Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:30:19


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Research Office for Environmental Risk Science)/Junior Research Associate
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26835 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26848 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26424 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26435 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26529 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 26530 : Environmental risk assessment Team
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26788 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 26791 : Study on a prediction method of ecotoxicity to aquatic life
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25977 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26001 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26002 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26276 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 26277 : Environmental risk assessment Team
    • 26284 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 26288 : Study on a prediction method of ecotoxicity
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25521 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 25535 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 25536 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25886 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 25888 : Environmental risk assessment Team
    • 25950 : Implementation of initial risk assessment of environmental chemicals
    • 25961 : Study on a prediction method of ecotoxicity
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation