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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 896

George William Salt; The feeding of Amoeba proteus on Paramecium aurelia. J.Protozool. 15(2):275-280, 1968


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Density of prey (Paramecium aurelia) and predator (Amoeba proteus) were varied while volume of inorganic medium was kept constant. Variations in density of prey had little effect on rates of feeding and reproduction of the amoebae; but with increasing predator density the amoebae captured the paramecia less rapidly and ingested fewer before dividing, although division size did not change appreciably. Therefore, amoebae of a low density population with a constant food supply carry more nutritional reserves from generation to generation than do those in a denser population.