Latest Update:2024/05/24 09:29:00


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Social Systems Division(Regional Planning Section)/Chief Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Legal analysis on international environmental regime
Doctor of Juristic Science
Professional Qualification(s)
Law,Policy Studies,Policy Administration
Environmental Speciality Field
climate change
Mar. 1998: Graduated, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Mar. 2000: LL.M., Graduate School of Law, Gakushuin University
Apr. 2002: Joined, Social and Environmental Systems Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan
Mar. 2004: J.S.D., Graduate School of Law, Gakushuin University
Jul. 2008: Senior Researcher, Social and Environmental Systems Division, NIES
Sep. 2009: Visiting Researcher, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, USA
Membership of Academic Society
Japan Association for Environmental Law and Policy,Japanese Society of International Law,American Society of International Law,Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS),Society of Environmetal Science
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26839 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26855 : Establishing a Regime Inclusive of Future Generations in a Sustainable Society
    • 26862 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26870 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26872 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26427 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26440 : Establishing a Regime Inclusive of Future Generations in a Sustainable Society
    • 26452 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26457 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26458 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25991 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26016 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26017 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26018 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25524 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 25708 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 25709 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 25710 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25100 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 25130 : Research on Roadmap Development Toward Low Carbon Society in the World
    • 25151 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24697 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24710 : Research on Roadmap Development Toward Low Carbon Society in the World
    • 24731 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 24786 : Research on effectiveness of international framework for implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation policy
    • 25067 : Research on development of an integrated assessment model incorporating global-scale climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24293 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 24313 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 24356 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24596 : Research on Development of an Integrated Assessment Model incorporating Global-scale Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
    • 24611 : Research on effectiveness of international framework for implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation policy
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23814 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 23835 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 23846 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23912 : Development of indicators aimed at assessing countries
    • 24068 : Research on effectiveness of international framework for implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation policy
    • 24155 : Research on Development of an Integrated Assessment Model incorporating Global-scale Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23401 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 23423 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23426 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 23512 : Research on Development of an Integrated Assessment Model incorporating Global-scale Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
    • 23536 : Development of indicators aimed at assessing countries
    • 23723 : Meta-analysis on potential costs of adaptations and socio-economic scenarios, and their quantitative assessment using integrated assessment model
    • 23784 : Study on relationship among inter-and intra-generational equity, risk trade off and four kinds of capital
    • 23785 : Analysis of Institutional Settings and Consensus Building Processes of Biodiversity Offsets
    • 23786 : Research on effectiveness of international framework for implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation policy
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22993 : Study on global risks related to climate change
    • 22994 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 23019 : Sustainable Society and Policy
    • 23020 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 23040 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23043 : Multi Stakeholder Participation Approach for Community Renovation
    • 23052 : Development of indicators aimed at assessing countries' climate change mitigation policies
    • 23136 : Analysis of Institutional Settings and Consensus Building Processes of Biodiversity Offsets
    • 23137 : Study on relationship among inter-and intra-generational equity, risk trade off and four kinds of capital
    • 23138 : Study on the effectiveness of environmental policy and its design
    • 23139 : Research on effectiveness of international framework for implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation policy
    • 23155 : Meta-analysis on potential costs of adaptations and socio-economic scenarios, and their quantitative assessment using integrated assessment model
    • 23254 : Research on Development of an Integrated Assessment Model incorporating Global-scale Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22581 : Study on global risks related to climate change
    • 22582 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 22607 : Sustainable Society and Policy
    • 22608 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 22652 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 22655 : Multi Stakeholder Participation Approach for Community Renovation
    • 22687 : Meta-analysis on potential costs of adaptations and socio-economic scenarios, and their quantitative assessment using integrated assessment model
    • 22746 : Study on an agreeable and effective international institution concerning climate change for years after 2020
    • 22784 : Study on the effectiveness of environmental policy and its design
    • 22897 : Analysis of Institutional Settings and Consensus Building Processes of Biodiversity Offsets
    • 22898 : Study on criteria to evaluate vulnerability and adaptation effects in Asia and the Pacific Region
    • 22899 : Gaps in the Implementation of the Ramsar Convention for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Wetlands at National and Local Level
    • 22972 : Study on relationship among inter-and intra-generational equity, risk trade off and four kinds of capital
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22165 : Study on global risks related to climate change
