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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Paradexiotricha Groliere, 1975 (ref. ID; 2014)

Class Oligohymenophora: Subclass Hymenostomata: Order Scuticociliatida (ref. ID; 2014)

[ref. ID; 2014]
Small (about 40 um long) elongate ovoid ciliate that is circular in cross-section. The peristome begins sub-apically and extends about a third down the body length. The undulating membrane curves around much of the peristome's right side with an extra short membranelle situated just above it as in Dexiotricha and Loxocephalus. The 3 membranelles lie in the anterior half of the peristome, membranelles M1 and M2 are hooked while M3 is straight. Somatic ciliation in 13 or 14 kineties, with kinetosomes well spaced. Never with transverse ciliary bands near the oral aperture as there are in Dexiotricha and Loxocephalus. Caudal cilia absent. Kineties meet at an apical ring so that apex is unciliated. There are two post-oral kineties, one of which is short and does not reach the terminal pole. Contractile vacuole close to the macronucleus, there is an ampulla-like canal which may be seen in silver-impregnated specimens. Macronucleus spherical located in posterior body third with recessed adjacent micronucleus. Single species, described from acidic waters in central France.
Quote; Colin R. Curds, Michael A. Gates and David McL. Roberts "British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part II Ciliophora: Oligohymenophora and Polyhymenophora" Cambridge University Press, 1983 (ref. ID; 2014)