Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:48


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Biodiversity Division(Biodiversity Assessment and Projection Section)/Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Connecting data and decision-making in ecosystem management using ecological models
Doctor of Philosophy
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
ecology,conservation biology,wildlife management
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26823 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 26828 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26843 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 26866 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26867 : Biodiversity Domain: Policy-Oriented Research
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26415 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 26419 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26430 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 26454 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26455 : Biodiversity Domain: Policy-Oriented Research
    • 26641 : How to put depopulated landscapes to sleep in harmony with nature: validation using multi-data sources and development of the evaluation system.
    • 26642 : Fukushima terrestrial ecosystem monitoring for regional collaborative environment assessment and management
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25979 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 25983 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 25995 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 26012 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 26013 : Biodiversity Domain: Policy-Oriented Research
    • 26204 : How to put depopulated landscapes to sleep in harmony with nature: validation using multi-data sources and development of the evaluation system.
    • 26205 : Fukushima terrestrial ecosystem monitoring for regional collaborative environment assessment and management
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25512 : Sustainable ecosystem management strategies for a society with a declining population
    • 25516 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 25527 : Research of environmental impacts and management in the disaster areas of Fukushima
    • 25631 : How to put depopulated landscapes to sleep in harmony with nature: validation using multi-data sources and development of the evaluation system.
    • 25746 : Fukushima terrestrial ecosystem monitoring for regional collaborative environment assessment and management
    • 25809 : Biodiversity Domain: Foresight and Advanced Basic Research
    • 25810 : Biodiversity Domain: Policy-Oriented Research
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25098 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 25100 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 25136 : Strategic Conservation Planning Based on Assessment of Social-ecological Interactions
    • 25150 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 25151 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 25154 : Research for impacts on organisms and ecosystem from environmental radiation and evacuation in Fukushima
    • 25201 : Analysis on driving forces related to climate change and ecosystem changes, and policy options to mitigate the changes
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24691 : Developping statistical models for evaluation of wildlife management
    • 24695 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24697 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24716 : Strategic Conservation Planning Based on Assessment of Social-ecological Interactions
    • 24730 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 24731 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 24735 : Research for impacts on organisms and ecosystem from environmental radiation and evacuation in Fukushima
    • 24790 : Analysis on driving forces related to climate change and ecosystem changes, and policy options to mitigate the changes
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24299 : Strategic conservation planning based on assessment of social-ecological interactions
    • 24313 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 24314 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 24327 : Research for Impacts on Organisms and Ecosystem from Environmental Radiation and Evacuation in Fukushima
    • 24354 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 24356 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24374 : Analysis on Driving Forces related to climate change and ecosystem changes, and policy options to mitigate the changes
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23814 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 23815 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23829 : Strategic conservation planning based on assessment of social-ecological interactions
    • 23845 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23846 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23867 : Research for Impacts on Organisms and Ecosystem from Environmental Radiation and Evacuation in Fukushima
    • 23914 : Analysis on Driving Forces related to climate change and ecosystem changes, and policy options to mitigate the changes
    • 23982 : Developping statistical models for evaluation of wildlife management
    • 24084 : Establishment of appropriate and efficient disposal system for captured wildlife
    • 24182 : Assessment of tourism sustainability using socio-ecological approach: balancing conservation with tourism access
    • 24191 : Development of the regional-scale assessment of biodiversity in the era of depopulation
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23408 : Harmonization with Nature Research Program
    • 23409 : Strategic conservation planning based on assessment of social-ecological interactions
    • 23423 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23425 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23426 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 23430 : Research for Impacts on Organisms and Ecosystem from Environmental Radiation and Evacuation in Fukushima
    • 23567 : Analysis on Driving Forces related to climate change and ecosystem changes, and policy options to mitigate the changes
    • 23643 : Development of the regional-scale assessment of biodiversity in the era of depopulation
    • 23644 : Development of a monitoring method for dragonflies using camera traps
    • 23766 : Assessment of tourism sustainability using socio-ecological approach: balancing conservation with tourism access
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23008 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 23009 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to environment
    • 23036 : Environmental Recovery Research Program
    • 23037 : Research for Impacts on Organisms and Ecosystem
    • 23196 : Effect of individual heterogeneity in behavioral decision making on the viability and spatio-temporal pattern of black bear population
    • 23198 : Monitoring ecosystem change and studies on restoration of disturbed ecosystem in areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22596 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 22597 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to environment
    • 22647 : Environmental Recovery Research Program
    • 22649 : Research for Impacts on Organisms and Ecosystem
    • 22807 : Quantitative evaluation of archeological human impact on the current biodiversity pattern in Japan
    • 22809 : Effect of individual heterogeneity in behavioral decision making on the viability and spatio-temporal pattern of black bear population
    • 22952 : Monitoring ecosystem change and studies on restoration of disturbed ecosystem in areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
    • 22953 : A pioneer study on a long-term dynamics of landscape and biota in abandoned villeges
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22180 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 22181 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to environment
    • 22300 : Effect of individual heterogeneity in behavioral decision making on the viability and spatio-temporal pattern of black bear population
    • 22374 : Sensitivity analysis of a density estimator of brown bear against spatial heterogeneity of habitat use and development of survey support tool
    • 22381 : Quantitative evaluation of archeological human impact on the current biodiversity pattern in Japan
    • 22527 : Development of integrated control methods and systems for invasive alien animals
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21751 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 21752 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to envirinment
    • 21853 : Development of integrated control methods and systems for invasive alien animals
    • 21914 : Sensitivity analysis of a density estimator of brown bear against spatial heterogeneity of habitat use and development of survey support tool
    • 21935 : Quantitative evaluation of archeological human impact on the current biodiversity pattern in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21309 : The study on the large scale assessment of biodiversity and its furure projection based on social scenario analysis
    • 21310 : The study for biodiversity impact assessment and management of artificial disturbance to envirinment
    • 21536 : Development of integrated control methods and systems for invasive alien animals
    • 21594 : Sensitivity analysis of a density estimator of brown bear against spatial heterogeneity of habitat use and development of survey support tool
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Other Publications
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture