Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:28:29

KAWACHI Masanobu

Researcher Name
KAWACHI Masanobu
Div (Section) name/title
Biodiversity Division(Biodiversity Resource Conservation Office)/
Research Subject
Studies on the biodiversity of algae concerning with environmental problems and algal culture collection
Doctor of Science
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
water bloom,biodiversity,biofuel
Membership of Academic Society
The Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP) ,Japan Society for Culture Collections (JSCC),The Botanical Society of Japan,International Phycological Society
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26828 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26848 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26866 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26869 : Biodiversity Domain: Intellectual Research Infrastructure Development
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26419 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26435 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26454 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26456 : Biodiversity Domain: Intellectual Research Infrastructure Development
    • 26507 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 26508 : Collection and characterization of useful algae
    • 26654 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 26725 : Developing a water quality health assessment system for offshore exploitation sites
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25983 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26001 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 26012 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26014 : Biodiversity Domain: Intellectual Research Infrastructure Development
    • 26119 : Collection and characterization of useful algae
    • 26264 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26345 : Development of monitoring method by imaging analysis of meiofauna in deep-sea sediments
    • 26347 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25516 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 25535 : Research on evaluation and clarification of effects and mechanisms of climate change
    • 25613 : Prediction of Climate Change Impacts on Enclosed Coastal Sea Environment and Adaptations
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25809 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25811 : Biodiversity Domain: Intellectual Research Infrastructure Development
    • 25833 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 25925 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 25927 : Study on practical assessment technique for marine environment during seafloor mineral mining
    • 25928 : Development of monitoring method by imaging analysis of meiofauna in deep-sea sediments
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25113 : Long-term Monitoring and Database for Global Environmental Research and Supporting for Related Activities
    • 25117 : Collection, Preservation and Distribution of Microbes and Endangered Algae
    • 25327 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
    • 25359 : Study on practical assessment technique for marine environment during seafloor mineral mining
    • 25360 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 25366 : Development of short-term chronic toxicity tests using marine and estuarine species
    • 25368 : Development of monitoring method by imaging analysis of meiofauna in deep-sea sediments
    • 25411 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 25432 : Research into Observation, Monitoring and Detection of Climate Change and Resultant Impacts
    • 25439 : Prediction of Climate Change Impacts on Enclosed Coastal Sea Environment and Adaptations
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24745 : Long-term Monitoring and Database for Global Environmental Research and Supporting for Related Activities
    • 24749 : Collection, Preservation and Distribution of Microbes and Endangered Algae
    • 24975 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
    • 25019 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 25021 : Development of short-term chronic toxicity tests using marine and estuarine species
    • 25052 : Study on practical assessment technique for marine environment during seafloor mineral mining
    • 25054 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 25056 : Research into Observation, Monitoring and Detection of Climate Change and Resultant Impacts
    • 25075 : Prediction of Climate Change Impacts on Enclosed Coastal Sea Environment and Adaptations
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24315 : Long-term monitoring and database for global environmental research and supporting for related activities
    • 24319 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 24538 : Development of short-term chronic toxicity tests using marine and estuarine species
    • 24543 : Assessment of impact of climate change on the environment of an enclosed sea in Japan
    • 24578 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23881 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 24052 : Assessment of impact of climate change on the environment of an enclosed sea in Japan
    • 24065 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 24066 : Research and Development of Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Marine Ecosystem Management
    • 24146 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23474 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 23672 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 23683 : Research and Development of Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Marine Ecosystem Management
    • 23699 : Development of biodiversity evaluation and environmental forecast with digital DNA chip
