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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 889

Theodor Grospietsch; [The thermal lake of Heviz (Hungary) and its fauna of Rhizopoda Testacea]. Arch.Hydrobiol. 95(1/4):93-105, 1982


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Testaceae of totally 84 species were detected in samples of the thermal lake of Heviz (Hungary) and its drainage system revealing certain differences in colonization of various biotopes. The occurrence of only few species in the surrounding of the spring funnel was mainly attributed to a deficiency in water plants caused by strong water movements. The part of the shoreline less affected by bathing activities exhibited a larger number of species; a proportion of the empty testes observed in suspension for a longer time might have been introduced of from peripheral peat layers. Species diversity was greatest in the region of the drainage ditches characterized by a dense community of water plants, though no explanation could be found for these populations being able to survive times of increased putrefaction at the end of the vegetation period.