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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 907

Wei De Zhang, Fan Qing Li, Xiao yun Zhang, and Ying Chen; Effects of traces of rare earth elements on the protozoan Blepherisma and on mice. Biological Trace Element Research 17:81-90, 1988


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The growth of the protozoan Blepherisma is stimulated by Lanthanum (La) at concentrations as low as 0.32 ppm. In mice Yttrium (Y) and Ytterbium (Yb) are absorbed, accumulated, and metabolized. Both rare earth elements (RE) exhibit a high affinity for teeth and bones, accumulation occurs and metabolism is slow. In the livers of RE-exposed mice, concentrations are variable. The liver is apparently capable of absorbing and discharging RE in a manner depending on metabolic activity. The main route of discharge for ingested REs is the alimentary canal. Exposure of pregnant mice to RE leads to rapid placental transfer of RE; 14.1% of the total amount of RE administered was detected in newborn mice. Young, developing organisms appear to be especially susceptible to RE accumulation.