    • 23735 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 23771 : Assessment of impact of climate change on the environment of an enclosed sea in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23007 : Research project on observation and evaluation of landscape and genetic aspects of biodiversity
    • 23032 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 23151 : Genome analyses of bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa which have a peculiar occurrence in Lake Kasumigaura
    • 23190 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 23248 : Development of biodiversity evaluation and environmental forecast with digital DNA chip
    • 23250 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 23262 : Research and Development of Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Marine Ecosystem Management
    • 23268 : The creation of advanced use and culturing type next-generation fishery industry of unutilized algae
    • 23315 : Evaluation and projection of spatio-temporal dynamics of coral reef biodiversity
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22595 : Research project on observation and evaluation of landscape and genetic aspects of biodiversity
    • 22620 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 22830 : Evaluation and projection of spatio-temporal dynamics of coral reef biodiversity
    • 22833 : Development of biodiversity evaluation and environmental forecast with digital DNA chip
    • 22834 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 22920 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 22938 : Research and Development of Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Marine Ecosystem Management
    • 22962 : The creation of advanced use and culturing type next-generation fishery industry of unutilized algae
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22179 : Research project on observation and evaluation of landscape and genetic aspects of biodiversity
    • 22204 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 22206 : Monitoring projects and database management of biodiversity and ecosystem
    • 22357 : Comparative evolutionary studies on diatoms and palmaleans
    • 22363 : Development of biodiversity evaluation and environmental forecast with digital DNA chip
    • 22379 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 22421 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 22509 : Evaluation and projection of spatio-temporal dynamics of coral reef biodiversity
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21750 : Research Project on Observation and Evaluation of Landscape and Genetic Aspects of Biodiversity
    • 21775 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 21777 : Monitoring projects and database management of biodiversity and ecosystem
    • 21855 : Comparative evolutionary studies on diatoms and palmaleans
    • 21856 : Monitoring of unconfirmed harmful phytoplankton from the Eastern Tokyo Bay
    • 21915 : Development of biodiversity evaluation and environmental forecast with Digital DNA chip
    • 21916 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algal resources
    • 21992 : Evaluation and projection of spatio-temporal dynamics of coral reef biodiversity
    • 22118 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21333 : Collection, preservation and distribution of microbes and endangered algae
    • 21335 : Monitoring projects and database management of biodiversity and ecosystem
    • 21383 : National research project for mass cultivation of oil producing <I>Botryococcus</I> in Japan
    • 21396 : Meta-Genomics and taxonomy of uncultivated marine microalgae based on whole genome amplification of cells sorted by flow cytometry
    • 21407 : Research Project on Observation and Evaluation of Landscape and Genetic Aspects of Biodiversity
    • 21566 : Evaluation and projection of spatio-temporal dynamics of coral reef biodiversity
    • 21595 : Atmospheric and Oceanic Monitoring
    • 21693 : Comparative evolutionary studies on diatoms and palmaleans
    • 21694 : Monitoring of non-coccolith cell stage of the coccolithophorids in Hakata Bay
    • 21695 : Monitoring of unconfirmed harmful phytoplankton from the Eastern Tokyo Bay
    • 21720 : Development of biodiversity evaluation and environmental forecast with Digital DNA chip
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20850 : Preliminary investigation of DNA barcoding of algae and chironomids massively growing in inland waters
    • 20946 : National research project for mass cultivation of oil producing <I>Botryococcus</I> in Japan
    • 21143 : Collection and long term preservation of endangered algae
    • 21148 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae
    • 21157 : Taxonomic evaluation of algal strains maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES (NIES-Collection) and upgrading of strain database
    • 21198 : Screening of coral symbionts sensitive to water temperature rise
    • 21199 : Meta-Genomics and taxonomy of uncultivated marine microalgae based on whole genome amplification of cells sorted by flow cytometry
    • 21212 : Development of integrated environmental management for Changjiang River basin to conserve the sound environmental conditions in East China Sea
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20432 : Basic Research for production of alternative energy by using microalgae
    • 20470 : National research project for mass cultivation of oil producing <I>Botryococcus</I> in Japan
    • 20506 : Meta-Genomics and taxonomy of uncultivated marine microalgae based on whole genome amplification of cells sorted by flow cytometry
    • 20525 : Collection and long term preservation of endangered algae
    • 20526 : Taxonomic evaluation of algal strains maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES (NIES-Collection) and upgrading of strain database
    • 20554 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae
