Bintein S., Bopp S.K., Borg D., Buser A.M., Cousins I., DeWitt J., Fletcher T., Green C., Herzke D., Higgins C., Huang J., Hung H., Knepper T., Lau C.S., Leinala E., Lindstrom A.B., Liu J., Miller M., Ohno K., Perkola N., Shi Y., Haug L.S., Trier X., Valsecchi S., van der Jagt K., Vierke L.
    Title : , Environmental Health Perspectives, 126(8):084502-1-084502-5 (2018)
  • Presenter : Wang Z., Buser A.M., Cousins I.T., Demattio S., Drost W., Johansson O., Ohno K., Patlewicz G., Richard A.M., Walker G.W., White G.S., Leinala E.
    Title : , Environmental Science & Technology, 55(23):15575-15578 (2021)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation