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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Eutreptia Perty, 1852 (ref. ID; 4950)

Order Eutreptiales (ref. ID; 4826, 4852)

Synonym Eutreptiella da Cunha (ref. ID; 1618)

[ref. ID; 1618]
With two flagella at anterior end; pellicle distinctly striated; plastic; spindle-shaped during movement; stigma; numerous discoid chromatophores; pyrenoids absent; paramylum bodies spherical or sub-cylindrical; multiplication as in Euglena; cyst with a thick stratified wall; fresh or salt water. (ref. ID; 1618)
  1. Eutreptia lanowi Steuer (ref. ID; 4950)
  2. Eutreptia marina da Cunha (ref. ID; 1618)
  3. Eutreptia pascheri Skvortz. (ref. ID; 4950)
  4. Eutreptia pertyi (ref. ID; 4826)
  5. Eutreptia thiophila Skuja (ref. ID; 4950)
  6. Eutreptia viridis Perty (ref. ID; 1618, 3517, 4950) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 4826)
  7. Eutreptia viridis var. schizochlora Entz (ref. ID; 4950)

Eutreptia marina da Cunha (ref. ID; 1618)


Flagella unequal in length; longer one is as long as body; shorter one is one-third as long; salt water. (ref. ID; 1618)


Body 40-50 by 8-10 um. (ref. ID; 1618)

Eutreptia viridis Perty (ref. ID; 1618, 3517, 4950) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 4826)


In fresh water; a variety was reported from brackish water ponds. (ref. ID; 1618)


50-70 by 5-13 um. (ref. ID; 1618)