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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 772

C. William Birky, Jr.; Studies on the physiology and genetics of the rotifer, Asplanchna. I. Methods and physiology. J.Exp.Zool. 155:273-292, 1959


In File


The monogonont rotifers (rotifer with a single ovary) possess a unique combination of characteristics which should make them highly satisfactory for a variety of studies in developmental genetics. They are small enough to be easily handled in large numbers, but large enough to permit the detailed study of individual animals. Development is very rapid and highly regular. Their unusual sexual cycle leads, in the parthenogenetic phase, to the production of large clones, or they may reproduce bisexually. In spite of these advantages, experimental studies on rotifer genetics and embryology have been very limited. This series of papers describes the preliminary results of a renewed attack on the problems of rotifer genetics. These studies, together with embryological work now in progress, are designed to lay the groundwork for future investigations of basic problems in developmental genetics. The first paper describes some methods which have been developed for handling, rearing and breeding several rotifers of the genus Asplanchna, as well as some data, obtained with these methods, on the physiology of the organism. The second paper of the series will deal with interstock crosses and the results of an attempt to eliminate recessive detrimental mutations by repeated selfing and selection. A third paper will describe the analysis of certain male-sterile mutants of Asplanchna.