    • 20682 : Development of integrated environmental management for Changjiang River basin to conserve the sound environmental conditions in East China Sea
    • 20760 : Early detection of the ecesis and the dynamics of a marine invasive species from ballast water and ship hulls
    • 20761 : Analysis of settlement and pathway of harmful phytoplankton Chattonella marina first occurring in Tokyo Bay
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20198 : Basic Research for production of alternative energy by using microalgae
    • 20215 : Collection and long term preservation of endangered algae
    • 20216 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae
    • 20218 : Taxonomic evaluation of algal strains maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES (NIES-Collection) and upgrading of strain database
    • 20289 : Life cycle analysis of Chattonella by microsatellite markers
    • 20290 : Early detection of the ecesis and the dynamics of a marine invasive species from ballast water and ship hulls
    • 20388 : National research project for mass cultivation of oil producing <I>Botryococcus</I> in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10411 : Taxonomic re-evaluation of microalgal strains maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES (NIES-Collection) and upgrading of their database
    • 10430 : Air pollution assessment based on genetic diversity in lichen
    • 10629 : Collection and long term preservation of endangered algae
    • 10654 : Generating mechanism of coccolithophorid bloom in Hakata bay
    • 10688 : Life cycle analysis of Chattonella by microsatellite markers
    • 10708 : Early detection of the ecesis and the dynamics of a marine invasive species from ballast water and ship hulls
    • 10726 : Basic Research for production of alternative energy by using microalgae
    • 10752 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10017 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae as genetic resources
    • 10064 : Risk management and monitoring of disruptive marine invasive species from ballast water and ship hulls
    • 10075 : Technological development of energy regeneration from microalgae
    • 10077 : Pilot Project on Mekong River Ecosystem Monitoring
    • 10135 : Taxonomic re-evaluation of microalgal strains maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES (NIES-Collection) and upgrading of their database
    • 10153 : Air pollution assessment based on genetic diversity in lichen
    • 10363 : Collection and long term preservation of endangered algae
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9390 : Coccolithophorid biodiversity and the application to the global environment monitoring
    • 9431 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae as genetic resources
    • 9533 : Risk management and monitoring of disruptive marine invasive species from ballast water and ship hulls
    • 9545 : Technological development of energy regeneration from microalgae
    • 9548 : Pilot Project on Mekong River Ecosystem Monitoring
    • 9631 : Taxonomic re-evaluation of microalgal strains maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES (NIES-Collection) and upgrading of their database
    • 9648 : Air pollution assessment based on genetic diversity in lichen
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 8944 : Information gathering and evaluation of modern taxonomic properties for microalgaemaintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES
    • 9024 : Coccolithophorid biodiversity and the application to the global environment monitoring
    • 9062 : Element cycle response to the dynamic change of environmental loads from land in the East China Sea
    • 9114 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae as genetic resources
    • 9285 : Risk management and monitoring of disruptive marine invasive species from ballast water and ship hulls
    • 9296 : Technological development of energy regeneration from microalgae
    • 9299 : Pilot Project on Mekong River Ecosystem Monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8621 : Information gathering and evaluation of modern taxonomic properties for microalgaemaintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES
    • 8658 : Study on development of assesment methods for water pollultion and monitoring methods for toxic cyanobacteria in water resource regions in Asia
    • 8742 : Coccolithophorid biodiversity and the application to the global environment monitoring
    • 8792 : Element cycle response to the dynamic change of environmental loads from land in the East China Sea
    • 8828 : Collection, preservation and distribution of algae as genetic resources
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8321 : International collaborative research on the manegement of wetland ecosystem
    • 8388 : Information gathering and evaluation of modern taxonomic properties for microalgae maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES
    • 8441 : Study on development of assesment methods for water pollultion and monitoring methods for toxic cyanobacteria in water resource regions in Asia
    • 8524 : Coccolithophorid biodiversity and the application to the global environment monitoring
  • Fiscal Year: 2001
    • 8028 : International collaborative research on the manegement of wetland ecosystem
    • 8141 : Information gathering and evaluation of modern taxonomic properties for microalgae maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at NIES
    • 8225 : O-1 Study on development of assesment methods for water pollultion and monitoring methods for toxic cyanobacteria in water resource regions in Asia
    • 8288 : Study on coccolithophorid diversity and application of global environment monitoring
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Metal Mobility from Hydrothermal Sulfides into Seawater During Deep Seafloor Mining Operations
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Ishibashi J., Nozaki T., Matsushita Y., Kawachi M., Koshikawa H.
