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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 791

David J. Patterson and Klaus Hausmann; Feeding by Actynophrys sol (Protista, Heliozoa) 1. Light microscopy. Microbios 31:39-55, 1981


In File


The feeding behaviour of the heliozoon Actinophrys sol was investigated using the ciliate Colpidium colpoda as food. The ciliate is caught by adhesion to the arms of the heliozoon. Within 20 min the prey is enclosed by a funnel-shaped pseudopodium which progresses over the prey by the action of its differentiated leading edge. Independent Actinophrys cells may fuse together during prey capture and the early stages of prey digestion. After prey ingestion, the ciliate is lysed and the contents of the food vacuole coagulate. Much of the fluid is removed from the food vacuole and, within 4 hr of feeding, the food vacuole has condensed around its coagulated contents. As food vacuole condensation occurs, the peripheral region of the heliozoon cell becomes vacuolated. The appearance of the cell and of the food vacuoles are egested, fused masses of cells separate as uninucleate cells and nuclear division may occur. During feeding, the extrusomes are greatly depleted. These bodies are implicated in the processes of food capture and in the production of food vacuole membrane.