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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 3000-3099)

Ref ID : 3000

M. De Ridder; Taxonomical and zoogeographical remarks on Rotifera from the Ivory Coast (W.Africa). Rev.Hydrobiol.trop. 17(4):295-299, 1984

Ref ID : 3001

M. De Ridder and Roger Pourriot; [Peuplement en Rotiferes du Bassin du Bandama (Cote d'Ivoire)] (The Rotifera population in the Bandama Basin (Ivory Coast)). Rev.Hydrobiol.trop. 17(4):287-294, 1984

Ref ID : 3002

M. De Ridder; [Additions to the "Annotated Checklist of non-marine Rotifers from African inland waters"]. Rev.Hydrobiol.trop. 24(1):25-46, 1991

Ref ID : 3003

M. Silva-Briano and Hendrik Segers; [Una nueva especie del genero Brachionus (Rotifera: Monogononta), del Estado de Aguascalientes, Mexico] (A new species of the genus Brachionus (Rotifera: Monogononta) from the State of Aguascalientes, Mexico). Rev.Hydrobiol.trop. 25(4):283-285, 1992

Ref ID : 3004

Hendrik Segers and S.S.S. Sarma; Notes on some new or little known Rotifera from Brazil. Rev.Hydrobiol.trop. 26(3):175-185, 1993

Ref ID : 3005

Annie Duncan and L.C. Dos Santos; Planktonic interactions in the London reservoirs. Arch.Hydrobiol.Beih. 33:475-478, 1989 (In file)

Ref ID : 3006

Josef Hauer; [Beitrag zur Kenntnis sudamerikanischer Rotatorien]. Beitrage zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Sudwestdeutshland (Beitr.naturk.Forsh.SW-Deutschl.) XVII(2):174-178, 1958 (In file)

Ref ID : 3007

Roger Pourriot; [Paul Marais de Beauchamp]. Bull.Soc.Zool.France 103(3):241-251, 1978 (In file)

Ref ID : 3008

Roger Pourriot; [Sur le determinisme du mode de reproduction chez les Rotiferes]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Hydrologie XXVII:76-87, 1965 (In file)

Ref ID : 3009

S. Mourelatos, Roger Pourriot, and Claude Rougier; [Taux de Filtration du Rotifere Brachionus calyciflorus: Comparison des Methodes de Mesure; Influence de l'age] (Filtration rate in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus: comparison of the measuring methods; influence of age). Vie et Milieu 40(1):39-43, 1990

Ref ID : 3010

Roger Pourriot; [Recherches sur la Biologie des Rotiferes III. - Fecondite et Duree de vie Comparees chez les Females Amictiques et Mictiques de Quelques Especes] (Studies on the biology of rotifers. III. - Comparison of fecundity and life-span for amictic and mictic females of several species). Annls Limnol. 9(3):241-258, 1973

Ref ID : 3011

Roger Pourriot and Claude Rougier; [Effects de la Densite de Population et du Groupement sur la Reproduction de Brachionus calyciflorus (Pallas)] (Effects of population density and grouping on the reproduction of Brachionus calyciflorus (Pallas)). Annls Limnol. 13(2):101-113, 1977

Ref ID : 3012

Roger Pourriot and Claude Rougier; [Importance volumetrique des oeufs chez les Rotiferes planctoniques] (Volumetric importance of the eggs in planktonic rotifers). Annls Limnol. 27(1):15-24, 1991

Ref ID : 3013

Roger Pourriot and M. Deluzarches; [Sur la Consommation d'oxygene par les Rotiferes] (On the oxygen consumption by Rotifera). Annales de Limnologie 6(2):229-248, 1970

Ref ID : 3014

Roger Pourriot and M. Deluzarches; [Recherches sur la Biologie des Rotiferes. II. Influence de la Temperature sur la duree du Development Embryonnaire et Post-Embryonnaire] (Biologiy of Rotifera II. - Influence of temperature on the length of embryonic and post-embrionic development). Annales de Limnologie 7(1):25-52, 1971

Ref ID : 3015

Birger Pejler; The zooplankton of Osbysjon Djursholm I. Seasonal and Vertical distribution of the Species. OIKOS 12(2):225-248, 1961

Ref ID : 3016

Roger Pourriot; [Morphologie de la Vessie, Critere taxonomique dans le Genre Notommata (Rotifera, Monogononta] (The morphology of the bladder, a taxonomical criterium in the genus Notommata (Rotifera, Monogononta). Bull.Soc.Zool.France 114(2):5-9, 1989