    Title : , Environmental Issues of Deep-Sea Mining: Impacts, Consequences and Policy Perspectives (2019)
  • Ecotoxicological Bioassay Using Marine Algae for Deep-Sea Mining
    Presenter : Yamagishi T., Ota S., Yamaguchi H., Koshikawa H., Tatarazako, N., Yamamoto H., Kawachi M.
    Title : , Environmental Issues of Deep-Sea Mining: Impacts, Consequences and Policy Perspectives (2019)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture
  • Presenter : Kawachi M., Suzuki S., Uwai S., Kawai H. , Kogame K.
    Name of Society : The 9th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 63-64
  • Presenter : Yamamoto H., Kawachi M., Iijima K., Kawagucci S., Miwa T., Inomata K., Kyo M., Koshikawa H., Tsutsumi K., Yoshida K.
    Name of Society : 2023 IEEE Underwater Technology (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 37-41
  • Presenter : Matsuzaki R., Takashima Y., Suzuki I., Kawachi M., Nozaki H., Nohara S., Degawa Y.
    Name of Society : 75th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 85
  • Research Presentation
    Survival of a red tide-forming dinoflagellate depends on certain metabolites supplied by co-cultured bacteria
    Presenter : Suzuki S., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : Marine Biotechnology Conference 2019 (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 99
  • Research Presentation
    Toward molecular bases of photoheterotrophy in the colonial volvocine species Astrephomene gubernaculifera and Volvulina steinii
    Presenter : Suguchi A., Yamashita S., Matsuzaki R., Suzuki S., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M., Noguchi H., Minakuchi Y., Toyada A., Nozaki H.
    Name of Society : Volvox 2019 (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 62
  • Research Presentation
    Sexual Reproduction in a snow alga, Chloromonas fukushimae (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae)
    Presenter : Matsuzaki R., Kawachi M., Nozaki H., Suzuki I.
    Name of Society : The 5th International Volvox Conference (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : The 5th International Volvox Conference Program Booklet, 35-36
  • Presenter : Fuchida S., Shimada K., Ishibashi J., Matsushita Y., Kawachi M., Koshikawa H.
    Name of Society : American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Matsuzaki R., Nozaki H., Takeuchi N., Hara Y., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The Fourth International Volvox Conference (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 12
  • Research Presentation
    Onboard ecotoxicological technique to qualify the surface water safety during full-scale mining operation of SMS deposits
    Presenter : Koshikawa H., Yamagishi T., Fuchida S., Tatarazako N., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : STAR2017, The Pacific Islands Science, Technology, and Resources Conference (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 23
  • Research Presentation
    Evaluation of metal dissolution from fresh hydrothermal core samples collected at Izena Hole during CK16-05 and rapid detection of their toxicity on marine phytoplankton community; Environmental impact assessment for seafloor metal-mining
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Yamagishi T., Koshikawa H., Kawachi M., Fukuhara T., Kumagai H., Nozaki T., Ishibashi J., Maeda L., CK16-05 shipboard scientists
    Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2017 (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Research Lecture
    Environmental pollution monitoring system using bioassay
    Presenter : Koshikawa H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : EcoDeep SIP Workshop II (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 20
  • Presenter : Koshikawa H., Fuchida S., Yokoyama A., Tsuboi S., Yamagishi T., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Kawachi M., Yamaguchi H., Tsuboi S., Fuchida S., Yamagishi T., Koshikawa H.
