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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3043

Roger Pourriot; [Quelques Trichocerca (Rotiferes) et leurs regimes Alimentaires] (Observations on some Trichocerca species and their food preferences). Ann.Hydrobiol. 1(2):155-171, 1970


In File


The food preferences of seven Trichocerca species from periphyton are studied in laboratory experiments and observations in situ. Six of these species (T. elongata, T. harveyensis, T. weberi, T. insignis, T. longiseta and T. rattus) feed on filamentous algae and one sucks out the content of Desmids belonging to the genus Closterium. The food ranges and the suitability of the algal species vary with the T. species. The rates of population increase are established for four species (the last cited). The description of unknown resting eggs is given and remarks on planctonic T. species are added. The ecological implication of food preferences is discussed.