Household Activity Travel Simulator for Child-care: the Activity Re-scheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities (ARIGATO-Childcare).

Ariga T., Aono S., Ohmori N.

Information of Paper

Household Activity Travel Simulator for Child-care: the Activity Re-scheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities (ARIGATO-Childcare).

Author:Ariga T., Aono S., Ohmori N.
Journal:Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management


nursing, activity scheduling, activity-travel simulator, web-GIS


Activity-travel simulators have played an important role in understanding and reconsidering individual activity scheduling and travel behavior as they can generate alternative feasible schedules under an individual spatio-temporal constraint. Recent technological innovations have enabled us to develop user-friendly simulators more easily, allowing better communication between citizens and policy makers. We developed a web-GIS based household activity travel simulator based on a spatio-temporal approach to assist families with small children in daycare. The simulator, named the “Activity Re-scheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities for childcare (ARIGATO-Childcare),” enabled families with childcare commitments to provide feedback and reconsider their schedules including day-care drop-off and pick-up and time spent with family members. Finally, we confirmed the effectiveness of the simulator from an Internet-based questionnaire on the use of the simulator at day-care centers in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan.

Click the figures for larger view

Fig.1 Space-time Prism and Paths
Fig.2 Example of Screen Shots