    Name of Society : ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    The ftsZ amplicon analysis reveals intraspecific dynamics of Microcystis aeruginosa in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan
    Presenter : Yamaguchi H., Tanabe Y., Kataoka T., Tomioka N., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 183
  • Research Lecture
    Genome sequence of Raphidocelis subcapitata provides new genetic tools for toxicological assessment
    Presenter : Suzuki S., Yamaguchi H., Nakajima N., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Farum (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Programme & Abstracts APPF 2017, 72
  • Research Presentation
    The 4th term National BioResource Project Algae in Japan
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Yamaguchi H., Suzuki J., Kogame K., Hanyuda T., Yamaguchi A., Kawai H.
    Name of Society : The 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 38
  • Research Presentation
    Development of methods to assess the toxic effects of heavy metals on microalgae using a microbial viability test
    Presenter : Ota S., Yamaguchi H., Yamagishi T., Tatarazako N., Fuchida S., Koshikawa H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (APPF 2017) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 153
  • Research Presentation
    Seasonal and geographical distribution of near-surface small photosynthetic eukaryotes in the western North Pacific determined by pyrosequencing of 18S rDNA
    Presenter : Kataoka T., Yamaguchi H., Sato M., Watanabe T. , Taniuchi Y., Kuwata A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : Kitasato-KAUST Joint International Workshop, Marine Metagenomics: Comparative Study among Different Marine Resources (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 22
  • Research Presentation
    Arsenic contaminations and its effect on marine phytoplankton during seafloor mining
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Koshikawa H., Tsuboi S., Furuichi N., Yamamoto H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : Goldschmidt Conference 2016 (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Research Presentation
    Risk of heavy metal and arsenic contaminations and its effect on marine phytoplankton during seafloor mining
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Koshikawa H., Tsuboi S., Furuichi N., Yamamoto H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Research Presentation
    Possible impacts of seafloor mining on phytoplankton communities at hydrothermal fields
    Presenter : Koshikawa H., Fuchida S., Tsuboi S., Yamagishi T., Yokoyama A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : ACO2016, A connected ocean & EuroGOOS joint workshop program (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Presentation
    Genome Sequencing of the Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii NIES-204
    Presenter : Shimura Y., Fujisawa T., Hirose Y., Kanesaki Y., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 10th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 65-66
  • Presenter : Noel Kawachi M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 日本進化学会第17回大会 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 110
  • Research Presentation
    Comparison of the terrestrial and freshwater Leptolyngbya genomes
    Presenter : Shimura Y., Hirose Y., Misawa N., Osana Y., Katoh H., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 15th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 179
  • Research Presentation
    Picoeukaryotic diversity in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean based on amplicon sequencing of 18S rRNA gene
    Presenter : Yamaguchi H., Sato M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies Symposium, Unraveling Biodiversity from DNA -From the Management of Databases to the Use of Next Generation Sequencers- (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 27-28
  • Research Presentation
    Community compositional analysis using 454 sequencing applying cryopreserved eukaryotic picopytoplankton originated from marine environments
    Presenter : Kataoka T., Yamaguchi H., Kuwata A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosstem Studies Symposium: Unraveling Biodiversity from DNA -From the management of databaes to the use of next generation sequencers- (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 28-29
  • Research Presentation
    Microbial Culture Collection and Research Projects at the National Institute for Environmental Studies
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 13th International Conference on Culture Collections (ICCC13) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Algae and Protist Culture Collection at NIES and related projects
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 5th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) International Meeting (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 81
  • Research Presentation
    Huge diversity of marine eukaryotic picoplankton in Sendai Bay, Japan: using next-generation sequencing approach for meta 18S rDNA analyses
    Presenter : Yamaguchi H., Demura M., Kuwata A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, (PS21):62-63
  • Research Presentation
    Diversified protist and cyanobacteria collection at NIES, Japan
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 1023
  • Research Presentation
    Cryopreservation techniques applied to the analysis of oceanic picoplankton diversity
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Demura M., Mary-helene N.
    Name of Society : The 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 497
  • Presenter : Yamano H., Sugihara K. , Kawachi M., Terada R., Sunobe T., Kumagai N.H., Fujii M., Yamanaka Y.