Ref ID : 3017

Birger Pejler; Introgression in Planktonic Rotatoria with some Points of view on its causes and conceivable results. Evolution X(3):246-261, 1956 (In file)

Ref ID : 3018

Bruno Berzins; [Pleurotrochopsis anebodica n. g., n. sp. (Rotatoria) aus Schweden]. Hydrobiologia 41(4):449-451, 1973 (In file)

Ref ID : 3019

Bruno Berzins; Some Rotifers from Cambodia. Hydrobiologia 41(4):453-459, 1973 (In file)

Ref ID : 3020

Birger Pejler; On the Rotifer Plankton of some East African Lakes. Hydrobiologia 44(4):389-396, 1974

Ref ID : 3021

Bruno Berzins; [Zur Rotatorienfauna Siziliens]. Hydrobiologia VI(3/4):309-320, 1954 (In file)

Ref ID : 3022

Bruno Berzins; [Nomenklatorische Bemerkungen an einigen planktischen Rotatorien-Arten aus der Gattung Keratella]. Hydrobiologia VI(3/4):321-327, 1954 (In file)

Ref ID : 3023

Bruno Berzins; Two New Keratella, Rotatoria, from Australia. Hydrobiologia XXI(3/4):380-383, 1963 (In file)

Ref ID : 3024

Roger Pourriot; [Contribution a la connaissance des Rotiferes et des Cladoceres de la Region Parisienne]. Hydrobiologia IX(1):38-49, 1957 (In file)

Ref ID : 3025

Roger Pourriot; [Sur la nutrition des Rotiferes a partir des Algues d'eau douce]. Hydrobiologia IX(1):50-59, 1957 (In file)

Ref ID : 3026

Roger Pourriot; [Influence de la nourriture sur l'apparition des femelles mictiques, chez deux especes et une variete de Brachionus (Rotiferes)]. Hydrobiologia IX(1):60-65, 1957 (In file)

Ref ID : 3027

Roger Pourriot; [Sur l'elevage des Rotiferes au laboratoire]. Hydrobiologia XI(3/4):189-197, 1958 (In file)

Ref ID : 3028

Roger Pourriot; [Recherches sur la Biologie du Rotifere Eosphora najas Ehrenberg]. Hydrobiologia XVI(4):309-322, 1960 (In file)

Ref ID : 3029

Roger Pourriot; [Notes taxinomiques sur quelques Rotiferes planctoniques]. Hydrobiologia XXVI(3/4):579-604, 1965 (In file)

Ref ID : 3030

Rolf Arnemo, Bruno Berzins, Barbro Gronberg, and Inger Mellgren; The dispersal in Swedish waters of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet) (Rotatoria). OIKOS 19(2):351-358, 1968

Ref ID : 3031

Bruno Berzins; [Taxonomie und Verbreitung von Keratella valga und verwandten Formen]. ARKIV FOR ZOOLOGI 8(7):549-559, 1955 (In file)

Ref ID : 3032

Pierre Clement and Roger Pourriot; [Photoperiodisme et cycle heterogonique chez certains Rotiferes Monogonontes. I. - Observations preliminaires chez Notommata copeus]. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale & Generale (Arch.Zool.exp.gen.) 113:41-50, 1972

Ref ID : 3033

Roger Pourriot and Pierre Clement; [Photoperiodisme et cycle heterogonique chez Notommata copeus (Rotifere Monogononte)]. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale & Generale (Arch.Zool.exp.gen.) 114:277-300, 1973

Ref ID : 3034

Roger Pourriot and Claude Rougier; [Influences Conjuguees du Groupement et de la Qualite de la Nourriture sur la Reproduction de Brachionus plicatilis O.F. Muller (Rotifere)] (Interactions of the grouping and the food quality on the reproduction of the Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis O.F. Muller). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 29(2):242-264, 1979

Ref ID : 3035

Roger Pourriot, Claude Rougier, and Daniellae Benest; [Role de la Lumiere et de la Temperature dans l'eclosion des oeufs de duree de Brachionus rubens Ehr. (Rotifere)]. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 31(4):637-649, 1981

Ref ID : 3036

Bruno Berzins; Taxonomic Notes on Some Swedish Rotatoria. J.Quekett Microscopical Club III(1):25-36, 1949 (In file)