    • 22166 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 22192 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 22213 : Research for Innovative Recovery for the Regional Environment after the Disaster
    • 22233 : Study on policies to reduce fluorinated gas emissions at the international level
    • 22283 : Study on the effectiveness of environmental policy and its design
    • 22285 : Study on options for mid-long-term institutions towards low-carbon society in Asia
    • 22287 : Study on an agreeable and effective international institution concerning climate change for years after 2020
    • 22301 : Study on criteria to evaluate vulnerability and adaptation effects in Asia and the Pacific Region
    • 22457 : Meta-analysis on potential costs of adaptations and socio-economic scenarios, and their quantitative assessment using integrated assessment model
    • 22566 : Gaps in the Implementation of the Ramsar Convention for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Wetlands at National and Local Level
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21736 : Study on global risks related to climate change
    • 21737 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 21763 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 21927 : Study on options for mid-long-term institutions towards low-carbon society in Asia
    • 21929 : Study on policies to reduce fluorinated gas emissions at the international level
    • 21931 : Study on an Agreeable and Effective International Institution concerning Climate Change for Years After 2020
    • 21972 : Study on the effectiveness of environmental policy and its design
    • 22050 : Meta-analysis on potential costs of adaptations and socio-economic scenarios, and their quantitative assessment using integrated assessment model
    • 22063 : Study on criteria to evaluate vulnerability and adaptation effects in Asia and the Pacific Region
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21293 : Study on global risks related to climate change
    • 21294 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 21321 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 21343 : Study on Decision-Making Process in Major Countries concerning International Negotiation on Climate Change
    • 21345 : Study on options for mid-long-term institutions towards low-carbon society in Asia
    • 21347 : Study on policies to reduce fluorinated gas emissions at the international level
    • 21437 : Concept arrangement of risk approach for climate change problem
    • 21452 : Development of water demand and trade models for a global water resources model and their application to long term scenario analyses
    • 21465 : Study on the effectiveness of environmental policy and its design
    • 21491 : Study on criteria to evaluate vulnerability and adaptation effects in Asia and the Pacific Region
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 21065 : Study on Decision-Making Process in Major Countries concerning International Negotiation on Climate Change
    • 21068 : Study on options for mid-long-term institutions towards low-carbon society in Asia
    • 21069 : Study on criteria to evaluate vulnerability and adaptation effects in Asia and the Pacific Region
    • 21124 : Development of water demand and trade models for a global water resources model and their application to long term scenario analyses
    • 21234 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20480 : Study on Decision-Making Process in Major Countries concerning International Negotiation on Climate Change
    • 20550 : Comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts to determine the dangerous level of global warming and to determine appropriate stabilization target of atmospheric GHG concentration
    • 20597 : Development of water demand and trade models for a global water resources model and their application to long term scenario analyses
    • 20724 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
    • 20763 : Study on options for mid-long-term institutions towards low-carbon society in Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20049 : Study on International Agreement on Responses to Climate Change
    • 20123 : Comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts to determine the dangerous level of global warming and to determine appropriate stabilization target of atmospheric GHG concentration
    • 20207 : Development of mid- and long-term scenarios for sustainable society
    • 20233 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
    • 20391 : Study on Operationalizing the Precautionary Principle in Multilateral Environmental Regimes
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10428 : Comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts to determine the dangerous level of global warming and to determine appropriate stabilization target of atmospheric GHG concentration
    • 10526 : Development of mid- and long-term scenarios for sustainable society
    • 10530 : Study on International Agreement on Responses to Climate Change
    • 10577 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10043 : Study on International Law-Making Process concerning Global Environmental Problem
    • 10057 : Study on Criteria for Multi-Dimension Evaluation of Climate Policies
    • 10062 : Study on legal principles governing mid-long term regime on climate change
    • 10148 : Comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts to determine the dangerous level of global warming and to determine appropriate stabilization target of atmospheric GHG concentration
    • 10267 : Development of mid- and long-term scenarios for sustainable society
    • 10269 : Study on International Agreement on Responses to Climate Change
    • 10310 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2005
    • 9449 : Study on international agreements on climate change policy beyond the year 2013
    • 9518 : Study on International Law-Making Process concerning Global Environmental Problem
    • 9526 : Study on Criteria for Multi-Dimension Evaluation of Climate Policies
    • 9528 : Study on legal principles governing mid-long term regime on climate change
    • 9602 : Development of Applied Scenarios using Strategic Database in the Asia-Pacific Region in FY 2005
    • 9647 : Comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts to determine the dangerous level of global warming and to determine appropriate stabilization target of atmospheric GHG concentration
  • Fiscal Year: 2004
    • 9166 : Study on international agreements on climate change policy beyond the year 2013
    • 9267 : Study on International Law-Making Process concerning Global Environmental Problem
    • 9277 : Study on Criteria for Multi-Dimension Evaluation of Climate Policies
    • 9279 : Study on legal principles governing mid-long term regime on climate change
  • Fiscal Year: 2003
    • 8901 : Study on international agreements on climate change policy beyond the year 2013
  • Fiscal Year: 2002
    • 8340 : Study on international institutions concerning sustainable development
    • 8356 : Study on international institutions under the Kyoto Protocol to mitigate global warming :from policyand legislative perspectives
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Book
  • The Effectiveness of the International Emissions Trading under the Paris Agreement
    Presenter : Fujimori S., Kubota I., Dai H., Takahashi K., Hasegawa T., Liu C., Hijioka Y., Masui T., Takimi M.
    Title : , Post-2020 Climate Action: Global and Asian Perspective (2017)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture