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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3042

Varga Lajos; [Philodinavus paradoxus Murray (Rotatoria) a Balaton Kornyekerol] (Philodinavus paradoxus Murray (Rotatoria) from the neighborhood of Lake Balaton). Annal.Biol.Tihany XX:211-215, 1951


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The author found Philodinavus paradoxus Murray, a new Rotatoria, in the Pecsely brook at Orvenyes, on stones in the basin of the very rapidly flowing water under the mill, living on tangles of Bangia atropurpurea (Rhodophyceae); and, again in a rapid water course, of a branch of the Pecsely brook, Vaszoly brook, in the canal of the "Romantikus" mill, living among tiny water mosses. Though the specimens found here differ from the typical in body, formation of jaws and toes, and in the slight longitudinal furrows on the body, the author nevertheless considers it to be only an ecotype of the species. Some limnological and ecological data were also given.