Latest Update:2024/08/31 11:05:27


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Social Systems Division(Environmental Policy Section)/Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Wealth accounting; Discounting; National accounting; Natural capital accounting
Doctor of Economics
Professional Qualification(s)
Environmental Speciality Field
wealth accounting,discounting,natural capital accounting
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26828 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26855 : Establishing a Regime Inclusive of Future Generations in a Sustainable Society
    • 26862 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26870 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26872 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 27045 : Development of New Approaches to Environmental Economics and Evaluation
    • 27049 : Shadow price change and sustainability in wealth accounting
    • 27051 : Fairness preferences and subjective beliefs toward future generations: Theoretical and empirical studies
    • 27052 : Subjective well-being and sustainable consumption
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26419 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 26440 : Establishing a Regime Inclusive of Future Generations in a Sustainable Society
    • 26452 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26457 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26458 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26562 : Shadow price change and sustainability in wealth accounting
    • 26563 : Development of New Approaches to Environmental Economics and Evaluation
    • 26738 : Big data analysis on wildlife trade and policy evaluation
    • 26777 : Fairness preferences and subjective beliefs toward future generations: Theoretical and empirical studies
    • 26778 : Subjective well-being and sustainable consumption
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25983 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25987 : Establishing a Regime Inclusive of Future Generations in a Sustainable Society
    • 26016 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26017 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26018 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26096 : Development of New Approaches to Environmental Economics and Evaluation
    • 26097 : Shadow price change and sustainability in wealth accounting
    • 26368 : Big data analysis on wildlife trade and policy evaluation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25516 : Integrative research toward balancing conservation and use of biodiversity and behavior change
    • 25534 : Establishing a Regime Inclusive of Future Generations in a Sustainable Society
    • 25649 : Macroeconomic foundation of inclusive wealth: theory and evidence on its relationships with production, consumption, and discounting
    • 25708 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 25709 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 25710 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 25834 : Development of New Approaches to Environmental Economics and Evaluation
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25100 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 25130 : Research on Roadmap Development Toward Low Carbon Society in the World
    • 25151 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 25202 : Development of new Approaches to Environmental Economics and Evaluation
    • 25416 : Macroeconomic foundation of inclusive wealth: theory and evidence on its relationships with production, consumption, and discounting
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24697 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24710 : Research on Roadmap Development Toward Low Carbon Society in the World
    • 24731 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 24957 : Development of new Approaches to Environmental Economics and Evaluation
    • 25088 : Macroeconomic foundation of inclusive wealth: theory and evidence on its relationships with production, consumption, and discounting
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24293 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 24313 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 24356 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24375 : Development of new approaches to environmental economics and evaluation
    • 24606 : Intragenerational income distribution, spatial heterogeneity, and time and space discounting
    • 24607 : Sustainability analysis in an economy with decreasing population and exogenous shocks
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Review
  • Book
  • Social Cost-benefit Analysis of Decontamination After the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. National and Subnational Sustainability: A Case Study of Japan
    Presenter : Okubo K., Yamaguchi R., Managi S.
    Title : , Wealth, Inclusive Growth and Sustainability (2019)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation