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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Anchitestudinella Berzins, 1973 (ref. ID; 3019 original paper)

ref. ID; 3019

The body is a little flattened dorsoventrally, but in the crossection it looks like a Pompholyx, as there is an enlargement on each side (dorsally and ventrally), which is sufficiently stable. The inner organisation is more like that of Testudinella, but differs in the lack of lorica. The body is covered with a soft, somewhat flexible integument with a network. The mastax is very strong and of Hexarthra-type, with 12 teeth. The intestines have 2 large glands on the stomach. The system of nephrydion is very well formed; The net of ganglions is very easy to discover. I observed no lateral setae, and the inner organisation indicated nothing about the existence of such an organ of sense. The foot is striated, with a tassel of cilia at the end. All Testudinella species have a more or less stiffened lorica. I therefore place the animals from Cambodia covered with soft integument and very large corona in a separate genus, with a new species Anchitestudinella mekongensis. (ref. ID; 3019)
  1. Anchitestudinella mekongensis Berzins, 1973 (ref. ID; 3019 original paper)

Anchitestudinella mekongensis Berzins, 1973 (ref. ID; 3019 original paper)

Type locality

The specimens from Prek Andor, a river flowing into the Mekong, from 13/7 1950. (ref. ID; 3019)


Length 230; width 230; length incl. corona was 280 µm. (ref. ID; 3019)