Latest Update:2024/11/15 18:37:03

HUANG Riping

Researcher Name
HUANG Riping
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Research Office for Environmental Risk Science)/Research Associate
Research Result (Presentation)
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  • Research Presentation
  • Research Presentation
    A novel approach for categorizing mode of action of chemicals by utilizing time-to-death observed in the fish acute toxicity test
    Presenter : Huang R., Yamagishi T., Hiki K., Ohno K., Watanabe H., Yamamoto H.
    Name of Society : 3rd Joint Concerence on Environmental Chemicals (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Research Presentation
    Assessing the applicability domain of fish embryo toxicity test as alternatives of fish acute toxicity test, utilizing time-to-death in FET test
    Presenter : Huang R., Yamagishi T., Watanabe H., Ohno K., Yamamoto H.
    Name of Society : SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • A novel approach for categorizing mode of action of chemicals by utilizing time-to-death observed in the fish acute toxicity test
    Presenter : Huang R., Yamagishi T., Hiki K., Ohno K., Watanabe H., Yamamoto H.
    Name of Society : 3rd Joint Concerence on Environmental Chemicals (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Assessing the applicability domain of fish embryo toxicity test as alternatives of fish acute toxicity test, utilizing time-to-death in FET test
    Presenter : Huang R., Yamagishi T., Watanabe H., Ohno K., Yamamoto H.
    Name of Society : SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts