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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 794

Jurg Rieder; [Known and new findings concerning the genera Cyclophrya and Heliophrya (Protozoa, Suctoria)]. Arch.Hydrobiol/suppl. 81(1):69-101, 1988


In File


Exact diagnoses, completed in comparison to those formerly obtainable, are given for the two genera mentioned and all of their species and subspecies actually known, including two newly described. New information on "birth" and metamorphose of the swarmer in one species (Heliophrya riederi) is presented and discussed with respect to its taxonomical consequence. Indications on conjugation, alterations during hunger and on occurrence in various biotopes are added. All illustrations are new and consist of 39 microphotographs and 31 drawing by the author.