    Name of Society : Amakusa Biodiversity Symposium 2012 (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 39
  • Research Presentation
    Cryopreservation techniques applied to the pico-phytoplankton diversity, effectiveness and problems
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Mary-helene N., YAMAGUCHI H., Demura M.
    Name of Society : 「海洋プランクトンに関する日仏共同シンポジウム」Japan-France Joint Symposium on Marine Plankton (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Research Lecture
    Microbial Culture Collection and Algal Research Projects at the National Institute for Environmental Studies
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Kasai F.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network for Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : The 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network for Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) Program and Abstracts, 25
  • AOACC-Network of Asia Oceania Algal Culture Collections
    Presenter : Kasai F., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network for Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : The 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network for Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) Program and Abstracts, 101
  • Research Lecture
    Functional roles of the haptonema
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 13th Int.Nannoplankton Assoc.Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 72-73
  • Research Presentation
    Flow cytometric analysis and morphology of natural picoplankton population before and after cryopresevation
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 18th Meet.Int.Soc.Evol.Protistol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Research Presentation
    Molecular phylogeny of Botryococcus braunii relationship with the hydrocarbon types
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Tanoi T., Demura M., Kaya K, Watanabe M
    Name of Society : 1st Asia-Oceania Innovation Summit (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 52
  • Research Presentation
    Genetic succession of Botryococcus braunii (Trebouxiophyceae, chlorophyta)in two reservoirs
    Presenter : Demura M., Kawachi M., Mayuzumi Y., Watanabe M
    Name of Society : 1st Asia-Oceania Innovation Summit (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 57
  • Research Lecture
    Global warming and high-latitude corals in Japan
    Presenter : Yamano H., Yamano H., Sugihara K., Sugihara K., Namizaki N., Namizaki N., Kawachi M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 5th ICRI East Asia Reg.Workshop (2009)
  • Research Lecture
    Global warming and high-latitude corals in Japan
    Presenter : Yamano H., Yamano H., Sugihara K., Sugihara K., Namizaki N., Namizaki N., Kawachi M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 5th ICRI East Asia Reg.Workshop (2009)
  • Presenter : Koshikawa H., Higashi H., Kawachi M., Hasegawa T., Okamura K., Kiyomoto Y., Nishiuchi K., Akiyama H., Kohata K., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : PICES 2009 Annu.Meet. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 149
  • Research Presentation
    Microalgal diversity in Asia-the collaborative research between Japan and Thailand/Indonesia for capacity building of microalgal taxonomy
    Presenter : KAWACHI Masanobu
    Name of Society : 1st Global Taxonomy Initiative Reg.Workshop Asia (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 26
  • Presenter : Yamamoto H., Kawachi M., Iijima K., Kawagucci S., Miwa T., Inomata K., Kyo M., Koshikawa H., Tsutsumi K., Yoshida K.
    Name of Society : 2023 IEEE Underwater Technology (2023)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 37-41
  • Presenter : Matsuzaki R., Takashima Y., Suzuki I., Kawachi M., Nozaki H., Nohara S., Degawa Y.
    Name of Society : 75th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 85
  • Survival of a red tide-forming dinoflagellate depends on certain metabolites supplied by co-cultured bacteria
    Presenter : Suzuki S., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : Marine Biotechnology Conference 2019 (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract, 99
  • Sexual Reproduction in a snow alga, Chloromonas fukushimae (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae)
    Presenter : Matsuzaki R., Kawachi M., Nozaki H., Suzuki I.
    Name of Society : The 5th International Volvox Conference (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : The 5th International Volvox Conference Program Booklet, 35-36
  • Presenter : Fuchida S., Shimada K., Ishibashi J., Matsushita Y., Kawachi M., Koshikawa H.