Ref ID : 3037

Roger Pourriot; [Rotiferes des Antilles]. Cah.ORSTOM,ser.Hydrobiol. IX(2):81-90, 1975

Ref ID : 3038

Roger Pourriot; [Prospection Hydrobiologique du lac de lere et des Mares Avoisinantes II. - Rotiferes]. Cah.ORSTOM,ser.Hydrobiol. V(2):171-174, 1971 (In file)

Ref ID : 3039

Bruno Berzins; [Rotatorien aus Franzosisch-Westafrika]. Bulletin de l'I.F.A.N. XXI(3):921-933, 1959 (In file)

Ref ID : 3040

Roger Pourriot; [Rotiferes du lac Tchad]. Bulletin de l'I.F.A.N. XXX(2):471-496, 1968 (In file)

Ref ID : 3041

Varga Lajos; [Jegkorszaki Reliktum a Balaton vizi Faunajaban] (A Relict of the Ice Age in the Water Fauna of Lake Balaton). Annal.Biol.Tihany XXII:227-234, 1954

Ref ID : 3042

Varga Lajos; [Philodinavus paradoxus Murray (Rotatoria) a Balaton Kornyekerol] (Philodinavus paradoxus Murray (Rotatoria) from the neighborhood of Lake Balaton). Annal.Biol.Tihany XX:211-215, 1951

Ref ID : 3043

Roger Pourriot; [Quelques Trichocerca (Rotiferes) et leurs regimes Alimentaires] (Observations on some Trichocerca species and their food preferences). Ann.Hydrobiol. 1(2):155-171, 1970

Ref ID : 3044

Janos Megyeri; [Hydrofaunistische Untersuchungen der Sumpfe des Waldes zu Zsombo]. A Mora Ferenc Muzeum Evkonyve 1:257-268, 1969 (In file)

Ref ID : 3045

Fritz Nipkow; [Die Gattung Polyarthra Ehrenberg im Plankton des Zurichsees und einiger anderer Schweizer Seen]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Hydrologie XIV(1):135-181, 1952 (In file)

Ref ID : 3046

Fritz Nipkow; [Die Radertiere im Plankton des Zurichsees und ihre Entwicklungsphasen]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Hydrologie XXIII(2):398-461, 1961 (In file)

Ref ID : 3047

Fritz Nipkow; [Beobachtungen bei der Entwicklung des Dauereies von Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Hydrologie XX:186-194, 1958 (In file)

Ref ID : 3048

James R. Litton, Jr. and John J. Gilbert; Assimilation and Retention of Tocopherol and Chlorophylls in the Rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus and Asplanchna sieboldi. Experientia 32:1530-1532, 1976

Ref ID : 3049

John J. Gilbert; Induction and Ecological Significance of Gigantism in the Rotifer Asplanchna sieboldi. Science 181:63-66, 1973

Ref ID : 3050

H.C. Arora; On a Small Collection of Illoricate Rotifera from Nagpur, India, with Notes on their Bionomics. J.Zool.Soc.India 14(1):33-44, 1962 (In file)

Ref ID : 3051

H.S. Vasisht and B.K. Sharma; Seasonal abundance of Rotifer Population in a Fresh-water pond in Ambala City (Haryana), India. J.Zool.Soc.India 28(1/2):35-44, 1976

Ref ID : 3052

B.K. Sharma; New Records of Eurotatoria from Assam State, India. Bangladesh J.Zool. 8(1):73-74, 1980 (In file)

Ref ID : 3053

Brit Godske Bjorklund; Taxonomic and Ecological Studies of Species of Notholca (Rotatoria) found in sea- and brackish water, with Description of a new Species. SARSIA 51:25-66, 1972

Ref ID : 3054

Yamamoto Kokichi; On Six New Rotatoria from Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 24(3):157-162, 1951 (In file)

Ref ID : 3055

Yamamoto Kokichi; Rotatorian Fauna of Ozegahara, with Description of two new Species. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 26(1):14-19, 1953 (In file)

Ref ID : 3056

Umezawa Shun-ichi and Matsuoka Kiyoshi; Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Survival of the Rotifer, Philodina roseola. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 42(2):49-55, 1969

Ref ID : 3057

Sudzuki Minoru; Marine Interstitial Testacea from Plau Pinang, Malaysia. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 52(1):50-53, 1979

