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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 814

Manfred Schluter, Carl J. Soeder, and Joost Groeneweg; Growth and food conversion of Brachionus rubens in continuous culture. J.Plankton Research 9(5):761-783, 1987


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The population fluctuations and dynamics of Brachionus rubens were studied in a two-stage continuous culture system. The kinetics of the rates of filtration, ingestion and respiration were determined and modelled. Growth potential, food conversion efficiencies and ammonia excretion rates of the rotifers were examined in order to optimize the culture conditions of mass cultures. Monod kinetics and related mathematical concepts known from microbial chemostat cultures were successfully applied to the quasi-steady state of the periodically diluted rotifer cultures.