Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:41


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Strategic Risk Management Research Section)/Chief Senior Researcher
Doctorate of Science
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
mathematical ecology,chemical pollutants,conservation biology
mathematical modelling,dynamic optimization,simulation,conservation ecology,alian species,population dynamics,quantitative risk assessment,chemical pollutants
Membership of Academic Society
Ecological Society of Japan,the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology,The Society of Population Ecology,The Japanese Society of Environmental Toxicology
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26823 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 26831 : Research project on the ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 26835 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26850 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26415 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 26421 : Research project on the ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 26424 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 26437 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 26581 : Development of Agent-based models coupling value/behavior change and ecosystem dynamics
    • 26611 : Fundamental study for strategic risk management
    • 26716 : Development of ecological risk assessment methods for multiple chemicals based on the similarity of activity/structure and exposure profile
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25974 : Research project on the ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 25977 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 25979 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 26003 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 26143 : Fundamental study for strategic risk management
    • 26144 : Optimal management of mammal populations based on value of information analysis
    • 26145 : Bio-demographic study using random matrix — Comparative analysis to big database of population matrices—
    • 26257 : Water level operation for ecosystem regime management of lakes
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26305 : Study on Sustainable Ecosystem Management of River Watersheds toward Climate-Change Adaptation
    • 26337 : Development of ecological risk assessment methods for multiple chemicals based on the similarity of activity/structure and exposure profile
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25512 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 25518 : Study on ecological impact and factor analysis considering vulnerability
    • 25521 : Research on the development of comprehensive indexes of health risk and ecological risk
    • 25537 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 25669 : Fundamental study for strategic risk management
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25756 : Optimal management of mammal populations based on value of information analysis
    • 25757 : Life history research of perennial forest floor plants by integration of multiple approaches
    • 25758 : Bio-demographic study using random matrix — Comparative analysis to big database of population matrices—
    • 25774 : Water level operation for ecosystem regime management of lakes
    • 25910 : Study on Sustainable Ecosystem Management of River Watersheds toward Climate-Change Adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25098 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 25099 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 25139 : Integrated Evaluation of Biodiversity and the Development of Tools for Conservation Planning
    • 25143 : Ecological Risk Assessment and Management Based on Ecological Models
    • 25148 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 25233 : Life history research of perennial forest floor plants by integration of multiple approaches
    • 25256 : Bio-demographic study using random matrix — Comparative analysis to big database of population matrices—
    • 25257 : Optimal management of mammal populations based on value of information analysis
    • 25260 : Basic Study for Strategic Risk Management
    • 25390 : Study on Sustainable Ecosystem Management of River Watersheds toward Climate-Change Adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24691 : Developping statistical models for evaluation of wildlife management
    • 24695 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24696 : Research Program on Health and Environmental Safety
    • 24719 : Integrated Evaluation of Biodiversity and the Development of Tools for Conservation Planning
    • 24723 : Ecological Risk Assessment and Management Based on Ecological Models
    • 24728 : Research Project on the Scientific and Social Framework of Risk Assessment and Management
    • 24795 : Life history research of perennial forest floor plants by integration of multiple approaches
    • 24796 : Development of optimal management strategies to control mammal populations incorporating behaviorally mediated indirect effect
    • 24820 : Basic Study for Strategic Risk Management
    • 25005 : Scientific clarification and countermeasure to ecological impacts of pesticides on dragonflies
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24302 : Integrated evaluation of biodiversity and the development of tools for conservation planning
    • 24306 : Ecological risk assessment and management based on ecological models
    • 24311 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 24354 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24355 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 24392 : Developing sustainable wildlife-friendly farming using biodiversity resources of Satoyama and Satoumi
    • 24393 : Development of optimal management strategies to control mammal populations incorporating behaviorally mediated indirect effect
    • 24451 : Scientific Clarification and Countermeasure to Ecological Impacts of Pesticides on Dragonflies
    • 24495 : Basic study for strategic risk management
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23817 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23822 : Ecological risk assessment and management based on ecological models
    • 23826 : Integrated evaluation of biodiversity and the development of tools for conservation planning
    • 23845 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23847 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23956 : Developing sustainable wildlife-friendly farming using biodiversity resources of Satoyama and Satoumi
    • 23957 : Basic study for strategic risk management
    • 23959 : Development of optimal management strategies to control mammal populations incorporating behaviorally mediated indirect effect
    • 23960 : Comparative study of demography in plant populations using big data on life history matrices
    • 23982 : Developping statistical models for evaluation of wildlife management
    • 24192 : Scientific Clarification and Countermeasure to Ecological Impacts of Pesticides on Dragonflies
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23408 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23412 : Integrated evaluation of biodiversity and the development of tools for conservation planning
    • 23414 : Research program on health and environmental safety
    • 23417 : Ecological risk assessment and management based on ecological models
    • 23422 : Research project on the scientific and social framework of risk assessment and management
    • 23515 : Comparative study of demography in plant populations using big data on life history matrices
    • 23645 : Basic study for strategic risk management
    • 23769 : Developing sustainable wildlife-friendly farming using biodiversity resources of Satoyama and Satoumi
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23000 : Studies on the ecological risk assessment and management of pollutant chemicals
    • 23008 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 23009 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to environment
    • 23049 : Development of optimal management strategies to control mammal populations using spatially explicit models
    • 23174 : Theoretical ecological study for developping quantitative ecological risk assessment
    • 23180 : Development of control methods for priority measures against invasive alien speices
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22588 : Studies on the ecological risk assessment and management of pollutant chemicals
    • 22596 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 22597 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to environment
    • 22717 : Development of optimal management strategies to control mammal populations using spatially explicit models
    • 22804 : Development of control methods for priority measures against invasive alien speices
    • 22806 : Theoretical ecological study for developping quantitative ecological risk assessment
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22172 : Studies on the ecological risk assessment and management of pollutant chemicals
    • 22180 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 22181 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to environment
    • 22366 : Theoretical ecological study for developping quantitative ecological risk assessment
    • 22372 : Development of optimal management strategies to control mammal populations using spatially explicit models
    • 22527 : Development of integrated control methods and systems for invasive alien animals
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21743 : Studies on the ecological risk assessment and management of pollutant chemicals
    • 21751 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 21752 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to envirinment
    • 21853 : Development of integrated control methods and systems for invasive alien animals
    • 22026 : Optimal management of invasive populations under uncertainties on connectivity between local populations
    • 22027 : Optimal spatial allocation of management efforts for mammal populations
    • 22041 : Theoretical ecological study for developping quantitative ecological risk assessment
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21300 : Studies on the ecological risk assessment and management of pollutant chemicals
    • 21309 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 21310 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to envirinment
    • 21536 : Development of integrated control methods and systems for invasive alien animals
    • 21540 : Quantitative environmental risk assessment and cost/benefit analysis of chemical pollutants
    • 21590 : Theoretical ecological study for developping quantitative ecological risk assessment
    • 21627 : Optimal management of invasive populations under uncertainties on connectivity between local populations
    • 21628 : Optimal spatial allocation of management efforts for mammal populations
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20855 : Optimal management of invasive populations under uncertainties on connectivity between local populations
    • 20955 : Development of environmental risk assessment methods with reference to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
    • 20973 : Quantitative environmental risk assessment and cost/benefit analysis of chemical pollutants
    • 21012 : Assessment tool for national land-use planning for biodiversity conservation
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20407 : Development of environmental risk assessment methods with reference to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
    • 20510 : Quantitative environmental risk assessment and cost/benefit analysis of chemical pollutants
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture