Development of energy balance table for rural and urban households and evaluation of energy consumption in Indian states

Satish Kumar Yawale, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Manmohan Kapshe

Information of Paper

Development of energy balance table for rural and urban households and evaluation of energy consumption in Indian states

Author:Satish Kumar Yawale, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Manmohan Kapshe
Journal:Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER), Vol: 136,

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Electrification, energy transition, household sector, per-capita energy consumption, state-wise energy balance table, urbanization


Currently, India’s economy and structural changes have been transforming the household lifestyle and showing significant changes in energy transition. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the historical characteristics of energy transition and consumption pattern across -rural and urban household sector in various states of India. The paper also assesses disparities and characteristics of transitions from rural to urban and from low to high development. By developing a comprehensive database with the help of National Sample Survey and various statistics, this study first establishes a systematic bottom-up method to estimate per-capita energy balance table for rural and urban households in each state. Further, characteristics of energy transitions in relation with income levels are analysed by comparing energy consumption across low, middle and high-income states for rural and urban households. The results for different household services indicate that, cooking has been the prime energy consuming service whereas the share of other-appliance service was small in the past but has been rapidly increasing. The quantity and share of traditional fuels such as biomass and kerosene has been decreasing in total per-capita household energy use, which is getting replaced by LPG and electricity in high income households. Due to dependency on low efficient traditional fuels, rural households still consume higher per-capita energy than urban households. Among different driver of energy demand, per-capita income is an important driver whereas, urbanization elucidate the enhancement in increasing energy demand.

Figure 1: Overview of per-capita energy balance table