    Name of Society : American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting (2018)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Matsuzaki R., Nozaki H., Takeuchi N., Hara Y., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The Fourth International Volvox Conference (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 12
  • Onboard ecotoxicological technique to qualify the surface water safety during full-scale mining operation of SMS deposits
    Presenter : Koshikawa H., Yamagishi T., Fuchida S., Tatarazako N., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : STAR2017, The Pacific Islands Science, Technology, and Resources Conference (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 23
  • Evaluation of metal dissolution from fresh hydrothermal core samples collected at Izena Hole during CK16-05 and rapid detection of their toxicity on marine phytoplankton community; Environmental impact assessment for seafloor metal-mining
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Yamagishi T., Koshikawa H., Kawachi M., Fukuhara T., Kumagai H., Nozaki T., Ishibashi J., Maeda L., CK16-05 shipboard scientists
    Name of Society : Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2017 (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • The 4th term National BioResource Project Algae in Japan
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Yamaguchi H., Suzuki J., Kogame K., Hanyuda T., Yamaguchi A., Kawai H.
    Name of Society : The 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 38
  • Development of methods to assess the toxic effects of heavy metals on microalgae using a microbial viability test
    Presenter : Ota S., Yamaguchi H., Yamagishi T., Tatarazako N., Fuchida S., Koshikawa H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (APPF 2017) (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 153
  • Presenter : Noel Kawachi M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 日本進化学会第17回大会 (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 110
  • Microbial Culture Collection and Research Projects at the National Institute for Environmental Studies
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 13th International Conference on Culture Collections (ICCC13) (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Algae and Protist Culture Collection at NIES and related projects
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 5th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) International Meeting (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 81
  • Presenter : Yamano H., Sugihara K. , Kawachi M., Terada R., Sunobe T., Kumagai N.H., Fujii M., Yamanaka Y.
    Name of Society : Amakusa Biodiversity Symposium 2012 (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 39
  • Cryopreservation techniques applied to the pico-phytoplankton diversity, effectiveness and problems
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Mary-helene N., YAMAGUCHI H., Demura M.
    Name of Society : 「海洋プランクトンに関する日仏共同シンポジウム」Japan-France Joint Symposium on Marine Plankton (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Flow cytometric analysis and morphology of natural picoplankton population before and after cryopresevation
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 18th Meet.Int.Soc.Evol.Protistol. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Microalgal diversity in Asia-the collaborative research between Japan and Thailand/Indonesia for capacity building of microalgal taxonomy
    Presenter : KAWACHI Masanobu
    Name of Society : 1st Global Taxonomy Initiative Reg.Workshop Asia (2002)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 26
  • Toward molecular bases of photoheterotrophy in the colonial volvocine species Astrephomene gubernaculifera and Volvulina steinii
    Presenter : Suguchi A., Yamashita S., Matsuzaki R., Suzuki S., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M., Noguchi H., Minakuchi Y., Toyada A., Nozaki H.
    Name of Society : Volvox 2019 (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 62
  • Presenter : Koshikawa H., Fuchida S., Yokoyama A., Tsuboi S., Yamagishi T., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Presenter : Kawachi M., Yamaguchi H., Tsuboi S., Fuchida S., Yamagishi T., Koshikawa H.
