Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:52


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center (FRECC)(Regional Environmental Renovation Section)/Senior Researcher
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26808 : -
    • 26836 : Study for sustainable society based on regional collaboration
    • 26837 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 26845 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 26850 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 26862 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26870 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26872 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26405 : -
    • 26425 : Study for sustainable society based on regional collaboration
    • 26426 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 26432 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 26437 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 26452 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26457 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26458 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26600 : A survey of municipal environmental plans and environmental policies in Fukushima prefecture
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26771 : Developing future images of the surrounding regions and technology scenarios and quantification with regional integrated models
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25989 : Study for sustainable society based on regional collaboration
    • 25990 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 25993 : -
    • 25997 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 26003 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 26016 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26017 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26018 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26089 : Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures in Cold, Snowy Regions
    • 26107 : Description of co-creative process found in advanced cities of environment and community development and its deployment to backward areas
    • 26185 : Developing future images of the surrounding regions and technology scenarios and quantification with regional integrated models
    • 26260 : A survey of municipal environmental plans and environmental policies in Fukushima prefecture
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25522 : Study for sustainable society based on regional collaboration
    • 25523 : Proposal and evaluation of environmentally efficient technologies and systems in collaboration with local communities
    • 25529 : Studies for emergence of regional resources and systems at Hama-dori, Fukushima, lifted the evacuation instruction
    • 25537 : Research to enhance adaptation strategies and practices based on scientific projections
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25675 : Development of analytical methodology of sustainable development by regional circular and ecological sphere​
    • 25708 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 25709 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 25710 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 25848 : A survey of municipal environmental plans and environmental policies in Fukushima prefecture
    • 25881 : Description of co-creative process found in advanced cities of environment and community development and its deployment to backward areas
    • 25919 : Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures in Cold, Snowy Regions
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25100 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 25102 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 25150 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 25157 : Development of assessment model to regional scenarios for environmental creation
    • 25184 : Studies on Adaptation Strategies Considering Social Change
    • 25356 : Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures in Cold, Snowy Regions
    • 25442 : Development of analytical methodology of sustainable development by regional circular and ecological sphere​
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24697 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24730 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 24737 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 24739 : Development of assessment model to regional scenarios for environmental creation
    • 24809 : Studies on regional environmental renovation by using woody biomass
    • 24810 : Development of multivariate vulnerability assessment method considering regional environment for adaptation planning support
    • 24825 : Development of analytical methodology of sustainable development by regional circular and ecological sphere​
    • 24990 : Studies on Adaptation Strategies Considering Social Change
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24314 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 24329 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 24331 : Development of assessment model to regional scenarios for environmental creation
    • 24356 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24517 : Development of multivariate vulnerability assessment method considering regional environment for adaptation planning support
    • 24525 : Studies on regional environmental renovation by using woody biomass
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23815 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23846 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23869 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23871 : Development of assessment model to regional scenarios for environmental creation
    • 24061 : Studies on regional environmental renovation by using woody biomass
    • 24137 : Development of multivariate vulnerability assessment method considering regional environment for adaptation planning support
    • 24188 : Low Carbon Technology Assessment Program
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23423 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23425 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23432 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23434 : Development of assessment model to regional scenarios for environmental creation
    • 23642 : Planning and Evaluation Model for Green Growth Centers based on Spatial Inventory Analysis
    • 23792 : Low Carbon Technology Assessment Program
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23014 : Evaluation system of environmental technologies and policies and its societal implementation process
    • 23040 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23041 : Development of regional information system for environmental renovation
    • 23042 : Development of Regional Model for Environmental Renovation Scenarios
    • 23176 : Proposal for lifestyle and regional environment design measures to realize both carbon reduction and economic revitalization
    • 23177 : Integrative(EMERGY) evaluation model for eco-innovation centers
    • 23182 : Planning and Evaluation Model for Green Growth Centers based on Spatial Inventory Analysis
    • 23289 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2015
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22602 : Evaluation system of environmental technologies and policies and its societal implementation process
    • 22652 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 22653 : Development of regional information system for environmental renovation
    • 22654 : Development of Regional Model for Environmental Renovation Scenarios
    • 22714 : Proposal for lifestyle and regional environment design measures to realize both carbon reduction and economic revitalization
    • 22813 : Planning and Evaluation Model for Green Growth Centers based on Spatial Inventory Analysis
    • 22913 : Integrative(EMERGY) evaluation model for eco-innovation centers
    • 22956 : Development, Research, and Validation for Technology Assessment of Low Carbon Society,2014
    • 22960 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2014
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22186 : Evaluation system of environmental technologies and policies and its societal implementation process
    • 22213 : Research for Innovative Recovery for the Regional Environment after the Disaster
    • 22397 : Planning and evaluation system for resource circulation in Asia cities based on the Japanese environmental technologies and policies
    • 22414 : Design and implementation process of building blocks for realizing low carbon society
    • 22415 : An urban development project with Co-benefit approach
    • 22417 : Integrative(EMERGY) evaluation model for eco-innovation centers
    • 22448 : Improvement of emission inventories and development of emission scenarios for air pollutants in East Asia
    • 22474 : Proposal for lifestyle and regional environment design measures to realize both carbon reduction and economic revitalization
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21757 : Evaluation system of environmental technologies and policies and its societal implementation process
    • 21905 : Improvement of emission inventories and development of emission scenarios for air pollutants in East Asia
    • 21954 : Design and implementation process of building blocks for realizing low carbon society
    • 21955 : An urban development project with Co-benefit approach
    • 21956 : Planning and evaluation system for resource circulation in Asia cities based on the Japanese environmental technologies and policies
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Introduction of low-carbon community energy systems by combining information networks and cogeneration-type district heating and cooling systems
    Presenter : Hirano Y., Nakamura S., Gomi K., Togawa T., Fujita T., Oba M.
    Title : , Sustainable Air Conditioning Systems (2018)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture
  • Modeling from the upstream to downstream for sustainable harvesting and local society: Japan case study
    Presenter : Ooba M., Nakamura S., Estoque R., Togawa T., Gomi K.
    Name of Society : PSP Networks for Sustainable Forest Management in Sarawak (2019)
    Name of Proceedings : -