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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Panagrellus redivivus

This species is ovoviviparous. Under standard conditions (Hechler 1970) embryogenesis takes ~20 hr, producing a first-stage juvenile (L1) within the egg shell. The L1 undergoes a molt giving rise to a second-stage juvenile (L2), which emerges from the egg shell and is actively expelled by the female from the oviduct via the vulva. Under adverse environmental conditions, such as high population densities, low nutrient levels, or the presence of some toxicants, the L2 animals are not expelled, but remain in the oviduct where they devour the interal tissue of the female, including eggs. These L2 animals may go through several developmental stages during this process of endotokia matricida before emerging through the cuticle of dead female and entering the environment. Normally, however, the L2 is the first free-swimming stage, readily isolated from mass cultures. L2 animals held in a salt solution will not grow or develop. In the presence nutrients, the L2 grows and molts to the third juvenile stage (L3). The L3 grows and molts to the fourth juvenile stage (L4), which under appropriate conditions, grows and molts to the adult stage. The molts require bursts of RNA and protein biosynthesis (Boroditsky and Samoiloff 1973). The major criterion for determination of stage is length. The L2 to L3 molt occurs at a length of ~350 um, which represents the upper limit for the length of the L2 stage. The L3 to L4 and L4 to adult molts occur at ~550 and 850 um, respectively. Adults may reach lengths of 1800 um. During postembryonic development the number of somatic nuclei remains nearly constant, with ~500 somatic cells in the organism (Sim and Pasternak 1970). The duration of postembyonic development, from L2 to adult, varies with culture conditions. (ref. ID; 868)

[ref. ID; 868]

Test systems

Developmental assay and mutagenesis assay


The standard "wild-type" strain C-15 obtained by two rounds of 15 generations of sib-sib matings. The synchronous L2 animlas using which, 150-300 gravid females are transferred to M9 buffer, and the L2 progeny harvested after 14-16 hr.


28 known mutagens, putative carcinogens, and heavy metal compounds. Concentration (mol/L) 10E-3 ~ 10E-8.

Test design


[ref. ID; 6957]

Test system

Inhibition of estradiol binding


Axenically. Culture liquid medium containing 3 g yeast extract, 4 g soy peptone, 10 ml HLE (heat liver extract), and 90 ml distilled water.


Dieldrin, Nonylphenol, Toxaphene, Dieldrin+Nonylphenol, Dieldrin+Toxaphene, Nonylphenol+Toxaphene

Test design

Radioimmunoassay [125]I-17beta-estradiol. P. redivivus were cultured in 2 ml HLE along with the chemical doses for 3-7 days in 20-ml vials.


Male and female counts.


Gender ratios, fecundity.