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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 880

Harald E. Pehofer; Spatial distribution of the nematode fauna and production of three nematodes (Tobrilus gracilis, Monhystera stagnalis, Ethmolaimus pratensis) in the profundal of Piburger See (Austria, 913 m a.s.l). Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 74(2):135-168, 1989


In File


The species composition and the spatial distribution of the nematode fauna of Piburger See is discussed briefly. The study then concentrates on the three species (Tobrilus gracilis, Monhystera stagnalis, Ethmolaimus pratensis) which form the lake's profundal nematode fauna between depths of roughly 8 and 13 meters. This profundal fauna is separated by a distinct metalimnetic abundance minimum from the very diverse littoral community. In addition to taxonomic and ecological considerations, the zonation of the three species within their main habitat is described, and life cycles cohort production as well as annual production are evaluated from the field data. Total annual nematode production within the profundal habitat (8-13 m) in Piburger See amounts to 11.6 kg per hectare, 65% of which are contributed by T. gracilis, 22% by M. stagnalis and 13% by E. pratensis. For the whole area under observation (6 to 13.5 m, including the scarcely populated border zones) mean annual nematode production is 7 kg per hectare.