    Name of Society : ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • The ftsZ amplicon analysis reveals intraspecific dynamics of Microcystis aeruginosa in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan
    Presenter : Yamaguchi H., Tanabe Y., Kataoka T., Tomioka N., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 183
  • Seasonal and geographical distribution of near-surface small photosynthetic eukaryotes in the western North Pacific determined by pyrosequencing of 18S rDNA
    Presenter : Kataoka T., Yamaguchi H., Sato M., Watanabe T. , Taniuchi Y., Kuwata A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : Kitasato-KAUST Joint International Workshop, Marine Metagenomics: Comparative Study among Different Marine Resources (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 22
  • Arsenic contaminations and its effect on marine phytoplankton during seafloor mining
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Koshikawa H., Tsuboi S., Furuichi N., Yamamoto H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : Goldschmidt Conference 2016 (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Risk of heavy metal and arsenic contaminations and its effect on marine phytoplankton during seafloor mining
    Presenter : Fuchida S., Koshikawa H., Tsuboi S., Furuichi N., Yamamoto H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Possible impacts of seafloor mining on phytoplankton communities at hydrothermal fields
    Presenter : Koshikawa H., Fuchida S., Tsuboi S., Yamagishi T., Yokoyama A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : ACO2016, A connected ocean & EuroGOOS joint workshop program (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Genome Sequencing of the Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii NIES-204
    Presenter : Shimura Y., Fujisawa T., Hirose Y., Kanesaki Y., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 10th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 65-66
  • Comparison of the terrestrial and freshwater Leptolyngbya genomes
    Presenter : Shimura Y., Hirose Y., Misawa N., Osana Y., Katoh H., Yamaguchi H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 15th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes (2015)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 179
  • Picoeukaryotic diversity in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean based on amplicon sequencing of 18S rRNA gene
    Presenter : Yamaguchi H., Sato M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies Symposium, Unraveling Biodiversity from DNA -From the Management of Databases to the Use of Next Generation Sequencers- (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 27-28
  • Community compositional analysis using 454 sequencing applying cryopreserved eukaryotic picopytoplankton originated from marine environments
    Presenter : Kataoka T., Yamaguchi H., Kuwata A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosstem Studies Symposium: Unraveling Biodiversity from DNA -From the management of databaes to the use of next generation sequencers- (2014)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 28-29
  • Huge diversity of marine eukaryotic picoplankton in Sendai Bay, Japan: using next-generation sequencing approach for meta 18S rDNA analyses
    Presenter : Yamaguchi H., Demura M., Kuwata A., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, (PS21):62-63
  • Diversified protist and cyanobacteria collection at NIES, Japan
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : The 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 1023
  • Cryopreservation techniques applied to the analysis of oceanic picoplankton diversity
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Demura M., Mary-helene N.
    Name of Society : The 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (2012)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 497
  • Molecular phylogeny of Botryococcus braunii relationship with the hydrocarbon types
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Tanoi T., Demura M., Kaya K, Watanabe M
    Name of Society : 1st Asia-Oceania Innovation Summit (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 52
  • Genetic succession of Botryococcus braunii (Trebouxiophyceae, chlorophyta)in two reservoirs
    Presenter : Demura M., Kawachi M., Mayuzumi Y., Watanabe M
    Name of Society : 1st Asia-Oceania Innovation Summit (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 57
  • Presenter : Koshikawa H., Higashi H., Kawachi M., Hasegawa T., Okamura K., Kiyomoto Y., Nishiuchi K., Akiyama H., Kohata K., Murakami S.
    Name of Society : PICES 2009 Annu.Meet. (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 149
  • Presenter : Kawachi M., Suzuki S., Uwai S., Kawai H. , Kogame K.
    Name of Society : The 9th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (2024)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 63-64
  • Genome sequence of Raphidocelis subcapitata provides new genetic tools for toxicological assessment
    Presenter : Suzuki S., Yamaguchi H., Nakajima N., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 8th Asian Pacific Phycological Farum (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Programme & Abstracts APPF 2017, 72
  • Environmental pollution monitoring system using bioassay
    Presenter : Koshikawa H., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : EcoDeep SIP Workshop II (2017)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 20
  • Microbial Culture Collection and Algal Research Projects at the National Institute for Environmental Studies
    Presenter : Kawachi M., Kasai F.
    Name of Society : The 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network for Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : The 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network for Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) Program and Abstracts, 25
  • Functional roles of the haptonema
    Presenter : Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 13th Int.Nannoplankton Assoc.Meet. (2010)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 72-73
  • Global warming and high-latitude corals in Japan
    Presenter : Yamano H., Yamano H., Sugihara K., Sugihara K., Namizaki N., Namizaki N., Kawachi M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 5th ICRI East Asia Reg.Workshop (2009)
  • Global warming and high-latitude corals in Japan
    Presenter : Yamano H., Yamano H., Sugihara K., Sugihara K., Namizaki N., Namizaki N., Kawachi M., Kawachi M.
    Name of Society : 5th ICRI East Asia Reg.Workshop (2009)