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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Diplopsalis Bergh (ref. ID; 3490)

[ref. ID; 3490]
The cell is top-shaped and similar to Peridinium in number and arrangement of plates of the cell wall and in presence of an apical pore, but is only different from the latter in having a nearly straight girdle and characteristic sulcus which is not extended to the epicone and has a distinct fine on the left side. (ref. ID; 3490)
  1. Diplopsalis acuta Entz (ref. ID; 3490)

Diplopsalis acuta Entz (ref. ID; 3490)


The species is more or less greater in breadth than in length, being 30-37 um long and 35-48 um broad, and is pointed at the anterior end, while rounded in the posterior one. The wall has seven precingular, four apical and two anterior intercalary plates in the epicone and five postcingular and a single antapical plate in the hypocone. (ref. ID; 3490)