National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Health and Environmental Risk Division

Research Papers

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015


日本数理生物学会ニュースレター, (80):20-25 (2016)

Development of an in vivo anti-androgenic activity detection assay using fenitrothion in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes)
Horie Y.(堀江好文), Watanabe H.(渡部春奈), Takanobu H.(高信ひとみ), Yagi A.(八木文乃), Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Taisen Iguchi, Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
Journal of applied toxicology, 37(3):339-346 (2016)

External lead contamination of womens nails by surma in Pakistan: Is the biomarker reliable?
Ikegami A., Takagi M.(高木麻衣), Fatmi Z., Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Ohtsu M., Cui X., Mise N., Mizuno A., Sahito A., Khoso A., Kayama F.
Environmental Pollution, 218:723-727 (2016)

Analysis of Temporal Changes in Terrestrial Cesium-137 Using Publicly Available Monitoring Data in Japan
Imaizumi Y.(今泉圭隆), Kuroda K.(黒田啓介), Hayashi S.(林誠二), Suzuki N.(鈴木規之)
Global Environmental Research, 20(1-2):59-66 (2016)

Nakayama S.F.(中山祥嗣)

Nrf2 as a possible determinant of the threshold for carcinogenesis
Aoki Y.(青木康展)
Thresholds of genotoxic carcinogens: From mechanisms to regulation, 155-170 (2016)

藤谷雄二, 中山智喜, 竹谷文一, 飯田健次郎
エアロゾル研究, 31:318-319 (2016)

エアロゾル研究, 31:313 (2016)

高橋克行, 山田丸, 藤谷雄二
エアロゾル研究, 31:298-305 (2016)

Saito H.(斎藤弘樹), Kinami Y.(木浪由菜), Kawahata M.(川畑未夢), Ohara I.(大原伊織), Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Gotoh H.(五東弘昭), Sakakibara K.(榊原和久)
エアロゾル研究, Earozoru Kenkyu, 31:278-286 (2016)

環境技術, 45:564-570 (2016)

Methylmercury induces the expression of TNF-α selectively in the brain of mice
Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Takahashi T., Kim M.S., Fujimura M., Ito H., Toyama T., Naganuma A., Hwang G.W.
Scientific Reports, 6(38294): (2016)

Kodama K.(児玉圭太), Horiguchi T.(堀口敏宏)
「福島第一原発事故による周辺生物への影響に関する研究会」報告書, Proceedings of the Specialists, KURRI-EKR-15:33-36 (2016)

Horiguchi T.(堀口敏宏)
「福島第一原発事故による周辺生物への影響に関する研究会」報告書, Proceedings of the Specialists, KURRI-EKR-15:21-32 (2016)

Short-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Risk of Ischemic Stroke
Matsuo R., Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Ueda K., Ago T., Nitta H.(新田裕史), Kitazono T., Kamouchi M.
Stroke, 47:3032-3034 (2016)

Lead in duplicate diet samples from an academic community
Coelho S.D., Pastorinho M.R., Itai T., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Kunisue T., Nogueira A.J.A., Tanabe S., Sousa A.C.A.
Science of The Total Environment, 573:603-607 (2016)

Combined experimental and computational approach to developing efficient photocatalysts based on Au/Pd–TiO2 nanoparticles
Mikolajczyk A., Nowaczyk G., Gajewicz A., Hirano S.(平野靖史郎), Jurga S., Zaleska-Medynska A., Puzyn T.
Environmental Science: Nano (2016)

Low-dose benzo[a]pyrene aggravates allergic airway inflammation in mice
Yanagisawa R.(柳澤利枝), Koike E.(小池英子), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Ichinose T., Takano H.
Journal of Applied Toxicology, 36:1496-1504 (2016)

Acute to chronic toxicity estimations of Daphnia magna toxicity within the QSAAR framework
Furuhama A.(古濱彩子), Hayashi T.(林岳彦), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 27(10):833-850 (2016)

前川文彦, 佐野一広
環境ホルモン学会ニュースレター, 19(2):4 (2016)

Kawai T.(河合徹)
水文・水資源学会誌, Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 29(2):130-139 (2016)

Exposure of BALB/c Mice to Diesel Engine Exhaust Origin Secondary Organic Aerosol (DE-SOA) during the Developmental Stages Impairs the Social Behavior in Adult Life of the Males
Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Chaw Kyi-Tha-Thu, Yadanar Moe, Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Shinji Tsukahara, Hirano S.(平野靖史郎)
Fronters in Neuroscience, 25(9):524-1-524-10 (2016)

Brominated flame retardants and organochlorine compounds in duplicate diet samples from a Portuguese academic community
Coelho S.D., Sousa A.C.A., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Kunisue T., Nogueira A.J.A., Tanabe S.
Chemosphere, 160:89-94 (2016)

Brominated, chlorinated and phosphate organic contaminants in house dust from Portugal
Coelho S.D., Sousa A.C.A., Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Kim J.W., Kunisue T., Nogueira A.J.A., Tanabe S.
Science of the Total Environment, 569-570:442-449 (2016)

Characterization of structure of single particles from various automobile engines under steady-state conditions
Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Saitoh K., Kondo Y.(近藤美則), Fushimi A.(伏見暁洋), Takami A.(高見昭憲), Tanabe K.(田邊潔), Kobayashi S.(小林伸治)
AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 50(10):1055-1067 (2016)

Photochemical products causing fluorescence enhancement for 6H-benzo[cd]pyren-6-oneinde-aeratedand pre-irradiated solutions
Yagishita M.(柳下真由子), Nakajima D.(中島大介), Ohshima S.
Journal of Luminescence, 179:334-339 (2016)

林岳彦, 黒木 学
岩波データサイエンス Vol.3, 28-48 (2016)

Tanaka Y., Tada M.(多田満)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1-11 (2016)

科学, 86(10):1008-1013 (2016)

Nakai K.(苅田香苗), Sakamoto M.(坂本峰至), Yoshida M.(吉田稔), Tatsuta N.(龍田希), Nakai K.(仲井邦彦), Iwai-Shimada M.(岩井美幸), Iwata T.(岩田豊人), Maeda E.(前田恵理), Yaginuma-Sakurai K.(柳沼梢), Satoh H.(佐藤洋), Murata K.(村田勝敬)
日本衛生学雑誌, Japanese journal of hygiene, 71:236-251 (2016)

Major histocompatibility complex expression in a rotenone model of Parkinson's disease in rats
Ishido M.(石堂正美), Shimaya E.(島谷詠子)
Fund. Toxicol. Sci., 3(3):101-108 (2016)

Distribution and Excretion of Arsenic Metabolites after Oral Administration of Seafood-Related Organoarsenicals in Rats
Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Hirano S.(平野靖史郎)
Metals, 6(10):231-246 (2016)

保健の科学, 58(9):580-584 (2016)

Development of an in vivo anti-androgenic activity detection assay using fenitrothion in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Horie Y.(堀江好文), Watanabe H.(渡部春奈), Takanobu H, Yagi A.(八木文乃), Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Iguchi T, Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
Journal of Applied Toxicology (2016)

Rapid ecotoxicological bioassay using delayed fluorescence in the marine cyanobacterium Cyanobium sp.(NIES-981)
Yamagishi T.(山岸隆博), Katsumata M, Yamaguchi H.(山口晴代), Shimura Y.(志村遥平), Kawachi M.(河地正伸), Koshikawa H.(越川海), Horie Y.(堀江好文), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
Ecotoxicology, 25(10):1751-1758 (2016)

市瀬孝道, 戸次加奈江, 伊藤智彦
保健の科学, 58(9):601-606 (2016)

Relationships of community and individual level social capital with activities of daily living and death by gender
Imamura H., Hamano T., Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Takeda-Imai F., Nakamura T., Takebayashi T., Nishiwaki Y.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13:860 (2016)

Glucose level determines excitatory or inhibitory effects of adiponectin on arcuate POMC neuron activity and feeding
Suyama S., Maekawa F.(前川文彦), Maejima Y., Kubota N., Kadowaki T., Yada T.
Scientific Reports, 6(30796): (2016)

Effects of Chronic Low-Dose Radiation on Human Neural Progenitor Cells.
katsura M., Cyou-Nakamine H., Zeng Q(曾勤), Zeng Y.(ZENG Yang), Nansai H.(南齋ひろ子), Amagasa S., Kanki Y., Inoue T., Kaneki K., Taguchi A., Kobayashi M., Kaji T., Kodama T., Miyagawa K., Wada Y., Akimitsu N., Sone H.(曽根秀子)
Scientific Reports, 6:20027 (2016)

Effects of Polyamidoamine Dendrimers on a 3-D Neurosphere System Using Human Neural Progenitor Cells
Zeng Y.(ZENG Yang), Kurokawa Y.(黒河佳香), Zeng Q(曾勤), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Nansai H.(南齋ひろ子), Sone H.(曽根秀子)
Toxicological Sciences, 152(1):128-144 (2016)