Ref ID : 3058

Yamamoto Kokichi; [Rotifer Fauna of Japanese Inland waters (5)]. Jap.J.Limnol. 15:42-50, 1950 (In file)

Ref ID : 3059

Yamamoto Kokichi; [Rotifer Fauna of Japanese Inland Waters (6)]. Jap.J.Limnol. 15:81-87, 1951

Ref ID : 3060

Yamamoto Kokichi; [Rotifer Fauna of Japanese Inland Waters (10)]. Jap.J.Limnol. 18(2):48-57, 1956

Ref ID : 3061

Umezawa Shun-ichi; [Some observations on the Habit of a Bdelloid Rotifer, Philodina roseola]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 61(7):201-204, 1952

Ref ID : 3062

Yamamoto Kokichi; [Rotatoria of Sone-numa, a Lagoon of Lake Biwa, with a List of Protozoa]. Jap.J.Limnol. 17(2):112-116, 1955

Ref ID : 3063

Yamamoto Kokichi; Preliminary Studies on the Rotatorian Fauna of Korea. Pacific Science VII(2):151-164, 1953

Ref ID : 3064

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males in Some Japanese Rotifers. I.]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 64(3):126-129, 1955

Ref ID : 3065

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males in Some Japanese Rotifers. II.]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 64(3):130-136, 1955

Ref ID : 3066

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males in Some Japanese Rotifers III.]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 64(6):189-193, 1955

Ref ID : 3067

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males in Some Japanese Rotifers IV]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 65(1):1-6, 1956

Ref ID : 3068

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males of Some Japanese Rotifers V.]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 65(9):329-334, 1956

Ref ID : 3069

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males in Some Japanese Rotifers VI.]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 65(11):415-421, 1956

Ref ID : 3070

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Male in Some Japanese Rotifers VII]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 67(11):348-354, 1958

Ref ID : 3071

Sudzuki Minoru; [On the General Structure and the Seasonal Occurrence of the Males in Some Japanese Rotifers VIII]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 68(1):1-7, 1959

Ref ID : 3072

Sudzuki Minoru; [Studies on the Egg-Carring Types in Rotifera I. Genus Pompholyx]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 64(7):219-224, 1955

Ref ID : 3073

Sudzuki Minoru; [Studies on the Egg-Carrying Types in Rotifera II. Genera Brachionus & Keratella]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 66(1):11-20, 1957

Ref ID : 3074

Sudzuki Minoru; [Studies on the Egg-Carrying Types in Rotifera III. Genus Anuraeopsis]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 66(11):407-415, 1957

Ref ID : 3075

Sudzuki Minoru; [Zur Biologischen Analyse der Mikroskopischen Susswassertierwelt Geringster Wassermengen I. Die in Arophytischen Moospolstern Lebende Mikrofauna und Ihre Veranderung]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 73(6):165-174, 1964 (In file)

Ref ID : 3076

Sudzuki Minoru; [Zur Biologischen Analyse der Mikroskopischen Susswassertierwert Geringster Wassermengen II. Ein Entwurf zum Theoretishen Faunenbild auf Grund der Umwandlung der Moosfaunenzusammensetzung]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 73(9):245-250, 1964 (In file)

Ref ID : 3077

Sudzuki Minoru; [Zur Biologischen Analyse der Mikroskopischen Susswassertierwert Geringster Wassermengen III. Die in Arophytischen Grosseren Moospolstern Lebende Mikrofauna und Ihre Veranderung]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 74(5):135-148, 1965 (In file)

Ref ID : 3078

Sudzuki Minoru; [Zur Biologischen Analyse der Mikroskopischen Susswassertierwelt Gereingster Wassermengen IV. Die in Arophytischen Grossern Moospolstern Lebende Mikrofauna und Ihre Veranderung]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 74(6):181-191, 1965 (In file)

Ref ID : 3079

Sudzuki Minoru; [An Analysis of Colonization in Freshwater Microorganisms. I. Colonization at 17 Stations along the 5 Lakes of the Mt. Fuji]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 80(6):191-201, 1971

Ref ID : 3080

Sudzuki Minoru; Three Proposals for Rotifer Taxonomy and Systematics. Proc.Jap.Soc.Syst.Zool. 1:30-35, 1965 (In file)

Ref ID : 3081

Sudzuki Minoru; Some Laboratory Approaches to the Succession of the Haline Intersititial communities. Proc.Jap.Soc.Syst.Zool. 7:13-17, 1971 (In file)

