Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:30:05


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Research Office for Environmental Risk Science)/Senior Researcher
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26831 : Research project on the ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26421 : Research project on the ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 26529 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 26716 : Development of ecological risk assessment methods for multiple chemicals based on the similarity of activity/structure and exposure profile
    • 26717 : Profile analysis of ecotoxicity of bioplastic eluates using marine organisms
    • 26718 : Study on development of framework for environmental risk assessment of new pharmaceuticals by integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA)
    • 26719 : Research on utilization of bioassays for management of various water environments
    • 26720 : FY2023 Contract work on the development and validation of new ecotoxicity test methods in OECD and the support for GLP inspection activities
    • 26725 : Developing a water quality health assessment system for offshore exploitation sites
    • 26755 : FY2023 Contract work on test method development for endocrine disrupting chemicals
    • 26756 : FY2023 Contract research work on the development of new assessment method for ecological risk of pesticides
    • 26757 : Study on risk assessment of chemicals using effect directed analysis in FY2023
    • 26768 : Contract study on the ecotoxicity testing for the development of assessment of chemical mixtures in FY2022
    • 26769 : Assessment of effects on marine organisms exposed to microplastics via water and sediment
    • 26793 : The study for establishing a new fish acute toxicity test concerning animal welfare
    • 26794 : Fundamental study for standardization of ecotoxicity
    • 26795 : Development of novel bioassay technique
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25974 : Research project on the ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 26276 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 26278 : Fundamental study for standardization of ecotoxicity
    • 26279 : Development of novel bioassay technique
    • 26298 : FY2021-2022 Tier 2 Testing for endocrine disrupting chemical (17β-estradiol)
    • 26323 : Investigation toward the development of a non-destructive evaluation method for fish toxicity using environmental RNA
    • 26337 : Development of ecological risk assessment methods for multiple chemicals based on the similarity of activity/structure and exposure profile
    • 26338 : FY2022 Contract work on test method development for endocrine disrupting chemicals
    • 26339 : FY2022 Contract work on the development and validation of new ecotoxicity test methods in OECD and the support for GLP inspection activities
    • 26340 : Profile analysis of ecotoxicity of bioplastic eluates using marine organisms
    • 26357 : Study on development of framework for environmental risk assessment of new pharmaceuticals by integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA)
    • 26396 : Study on risk assessment of chemicals using effect directed analysis in FY2022
    • 26397 : Contract study on the ecotoxicity testing for the development of assessment of chemical mixtures in FY2022
    • 26398 : FY2022 Contract research work on the development of new assessment method for ecological risk of pesticides
    • 26399 : Research on utilization of bioassays for management of various water environments
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25518 : Study on ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 25879 : Study on species sensitive distribution (SSD) based on the difference of somatotype of aquatic plants
    • 25882 : Development of the prediction system for environmental effects by new drugs based on the evaluation results of environmental toxicity by existing drugs
    • 25883 : Comparison of various bioassay for testing water quality of ambient water samples
    • 25886 : Fundamental study for environmental risk assessment
    • 25887 : Fundamental study for standardization of ecotoxicity
    • 25890 : Development of novel bioassay technique
    • 25892 : FY2021 Contract work on test method development for endocrine disrupting chemicals
    • 25895 : FY2021 Contract work on the development and validation of new ecotoxicity test methods in OECD
    • 25897 : FY2021 Contract research work on the development of new assessment method for ecological risk of pesticides
    • 25927 : Study on practical assessment technique for marine environment during seafloor mineral mining
    • 25938 : Study on risk assessment of chemicals using effect directed analysis in FY2021
    • 25942 : Study on the ecotoxicity testing for the development of assessment of chemical mixtures in FY2021
    • 25943 : FY2021-2022 Tier 2 Testing for endocrine disrupting chemical (17β-estradiol)
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25124 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 25144 : Project to Build a System Evaluating Ecological Effect Comprehensively and Effectively
    • 25359 : Study on practical assessment technique for marine environment during seafloor mineral mining
    • 25362 : Comparison of various bioassay for testing water quality of ambient water samples
    • 25363 : Development of the prediction system for environmental effects by new drugs based on the evaluation results of environmental toxicity by existing drugs
    • 25364 : FY2019-2020 Tier 2 Testing for endocrine disrupting chemical (17α-ethynylestradiol)
    • 25365 : Upgrade of Ecotoxicity Testing and Development of Novel System to Evaluate Ecotoxicological Effects of Chemicals
    • 25366 : Development of short-term chronic toxicity tests using marine and estuarine species
    • 25401 : Study on revision of OECD fish, acute toxicity testing
    • 25407 : The development of new ecological risk assessment method for agricultural chemicals
    • 25410 : Study on species sensitive distribution (SSD) based on the difference of somatotype of aquatic plants
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24724 : Project to Build a System Evaluating Ecological Effect Comprehensively and Effectively
    • 24756 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 24929 : Analysis of gene mutation in green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata among algal culture collections
    • 24930 : The study of impacts of chelating agents on algal species
    • 25020 : Upgrade of Ecotoxicity Testing and Development of Novel System to Evaluate Ecotoxicological Effects of Chemicals
    • 25021 : Development of short-term chronic toxicity tests using marine and estuarine species
    • 25022 : FY2019 Validation research on the amendment of the OECD fish acute toxicity test guideline
    • 25050 : Development of the prediction system for environmental effects by new drugs based on the evaluation results of environmental toxicity by existing drugs
    • 25051 : Comparison of various bioassay for testing water quality of ambient water samples
    • 25052 : Study on practical assessment technique for marine environment during seafloor mineral mining
    • 25091 : FY2019 Study on the Development of Assessment Procedure for the Mixture Effects of Chemicals Using Ecotoxicity Testing
    • 25092 : FY2019 Contract research work on risk assessment of chemicals using the effect-directed analysis
    • 25093 : FY2019 Development of Testing Methods Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Chemicals
    • 25094 : FY2019-2020 Tier 2 Testing for endocrine disrupting chemical (17α-ethynylestradiol)
    • 25095 : FY2019 Research on the development of novel methods for the assessment of ecological risk of pesticides in aquatic environment
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24307 : Project to build a system evaluating ecological effect comprehensively and effectively
    • 24339 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24533 : Case study on biological risk in aquatic environment using WET method
    • 24534 : FY2017-2018 Tier 2 Biological Tests Regarding Chemicals with Endocrine Disrupting Effects
    • 24535 : FY2018 Development of Testing Methods Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Chemicals
    • 24536 : FY2018 Study on the Development of Assessment Procedure for the Mixture Effects of Chemicals Using Ecotoxicity Testing
    • 24538 : Development of short-term chronic toxicity tests using marine and estuarine species
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 24066 : Research and Development of Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Marine Ecosystem Management
    • 24184 : FY2017 Development of Testing Methods Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Chemicals
    • 24185 : FY2017-2018 Tier 2 Biological Tests Regarding Chemicals with Endocrine Disrupting Effects
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23683 : Research and Development of Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Marine Ecosystem Management
    • 23702 : Risk Assessment Science Collaboration Office Ecotoxicity Reference Laboratory
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Book
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation