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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Criodrilus Hoffmeister, 1845 (ref. ID; 3692)

Family Criodrilidae (ref. ID; 6033)

ref. ID; 6024

Circulatory apparatus: The vascular apparatus of Criodrilus is similar to that of Drilocrius, but the valvular apparatus is well developed and each heart is divided into about seven compartments; the latero-parietal vessels run beneath the coelotelium and are directly connected with both the dorsal and the subneural vessels; the latter runs within the coelomic space adhering tightly to the nerve cord. (ref. ID; 6024)
  1. Criodrilus bathybates Stephenson, 1917
    See; Biwadrilus bathybates (ref. ID; 7098)
  2. Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845 (ref. ID; 3692) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 6033)
  3. Criodrilus miyashitai Nagase & Nomura, 1937
    See; Biwadrilus bathybates (ref. ID; 7098)
  4. Criodrilus ochridensis Geo., 1950 (ref. ID; 6620)