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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 826

L.A. Kutikova; On the evolutionary pathways of speciation in the genus Notholca. Hydrobiologia 73:215-220, 1980


In File


An attempt is undertaken to determine criteria and limits of taxonomic rank in the genus Notholca proceeding from the standpoint of level-values of the characters evolution. Level-values of characters were established using Vavilov's principle of homologic series of hereditary variability. As a result of taxonomic revision such terms as group of species, species and subspecies are recommended. Analysis of the scheme of relations between representatives of the genus and data on their ranges a clue to relations between phylogeny and geographic distribution of the group over the vast territory of the Asian continent which may have been its centre of speciation.