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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 830

Alois Herzig and Walter Koste; The development of Hexarthra spp. in a shallow alkaline lake. Hydrobiologia 186/187:129-136, 1989


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In Neusiedler See, a shallow alkaline lake with fluctuating water level and salinity, four species of Hexarthra occur: H. mira, H. fennica, H. jenkinae (occasional) and H. polyodonta. The analysis of long-term data reveals a general phenological pattern which does not change from year to year. They first occur in May, develop a maximum in June/July, sometimes a second one is August/September and disappear in October. But the species succession is different in the various years, occasionally only one species (H. mira or H. polyodonta) being present. There is a fairly consistent relation between the chemical conditions and the prevalent species; an increase in salinity favours the development of H. polyodonta. Low temperature and wind generated suspended particles have a negative influence on the development of the Hexarthra populations. Smaller populations of Hexarthra are in a relation to the occurrence of Leptodora indicating predation pressure of the latter species. In Neusiedler See the Hexarthra populations seem to be controlled to a great extent by abiotic factors, but predation by Leptodora and most probably by young fish seems to play an important role too.