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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Acetate compounds

[Ethyl acetate] CAS[141-78-6] UN1173

Chemical formula


Purpose fro use

Organic solvent.

Test organisms

Rotifera: Lecane hamata (ref. ID; 6861, 7164)
Rotifera: Lecane luna (ref. ID; 6861, 7164)
Rotifera: Lecane quadridentata (ref. ID; 6861, 7164)


Chemical formula

Action mode

The energy requirement for the process of regeneration in ciliates is mainly met by glycolytic pathways under anaerobic metabolism. (ref. ID; 7202)

Test organisms

Protozoa: Spirostomum ambiguum (ref. ID; 7202)

[Vinyl acetate] CAS[108-05-4]

= Ethenyl ethanoate, Ethenyl acetate

Chemical formula


Test organisms

Rotifera: Lecane hamata (ref. ID; 6861, 7164)
Rotifera: Lecane luna (ref. ID; 6861, 7164)
Rotifera: Lecane quadridentata (ref. ID; 6861, 7164)