Effects of PAMAM dendrimers with various surface functional groups and multiple generations on cytotoxicity and neuronal differentiation using human neural progenitor cells
Zeng Y.(ZENG Yang), Kurokawa Y.(黒河佳香), Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Zeng Q(曾勤), Hirano S.(平野靖史郎), Zhang Z., Sone H.(曽根秀子)
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 41(3):351-370 (2016)

Prediction of developmental chemical toxicity based on gene networks of human embryonic stem cells
Yamane J., Aburatani S., Imanishi S., Akanuma H.(赤沼宏美), Nagano R.(永野麗子), Kato T., Sone H.(曽根秀子), Ohsako S., Fujibuchi W.
Nucleic Acids Research, 44(12):5515-5528 (2016)

Long-term arsenite exposure induces premature senescence in B cell lymphoma A20 cells
Okamura K.(岡村和幸), Nohara K.(野原恵子)
Archives of Toxicology, 90(4):793-803 (2016)

PM2.5 collected in China causes inflammatory and oxidative stress responses in macrophages through the multiple pathways
Bekki K., Ito T.(伊藤智彦), Yoshida Y., He C., Arashidani K., He M., Sun G., Zeng Y.(ZENG Yang), Sone H.(曽根秀子), Kunugita N., Ichinose T.
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 45:362-369 (2016)

Arsenic Exposure Induces Unscheduled Mitotic S Phase Entry Coupled with Cell Death in Mouse Cortical Astrocytes
Htike N.T.T., Maekawa F.(前川文彦), Soutome H., Sano K.(佐野一広), Maejima S., Aung K.H., Tokuda M., Tsukahara S.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10(297): (2016)

化学, 71(7):31-34 (2016)

ヒ素の生体作用と疾患 -ヒ素による発がんメカニズムを中心に-
Suzuki T.(鈴木武博), Takumi S.(内匠正太), Okamura K.(岡村和幸), Nohara K.(野原恵子)
日本臨牀, Nippon Rinsho, 74(7):1207-1213 (2016)

前川文彦, 矢田俊彦
Pharma Medica, 34(5):9-12 (2016)

In utero and Lactational Exposure to Acetamiprid Induces Abnormalities in Socio-Sexual and Anxiety-Related Behaviors of Male Mice
Sano K.(佐野一広), Isobe T.(磯部友彦), Yang J., Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe(Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe), Yoshikane M.(吉兼光葉), Nakayama S.(中山祥嗣), Kawashima T.(川嶋貴治), Suzuki G.(鈴木剛), Hashimoto S.(橋本俊次), Nohara K.(野原恵子), Tohyama C., Maekawa F.(前川文彦)
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10(228): (2016)

Short-term exposure to ambient particulate matter and emergency ambulance dispatch for acute illness in Japan
Tasmin S., Ueda K.(上田佳代), Stickley A., Yasumoto S., Phung V.L., Oishi M., Yasukouchi S., Uehara Y., Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Nitta H.(新田裕史)
Science of the Total Environment, 566-567:528-535 (2016)

Predicting algal growth inhibition toxicity: three-step strategy using structural and physicochemical properties
Furuhama A.(古濱彩子), Hasunuma K.(蓮沼和夫), Hayashi T.(林岳彦), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 27(5):343-362 (2016)

Exposure to air pollutants during the early weeks of pregnancy, and placenta praevia and placenta accreta in the western part of Japan
Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Morokuma S., Yamazaki S.(山崎新), Fukushima K., Kato K., Nitta H.(新田裕史)
Environment International, 92-93:464-470 (2016)

Hospital-Use Pharmaceuticals in Swiss Waters Modeled at High Spatial Resolution
Kuroda K.(黒田啓介), Itten R., Kovalova L., Ort C., Weissbrodt D.G., McArdell C.S.
Environmental Science & Technology, 50(9):4742-4751 (2016)

東京小児科医会報 別冊, 34(3):76-80 (2016)

Exposure assessment of lead from food and airborne dusts and biomonitoring in pregnant mothers, their fetus and siblings in Karachi, Pakistan and Shimotsuke, Japan
Kayama F., Fatmi Z., Ikegami A., Mizuno A., Ohtsu M, Mise N., Cui X., Ogawa M., Sakamoto T., Nakagi Y., Yoshida T., Sahito A., Naeem S., Ghias K., Zuberi H., Tariq K., Kobayashi Y.(小林弥生), Nohara K.(野原恵子)
Reviews on Environmental Health, 31(1):33-35 (2016)

衛生・公衆衛生学 社会や環境のシステムと健康との関わり, 235-254 (2016)

