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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 881

Fritz Schiemer; [Verteilung und systematik der freilebenden nematoden des neusiedlersees]. Hydrobiologia 58(2):167-194, 1978


In File


Systematics and distribution pattern of the free living nematodes in the benthos of Neusiedlersee outside the reed belt are described. 26 species have been found some of which demonstrate a distinct horizontal distribution pattern, correlated with the wind influence on benthic conditions in the lake. Detailed systematic account is given of the species found, especially the genera Udonchus Cobb and Monhystrella Cobb, as well as of the following species: Plectus andrassy Timm, 1971, Paraphanolaimus microstomus (Daday, 1905), Monhystera spp., Theristus flevensis Schuurmans-Stekhoven, 1935, Tripyla glomerans Bastian, 1865, Tobrilus gracilis (Bastian, 1865) and Amphidelus lemani longicaudatus n.spp.