Ref ID : 3082

Sudzuki Minoru; Microscopical Marine Animals scarcely known from Japan I. Micro- & Meio-Fauna around Kasado Island in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan. Proc.Jap.Soc.Syst.Zool. 12:5-12, 1976 (In file)

Ref ID : 3083

Sudzuki Minoru; The Rotifera from Singapore and Taiwan. Proc.Jap.Soc.Syst.Zool. 43:1-34, 1991

Ref ID : 3084

Sudzuki Minoru; Limnological Survey of the Lake Nojiri on the Tableland in Middle Japan II. Description of some new species of Rotifers. Bulletin of Biogeographical Society of Japan (Bull.Bio.Geo.Soc.Jap.) 22(2):19-26, 1960 (In file)

Ref ID : 3085

Sudo Ryuichi, Ohtake Hisao, Aiba Shuichi, and Mori Tadahiro; Some ecological observation on the Decomposition of periphytic Algae and Aquatic plants. Water Research 12:179-184, 1978

Ref ID : 3086

R. Chengalath and C.H. Fernando; The Planktonic Rotifera of Ontario with Records of Distribution and Notes on Some Morphological Variation. Canadian Field-Naturalist 87:267-277, 1973

Ref ID : 3087

G.M. Neal; Application for the Stabilisation of the Name for the genus of the Class Rotifera formerly known as "Pedalion" Hudson, 1871, or "Pedalia" Barrois, 1878, including a request for the use of the plenary powers to vary the type species of the genus "Hexarthra" Schmarda, 1854, and to suppress the trivial name "Polyptera" Schmarda, 1854, published in combination with that generic name, and matters incidental thereto. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6(3):73-78, 1951 (In file)

Ref ID : 3088

W.T. Calaway; The Metazoa of waste treatment processes - Rotifers. WPCF 40(11):412-422, 1968

Ref ID : 3089

Kuno Thomasson; [Studien uber das sudamerikanische Susswasserplankton 2. Zur Kenntnis des sudamerikanischen Zooplanktons]. ARKIV FOR ZOOLOGI 6(10):189-194, 1953 (In file)

Ref ID : 3090

James B. Lackey; Three New Colorless Euglenophyceae from Marine Situations. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 42:190-195, 1962

Ref ID : 3091

J. Green; Altitude and seasonal polymorphism of Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera) in lakes of the Auvergne, Central France. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 16(1):55-61, 1981

Ref ID : 3092

B. Rees; Albertia vermicularis (Rotifera) parasitic in the earthworm Allolobophora caliginosa. Parasitology 50:61-65, 1960 (In file)

Ref ID : 3093

V. Brehm and F. Kiefer; [Cladoceres, Copepodes et Rotiferes du Soudan (A.O.F.)]. Bulletin de l'I.F.A.N. XX:95-99, 1958 (In file)

Ref ID : 3094

Josef Donner; [Randbiotope von Fliessgewassern als orte der Anpassung von Wasserorganismen an Bodenbedingungen, Gezeigt an Rotatorien der Donau und Nebenflusse]. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fur Okologie:231-234, 1975

Ref ID : 3095

W.T. Edmondson; Sixty years of Lake Washington: a Curriculum Vitae. Lake and Reserv.Manage. 10(2):75-84, 1994

Ref ID : 3096

Mizuno Toshihiko; Hydrobiological Studies on the Artificially Constructed Ponds ('Tame-ike' Ponds) of Japan. Jap.J.Limnol. 22:67-192, 1961 (In file)

Ref ID : 3097

Yamamoto Kokichi; [Rotatoria and Protozoa - Rhizopoda of "Sokonashi-ike" of the Tokara Islands]. Jap.J.Limnol. 17(2):53-54, 1955

Ref ID : 3098

Okada Yaichiro and Uyemura Mitsuo; [Studies on the Thermophilous Animals in the Hot Springs of Japan. XXVI. The Thermophilous Fauna of certain Hot Springs in Ibusuki Distinct, Kagosima-ken]. Jap.J.Limnol. 9(2):90-97, 1939

Ref ID : 3099

Okada Yaichiro and Uyemura Mitsuo; [Biological Studies of the Thermal Waters of Japan (XVII) The Fauna of "Simogamo", a Salt Spring]. Jap.J.Limnol. 8(3/4):483-488, 1938