Cross-sectional association between exposure to particulate matter and inflammatory markers in the Japanese general population: NIPPON DATA2010
Michikawa T.(道川武紘), Okamura T., Nitta H.(新田裕史), Nishiwaki Y., Takebayashi T., Ueda K.(上田佳代), Kadota A., Fujiyoshi A., Ohkubo T., Ueshima H., Okayama A., Miura K.
Environmental Pollution, 213:460-467 (2016)

交尾行動の新しい理解-理論と実証-, 27-78 (2016)

ベース設計資料(建設工業調査会), 168:54-57 (2016)

化学物質の登録,評価,認可及び制限に関する規制(REACH 規則)
日本農薬学会誌, 41(1):113-119 (2016)

Prenatal Exposure to Arsenic Impairs Behavioral Flexibility and Cortical Structure in Mice
Aung K.H., Kyi-Tha-ThuC, Sano K.(佐野一広), Nakamura K., Tanoue A., Nohara K.(野原恵子), Kakeyama M., Tohyama C., Tsukahara S., Maekawa F.(前川文彦)
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10(137): (2016)

Furuhama A.(古濱彩子), Hasunuma K.(蓮沼和夫), Aoki Y.(青木康展)
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 27(3):245-247 (2016)

Exposure assessment and heart rate variability monitoring in workers handling titanium dioxide particles: a pilot study
Ichihara S., Li W., Omura S., Fujitani Y.(藤谷雄二), Liu Y., Wang Q., Hiraku Y., Hisanaga N., Wakai K., Ding X., Kobayashi T., Ichihara G.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2016)

Chronic toxicity of an environmentally relevant mixture of pharmaceuticals to three aquatic organisms (alga, daphnid, and fish)
Watanabe H.(渡部春奈), Tamura I.(田村生弥), Abe R.(阿部良子), Takanobu H.(高信ひとみ), Nakamura A.(中村中), Suzuki T., Hirose A., Nishimura T., Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(4):996-1006 (2016)

SBO 62 地球環境の保全に関する国際的な取組みについて説明できる. SBO 63 人が生態系の一員であることをふまえて環境問題を討議する(態度)
衛生薬学 健康と環境, 365-368 369-369 (2016)

Decline in intertidal biota after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear disaster: field observations
Horiguchi T.(堀口敏宏), Yoshii H., Mizuno S., Shiraishi H.(白石寛明)
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6(20416):1-12 (2016)

Hayashi TI.(林岳彦), Imaizumi Y.(今泉圭隆), Yokomizo H.(横溝裕行), Tatarazako N.(鑪迫典久), Suzuki N.(鈴木規之)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(1):233-240 (2016)

Brominated flame retardants, hexabromocyclododecane and tetrabromobisphenol A, affect proinflammatory protein expression in human bronchial epithelial cells via disruption of intracellular signaling
Koike E.(小池英子), Yanagisawa R.(柳澤利枝), Takano H.
Toxicology in Vitro, 32:212-219 (2016)

北口哲也, 塚原伸治, 坪井貴司, 前川文彦
みんなの生命科学 (2016)

Temporal trends for inflow of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) to Tokyo Bay, Japan, estimated by a receptor-oriented approach
Sakurai T.(櫻井健郎), Serizawa S.(芹澤滋子), Kobayashi J., Kodama K.(児玉圭太), Lee J.H., Maki H.(牧秀明), Zushi Y.(頭士泰之), Sevilla J.(SEVILLA JaniceBeltran), Imaizumi Y.(今泉圭隆), Suzuki N.(鈴木規之), Horiguchi T.(堀口敏宏), Shiraishi H.(白石寛明)
Science of the Total Environment, 539:277-285 (2016)

Association between paraben exposure and menstrual cycle in female university students in Japan
Nishihama Y., Yoshinaga J., Iida A., Konishi S., Imai H., Yoneyama M., Nakajima D.(中島大介), Shiraishi H.(白石寛明)
Reproductive Toxicology, 63:107-113 (2016)

Studies on size distribution and health risk of 37 species of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with fine particulate matter collected in the atmosphere of a suburban area of Shanghai city, China
Wang Q., Kobayashi K., Lu S., Nakajima D.(中島大介), Wang W., Zhang W., Sekiguchi K., Terasaki M.
Environmental Pollution , 214:149-160 (2016)

Mutagenic Activity of Airborne Particles in Center of Metropolitan Tokyo over the Past 20 Years
Endo O., Goto S., Nakajima D.(中島大介), Matsushita H.
Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 26(1):1-7 (2016)

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